První pohled: Labyrint - Útěk s doprovodným komiksem

vydáno 23. 4. 2015 | autor Anna Kopecká, Petr Semecký | sekce Novinky, Extra HD | téma Filmy, Z domova | 10881 komentářů

Tagy: Blu-ray, film, komiks, Labyrint: Útěk, The Maze Runner

Studio 20th Century Fox se v poslední době snaží zaplavovat tuzemský trh řádným kotlem speciálních edic snad ke každému většímu titulu. Stačí si vzpomenout na jeho asi největší současnou frančízu X-Men, která dostala kolekci, verzi s komiksem a nyní se chystají dokonce i steelbooky starších filmů.

Maze Runner aka Labyrint: Útěk je v tomto směru ještě celkem skromný, neboť jsme se prozatím dočkali jen amaray balení a steelbooku. Od dubna k nim však přibude i „limitovaná edice s komiksem“. Že to zní honosně? Ano. Praxe je ale mnohem obyčejnější.

The Maze Runner

Pokud jste měli v rukách komiksovou edici posledních X-Menů, můžete si udělat dobrou představu o tom, co vás čeká v případě Labyrintu. Jen s tím rozdílem, že booklet v podobě komiksu je v tomto případě opravdu výrazně tenčí a nenabízí v podstatě nic zásadního. Uvnitř drobného sešítku naleznete dva krátké příběhy. Jeden se zabývá postavou Albyho, který se snaží postarat o svého nakažené přítele. Druhý pak vypráví o jednom z běžců (jméno už jsem zapomněl, pardon), který vám ve zkratce popisuje svoje vnitřní pocity ze svého nelehkého údělu.

Za scénáři k oběma příběhům stojí mimo jiné sám režisér filmu Wes Ball. Je však nadmíru jasné, že se jedná spíše o „companion k filmu“, než o nějakou větší nástavbu příběhu. Pokud jste si prozatím žádnou edici Labyrintu: Útěk nepořídili, jedná se o vcelku zajímavou alternativu k obyčejnému amarayi (ten ke komiksu dostanete mimochodem taky). Pakliže jste však šli do jedné z předchozích edic, nevidím důvod, proč byste měli investovat znovu.

The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner Blu-ray ediciLabyrint: Útěk poskytl distributor Bontonfilm, kterému tímto velmi děkujeme! Edici můžete zakoupit v obchodě

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irgendwann gehts nicht mehr ums geld, sondern um den status den man repräsentieren will. die leute wollen zeigen, dass sie sich sowas leisten können, egal was für eine qualität das produkt in wirklichkeit hat.


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Heey leiverd,Het zit je niet mee, wat een pech heb je meid!Je boekje en slinger zijn te tof voor woorden…die sokjesslinger is werkelijk beeldschoon!Ja en dat boekje is een kunstwerkjes…prachtig.Liefs,Marijke van de popjes…


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Heey leiverd,Het zit je niet mee, wat een pech heb je meid!Je boekje en slinger zijn te tof voor woorden…die sokjesslinger is werkelijk beeldschoon!Ja en dat boekje is een kunstwerkjes…prachtig.Liefs,Marijke van de popjes…


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Invejo a tua experiência Samuel, conheceste grandes seres humanos.Eu tenho este pequeno sonho (pequeno porque me é difÃcil realizá-lo) de fazer um concerto de homenagem ao Alà Primera aqui no Porto, onde vivo.Vou ver se convenço os meus companheiros e amigos da Associação José Afonso (como eu não sei tocar guitarra é difÃcil).Conhecer Alà Primera para mim, é como conhecer o seu Povo, o Grande Povo Venezuelano.


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Invejo a tua experiência Samuel, conheceste grandes seres humanos.Eu tenho este pequeno sonho (pequeno porque me é difÃcil realizá-lo) de fazer um concerto de homenagem ao Alà Primera aqui no Porto, onde vivo.Vou ver se convenço os meus companheiros e amigos da Associação José Afonso (como eu não sei tocar guitarra é difÃcil).Conhecer Alà Primera para mim, é como conhecer o seu Povo, o Grande Povo Venezuelano.


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well this is new. I love all the Guu restaurants as well so good to know that there’s another one in town to try out. that kabocha korokke is one of my favourite things to order, but sometimes it’s sold out. and the kimchi udon is another one of my favourites and must-orders! great post teresa :)


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well this is new. I love all the Guu restaurants as well so good to know that there’s another one in town to try out. that kabocha korokke is one of my favourite things to order, but sometimes it’s sold out. and the kimchi udon is another one of my favourites and must-orders! great post teresa :)


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Pour mon cas , j’ai acheté 2 blocs et j’ai demandé une facture détaillé à la personne qui travail au Muséé de La PosteC’est rien, mais 4 euros que je vais défalquer de mes revenus, question de voir la réaction du fiscLa Poste ne vas quand même pas gruger le peuple???????????


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Pour mon cas , j’ai acheté 2 blocs et j’ai demandé une facture détaillé à la personne qui travail au Muséé de La PosteC’est rien, mais 4 euros que je vais défalquer de mes revenus, question de voir la réaction du fiscLa Poste ne vas quand même pas gruger le peuple???????????


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I managed to find my copy from high school and it was funny seeing what I had marked back then.I don't remember the humor from my first reading either. It struck me now as a similar vein to the humor Wilde used.


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I managed to find my copy from high school and it was funny seeing what I had marked back then.I don't remember the humor from my first reading either. It struck me now as a similar vein to the humor Wilde used.


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Erotica I guess this week I am feeling a bit submissive. My last post featured stunning Jamie French handcuffed to a bed and fucked by a big black dick. Today, I’ve got this sissy for you, bound to a bed, and


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Erotica I guess this week I am feeling a bit submissive. My last post featured stunning Jamie French handcuffed to a bed and fucked by a big black dick. Today, I’ve got this sissy for you, bound to a bed, and


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salam wbt tuan.. bleh tak tuan terangkan cara nak letak bunga-bunga khat mengikut kesesuaian atau mengikut kaedah yang betul? Contohnya ada tak bunga khat tu khas untuk bhg bawah je atau ada bunga tu khas untuk yang bhg atas shaja… Syukran jazilan


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salam wbt tuan.. bleh tak tuan terangkan cara nak letak bunga-bunga khat mengikut kesesuaian atau mengikut kaedah yang betul? Contohnya ada tak bunga khat tu khas untuk bhg bawah je atau ada bunga tu khas untuk yang bhg atas shaja… Syukran jazilan


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J'avais un peu laissé tombé Missy avec son dernier album (franchement pas accroché). Mais ces deux morceaux sont carrément énormes, tout comme la BO de STEP UP 2. Bon le film est pas top mais la BO est une des meilleurs du genre sortis ces derniers temps !Pour info, la vidéo de CHING A LING est également dispo en 3D à regarder avec des lunettes spéciales !


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J'avais un peu laissé tombé Missy avec son dernier album (franchement pas accroché). Mais ces deux morceaux sont carrément énormes, tout comme la BO de STEP UP 2. Bon le film est pas top mais la BO est une des meilleurs du genre sortis ces derniers temps !Pour info, la vidéo de CHING A LING est également dispo en 3D à regarder avec des lunettes spéciales !


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Skjønner godt at du er fonøyd med SFO, ja  – det høres jo supert ut! Det er nok ymse kvalitet pÃ¥ SFO-er rundt omkring. Akkurat nÃ¥ har jeg ingen pÃ¥ SFO, og det er helt greit…


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Skjønner godt at du er fonøyd med SFO, ja  – det høres jo supert ut! Det er nok ymse kvalitet pÃ¥ SFO-er rundt omkring. Akkurat nÃ¥ har jeg ingen pÃ¥ SFO, og det er helt greit…


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Madame Balmeyer, Bienvenue ! Je suis désolée pour vous, n'hésitez pas à partager vos problèmes avec nous…B.,Chut…Romy, Je t'en prie :) Merci pour ta visite !


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Madame Balmeyer, Bienvenue ! Je suis désolée pour vous, n'hésitez pas à partager vos problèmes avec nous…B.,Chut…Romy, Je t'en prie :) Merci pour ta visite !


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I saw your imaginary vlog in my head! it was great. and I WISH i'd seen this BEFORE instagram, but whatever. CONGRATS!!!!! You guys will be fantastic parents! Can't wait for May!


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I saw your imaginary vlog in my head! it was great. and I WISH i'd seen this BEFORE instagram, but whatever. CONGRATS!!!!! You guys will be fantastic parents! Can't wait for May!


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When I originally commented I clicked the -Notify me when new surveys are added- checkbox and today if a comment is added I’m four emails with the exact same comment. Is there any way you are able to eliminate me from that service? Thanks!


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When I originally commented I clicked the -Notify me when new surveys are added- checkbox and today if a comment is added I’m four emails with the exact same comment. Is there any way you are able to eliminate me from that service? Thanks!


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Ah yes, those dreaded village mini trucks. They were a menace on the roads when we visited Cheung Chau. They would barrel down the road every few minutes making things a bit hazardous if you were trying to do some photography at the same time…XD


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Ah yes, those dreaded village mini trucks. They were a menace on the roads when we visited Cheung Chau. They would barrel down the road every few minutes making things a bit hazardous if you were trying to do some photography at the same time…XD


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Lakers fans need to stop dominating the NBAtv voting I guess. I think we’ve played nationally on NBAtv every Tuesday except one this season.Also, last season I recall PJ putting Ariza on Paul and gumming up the NO offense. I think we’ll be seeing that again tonight.


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Lakers fans need to stop dominating the NBAtv voting I guess. I think we’ve played nationally on NBAtv every Tuesday except one this season.Also, last season I recall PJ putting Ariza on Paul and gumming up the NO offense. I think we’ll be seeing that again tonight.


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Dear Deb, when you do that post that Fallen Angels suggested could you please translate it into simple english for those of us who have not gone to college in the last 100 years or so? Thank you , Raine


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Dear Deb, when you do that post that Fallen Angels suggested could you please translate it into simple english for those of us who have not gone to college in the last 100 years or so? Thank you , Raine


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I dry the used Rooibos tea bags and save the dried leaves/stalks. Can I sprinkle them directly onto my azaleas and roses, etc instead of the rooibos mulch mentioned your blog?. Both are in pots.


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I dry the used Rooibos tea bags and save the dried leaves/stalks. Can I sprinkle them directly onto my azaleas and roses, etc instead of the rooibos mulch mentioned your blog?. Both are in pots.


Vložil average car insurance rates in Iowa City IA (bez ověření), 12. Červen 2018 - 18:25

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well its possible that you arent ceneoctnd to the ea servers or to the internet, usually it works, but i know what you mean about it only working sometimes but its most likely an error with the servers, so no worries about that :p


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well its possible that you arent ceneoctnd to the ea servers or to the internet, usually it works, but i know what you mean about it only working sometimes but its most likely an error with the servers, so no worries about that :p


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Bener tuh yang dikatakan jurig.Lha, buktinya Liverpool dengan strategi 4–5–1 buktinya mampu juara Liga Champions 2005. Apa lagi AC Milan kemaren, cuma Inzaghi doank di depan.Mungkin “pola permainannya” yang mesti dipikirkan lebih lanjut. Apakah mau sistem catenaccio lalu serang balik, Kick n Rush ala Inggris, ato total football gaya Londo..


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Bener tuh yang dikatakan jurig.Lha, buktinya Liverpool dengan strategi 4–5–1 buktinya mampu juara Liga Champions 2005. Apa lagi AC Milan kemaren, cuma Inzaghi doank di depan.Mungkin “pola permainannya” yang mesti dipikirkan lebih lanjut. Apakah mau sistem catenaccio lalu serang balik, Kick n Rush ala Inggris, ato total football gaya Londo..


Vložil affordable car insurance Middletown CT (bez ověření), 12. Červen 2018 - 23:01

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Ann Louise : Og det gør sÃ¥ forbandet ondt ;0)Lis : Tak ;0) Mikkel gÃ¥r ogsÃ¥ nødig med handsker, sÃ¥ jeg hÃ¥ber at han vil bruge dem her ;0)Skønt det gÃ¥r fremad ;0)


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Ann Louise : Og det gør sÃ¥ forbandet ondt ;0)Lis : Tak ;0) Mikkel gÃ¥r ogsÃ¥ nødig med handsker, sÃ¥ jeg hÃ¥ber at han vil bruge dem her ;0)Skønt det gÃ¥r fremad ;0)


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Mike Reynolds on Wish You were here, is a beautiful elegy for Syd Barrett and the rest of the songs compliment it perfectly. Those four notes that start Wish You Were Here, set a haunting mood that carries you away. When I first listened to the album, my first reaction was that it was too short. I got so involved in the experience of the album, that it seemed it was over in a flash. So of course I had to listen to it over and over and over again. It is indeed my favorite Floyd album.


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Mike Reynolds on Wish You were here, is a beautiful elegy for Syd Barrett and the rest of the songs compliment it perfectly. Those four notes that start Wish You Were Here, set a haunting mood that carries you away. When I first listened to the album, my first reaction was that it was too short. I got so involved in the experience of the album, that it seemed it was over in a flash. So of course I had to listen to it over and over and over again. It is indeed my favorite Floyd album.


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Tosh…once she leaves him (if she ever does)….be ready for the old….”OMG You have been so great through all of this…but after what I have been through I am just not ready for a relationship…..”


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Tosh…once she leaves him (if she ever does)….be ready for the old….”OMG You have been so great through all of this…but after what I have been through I am just not ready for a relationship…..”


Vložil car insurance (bez ověření), 13. Červen 2018 - 13:35

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That’s awesome! Congrats on the investments, and congrats on buying them with cash! You definitely won’t regret it, and once you get to that 10th house, you’ll really be making some big bucks. Nice work!


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That’s awesome! Congrats on the investments, and congrats on buying them with cash! You definitely won’t regret it, and once you get to that 10th house, you’ll really be making some big bucks. Nice work!


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Oviedo FL (bez ověření), 13. Červen 2018 - 15:29

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he couldn’t imagine buying me a cheap gift for Valentine’s or our anniversary but as I said…I am a cheap gal! Ideally this year he will get me some flowers from the supermarket (roses are so overpriced in February!) and some chocolate bars from the counter near the till!


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Oviedo FL (bez ověření), 13. Červen 2018 - 15:29

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he couldn’t imagine buying me a cheap gift for Valentine’s or our anniversary but as I said…I am a cheap gal! Ideally this year he will get me some flowers from the supermarket (roses are so overpriced in February!) and some chocolate bars from the counter near the till!


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Usually the New york Weight Loss diet is certainly less expensive and flexible staying on your diet scheme intended for measures however fast then duty keep a nutritious daily life. weight loss 462128


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E' stato un film comico bellissimo. Grazie di cuore a tutti gli sbufalatori per il divertimento procurato.Mancherebbe solo un titolo adeguato, in stile commedia all'italiana, che so?, „Un napoletano a Sanremo“.