První pohled: Labyrint - Útěk s doprovodným komiksem

vydáno 23. 4. 2015 | autor Anna Kopecká, Petr Semecký | sekce Novinky, Extra HD | téma Filmy, Z domova | 10881 komentářů

Tagy: Blu-ray, film, komiks, Labyrint: Útěk, The Maze Runner

Studio 20th Century Fox se v poslední době snaží zaplavovat tuzemský trh řádným kotlem speciálních edic snad ke každému většímu titulu. Stačí si vzpomenout na jeho asi největší současnou frančízu X-Men, která dostala kolekci, verzi s komiksem a nyní se chystají dokonce i steelbooky starších filmů.

Maze Runner aka Labyrint: Útěk je v tomto směru ještě celkem skromný, neboť jsme se prozatím dočkali jen amaray balení a steelbooku. Od dubna k nim však přibude i „limitovaná edice s komiksem“. Že to zní honosně? Ano. Praxe je ale mnohem obyčejnější.

The Maze Runner

Pokud jste měli v rukách komiksovou edici posledních X-Menů, můžete si udělat dobrou představu o tom, co vás čeká v případě Labyrintu. Jen s tím rozdílem, že booklet v podobě komiksu je v tomto případě opravdu výrazně tenčí a nenabízí v podstatě nic zásadního. Uvnitř drobného sešítku naleznete dva krátké příběhy. Jeden se zabývá postavou Albyho, který se snaží postarat o svého nakažené přítele. Druhý pak vypráví o jednom z běžců (jméno už jsem zapomněl, pardon), který vám ve zkratce popisuje svoje vnitřní pocity ze svého nelehkého údělu.

Za scénáři k oběma příběhům stojí mimo jiné sám režisér filmu Wes Ball. Je však nadmíru jasné, že se jedná spíše o „companion k filmu“, než o nějakou větší nástavbu příběhu. Pokud jste si prozatím žádnou edici Labyrintu: Útěk nepořídili, jedná se o vcelku zajímavou alternativu k obyčejnému amarayi (ten ke komiksu dostanete mimochodem taky). Pakliže jste však šli do jedné z předchozích edic, nevidím důvod, proč byste měli investovat znovu.

The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner Blu-ray ediciLabyrint: Útěk poskytl distributor Bontonfilm, kterému tímto velmi děkujeme! Edici můžete zakoupit v obchodě

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Same thing happening at my place. The son who is a month younger to Aditi refuses to let me out of sight. Office is far off, he won't even let me spend some time in the loo in peace.He always needs to be distracted if his dad or I need to sneak out for a bit.With the play school starting on Monday, I hope he starts enjoying the company of other kids too.


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Same thing happening at my place. The son who is a month younger to Aditi refuses to let me out of sight. Office is far off, he won't even let me spend some time in the loo in peace.He always needs to be distracted if his dad or I need to sneak out for a bit.With the play school starting on Monday, I hope he starts enjoying the company of other kids too.


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The NZ Police are rubbish! Always were and always will be. You can never get a straight answer out of them, it's lie, lie, lie. If a cops lips are moving he's lying.How does an honest person deal with compulsive liars? Fucked if I know!


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Ahh, yes! That was such a motivator for us, too; thinking of putting so much artificial junk into these wonderfully pure little bodies was heartbreaking. But thinking of putting all the good stuff in that will contribute to good health is empowering! Can’t wait to see you, too and thanks so much for reading, Heather!


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The closest thing (for me) to ketchup, is ‘Old Fashioned Chili Sauce”. It tastes the same, but is not pureed. My grandmother born in 1906) had a recipe from her mother which I use now. It tastes very similar to today’s Heinz, but without all the modifiers, starch, HFCS, and artificial flavorings…


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la coincidental, Yesterday I left a question for you, but you may not have seen it.RE: the For-Profit school sued by your girlfriedn's law firm.Ask her about the legal issues behind the lawsuit. Ask her if, given the utter failure of many individual public schools, if parents (customers) might have a basis for a lawsuit naming the local Dept of Ed as defendant for the same reasons?I've love to hear from someone who has sued a private for-profit school for its defficiencies on the topic of bad individual public schools.


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la coincidental, Yesterday I left a question for you, but you may not have seen it.RE: the For-Profit school sued by your girlfriedn's law firm.Ask her about the legal issues behind the lawsuit. Ask her if, given the utter failure of many individual public schools, if parents (customers) might have a basis for a lawsuit naming the local Dept of Ed as defendant for the same reasons?I've love to hear from someone who has sued a private for-profit school for its defficiencies on the topic of bad individual public schools.


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Signalons au passage que Banier auparavant courtisait Louis Aragon — juste après la mort d’Elsa. Voir le journal de Mathieu Galey à ce sujet. C’est un expert en vieillards.


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Words just wouldn’t suffice when trying to sum up Steph and Jasons wedding. It’s a good job you’ve done THE most fantastic job with the photography on their big day Tamara. Their love for each other and the fun everyone had is captured superbly. Thankyou from a very proud Uncle


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ohh sweet heart you must feel really lost right now :-( She looks like such a lovely lady and it must be really hard that she has had to leave you. Try and keep all those happy memories in your head when you are feeling low, she would not have wanted to you be sad for her I am sure. Take care. xxxx


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ohh sweet heart you must feel really lost right now :-( She looks like such a lovely lady and it must be really hard that she has had to leave you. Try and keep all those happy memories in your head when you are feeling low, she would not have wanted to you be sad for her I am sure. Take care. xxxx


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Erstmal happy birthday zum Blog-Geburtstag!!!!Wundervolle Sachen die man bei euch gewinnen kann, da fällt die Entscheidung wirklich schwer. Dennoch zieht mich ein Gewinn besonders an: die Tasche.Habe ich auch getweetet (mein Twittername: rhetorisch)By Ã„nna


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Cessons de considérer Sarkozy comme un avocat: sa vocation, c’est publicitaire, et c’est là qu’il sera heureux (et qu’il fera le moins de dégâts, je pense).


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Cennsa must have realized that it is not so easy to train a entire work force with no composite experience in a factory that was nowhere near ready to manufacture FAA certified aircraft.Yes the last few wings we produced had the icing feature built for installation and a couple were installed on finished aircraft for further testing.


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Cennsa must have realized that it is not so easy to train a entire work force with no composite experience in a factory that was nowhere near ready to manufacture FAA certified aircraft.Yes the last few wings we produced had the icing feature built for installation and a couple were installed on finished aircraft for further testing.


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A special award? For reading trivial drivel off an autocue for 28 years? It's no coincidence that his colleague Alex Lovell isn't even a journalist but a failed actress is it?


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A special award? For reading trivial drivel off an autocue for 28 years? It's no coincidence that his colleague Alex Lovell isn't even a journalist but a failed actress is it?


Vložil (bez ověření), 2. Květen 2018 - 11:25

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Giun Kim,Can you read the writing on the wall?The banner?Bolsavik’s slogan = All Viet, All The TimeU dig?With your mouth, of course. Maybe ur head. Not your hands, and never your brain.Now stick your head back into the crap I just dumped on u.Enjoy!


Vložil (bez ověření), 2. Květen 2018 - 11:25

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Giun Kim,Can you read the writing on the wall?The banner?Bolsavik’s slogan = All Viet, All The TimeU dig?With your mouth, of course. Maybe ur head. Not your hands, and never your brain.Now stick your head back into the crap I just dumped on u.Enjoy!


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I guess its technically not your bike, since you never went to DMV to transfer. I guess your best bet is to tack him down somehow, why didnt you trasfer title when you first got the bike? A lot of problems might arise now, be carefull on how you handle it.


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I guess its technically not your bike, since you never went to DMV to transfer. I guess your best bet is to tack him down somehow, why didnt you trasfer title when you first got the bike? A lot of problems might arise now, be carefull on how you handle it.