První pohled: Labyrint - Útěk s doprovodným komiksem

vydáno 23. 4. 2015 | autor Anna Kopecká, Petr Semecký | sekce Novinky, Extra HD | téma Filmy, Z domova | 10881 komentářů

Tagy: Blu-ray, film, komiks, Labyrint: Útěk, The Maze Runner

Studio 20th Century Fox se v poslední době snaží zaplavovat tuzemský trh řádným kotlem speciálních edic snad ke každému většímu titulu. Stačí si vzpomenout na jeho asi největší současnou frančízu X-Men, která dostala kolekci, verzi s komiksem a nyní se chystají dokonce i steelbooky starších filmů.

Maze Runner aka Labyrint: Útěk je v tomto směru ještě celkem skromný, neboť jsme se prozatím dočkali jen amaray balení a steelbooku. Od dubna k nim však přibude i „limitovaná edice s komiksem“. Že to zní honosně? Ano. Praxe je ale mnohem obyčejnější.

The Maze Runner

Pokud jste měli v rukách komiksovou edici posledních X-Menů, můžete si udělat dobrou představu o tom, co vás čeká v případě Labyrintu. Jen s tím rozdílem, že booklet v podobě komiksu je v tomto případě opravdu výrazně tenčí a nenabízí v podstatě nic zásadního. Uvnitř drobného sešítku naleznete dva krátké příběhy. Jeden se zabývá postavou Albyho, který se snaží postarat o svého nakažené přítele. Druhý pak vypráví o jednom z běžců (jméno už jsem zapomněl, pardon), který vám ve zkratce popisuje svoje vnitřní pocity ze svého nelehkého údělu.

Za scénáři k oběma příběhům stojí mimo jiné sám režisér filmu Wes Ball. Je však nadmíru jasné, že se jedná spíše o „companion k filmu“, než o nějakou větší nástavbu příběhu. Pokud jste si prozatím žádnou edici Labyrintu: Útěk nepořídili, jedná se o vcelku zajímavou alternativu k obyčejnému amarayi (ten ke komiksu dostanete mimochodem taky). Pakliže jste však šli do jedné z předchozích edic, nevidím důvod, proč byste měli investovat znovu.

The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner Blu-ray ediciLabyrint: Útěk poskytl distributor Bontonfilm, kterému tímto velmi děkujeme! Edici můžete zakoupit v obchodě

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Author Ingvild Reymert Godt sagt Cath. Dersom dette argumentet følges helt ut betyr det at FrP har bare 27 % dyktige kvinnelgie kommunepolitikere og H har bare 35 %…


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  • This is hands down the most stunning maternity shot I’ve ever seen Andria. Jennie is stunning, you captured her beautifully. Never in a million years would I ever think you’d do a “Sears-esque” shoot. Thank goodness, I can’t take another dang one of those cheese-fests. You officially brought sexy back to maternity photos.

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  • This is hands down the most stunning maternity shot I’ve ever seen Andria. Jennie is stunning, you captured her beautifully. Never in a million years would I ever think you’d do a “Sears-esque” shoot. Thank goodness, I can’t take another dang one of those cheese-fests. You officially brought sexy back to maternity photos.

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Herfra skal lyde et stort tillykke til konfirmanden; dejligt at se at han havde en fantastisk dag… Og det er jo bestemt ogsÃ¥ en stor dag for forældrene; en dag man husker tilbage pÃ¥ med glæde og stolthed.Her stÃ¥r huset jo pÃ¥ den anden ende; nu er det snart vores tur… Vi glæder os bestemt ogsÃ¥ til den store dag, og Amalie er ved at revne af nysgerrighed… ;o)


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Herfra skal lyde et stort tillykke til konfirmanden; dejligt at se at han havde en fantastisk dag… Og det er jo bestemt ogsÃ¥ en stor dag for forældrene; en dag man husker tilbage pÃ¥ med glæde og stolthed.Her stÃ¥r huset jo pÃ¥ den anden ende; nu er det snart vores tur… Vi glæder os bestemt ogsÃ¥ til den store dag, og Amalie er ved at revne af nysgerrighed… ;o)


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It really is shocking to watch the inexorably pernicious effect which the Welfare State has on the minorities.You mean Non-Whites. Only 10% of the world's population is White, so how are we not minorities?


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It really is shocking to watch the inexorably pernicious effect which the Welfare State has on the minorities.You mean Non-Whites. Only 10% of the world's population is White, so how are we not minorities?


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20/11/2012 – 11:19pmPues yo no leo gratis a quien escribe con una sintaxis incorrecta, con faltas de ortografÃa y con claros problemas de semántica. ¿Se lo puedes decir de mi parte, como admin sensacionalista de Anti-Marca? Gracias.


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20/11/2012 – 11:19pmPues yo no leo gratis a quien escribe con una sintaxis incorrecta, con faltas de ortografÃa y con claros problemas de semántica. ¿Se lo puedes decir de mi parte, como admin sensacionalista de Anti-Marca? Gracias.


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Schön,schön,aber wieder kein Konzert in Thüringen,Erfurt war doch früher schon immer volles Haus. Da kannste wenigstens mal ne ordentliche Bratwurst vorm Konzi verdrücken,eigentlich spielt Motörhead doch immer im Dezember in Erfurt,Schade-vielleicht kannste ja noch was organisieren,Böhse Grüße aus Thüringen


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Schön,schön,aber wieder kein Konzert in Thüringen,Erfurt war doch früher schon immer volles Haus. Da kannste wenigstens mal ne ordentliche Bratwurst vorm Konzi verdrücken,eigentlich spielt Motörhead doch immer im Dezember in Erfurt,Schade-vielleicht kannste ja noch was organisieren,Böhse Grüße aus Thüringen


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dit :Why YouTube movies are shared everywhere? I think one reason is that these are easy to take embed script and paste that script anyplace you would like.


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dit :Why YouTube movies are shared everywhere? I think one reason is that these are easy to take embed script and paste that script anyplace you would like.


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Great article. We're investigating this field a little further and trying to get ahold of Paro and Dacky (the puppy version.)Electronic Pets have been found to encourage interaction forchildren with special needs, expecially autism.


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Great article. We're investigating this field a little further and trying to get ahold of Paro and Dacky (the puppy version.)Electronic Pets have been found to encourage interaction forchildren with special needs, expecially autism.


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Hola,No m’ho puc creure… quasi arribo la primera! Ha d’estar molt bo… suau i amb el parmesà! Apa una altre a pendents! Si es que no paro d’apuntar les teves receptes! Petonets


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Hola,No m’ho puc creure… quasi arribo la primera! Ha d’estar molt bo… suau i amb el parmesà! Apa una altre a pendents! Si es que no paro d’apuntar les teves receptes! Petonets


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Yes, we are now 13 hours ahead of you. This means that we get our down-load access at 1pm and the blog review default time is midnight here. This means that we usually do the puzzles one day and have the blog to look forward to when we get up in the morning. Like now. Cheers


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Yes, we are now 13 hours ahead of you. This means that we get our down-load access at 1pm and the blog review default time is midnight here. This means that we usually do the puzzles one day and have the blog to look forward to when we get up in the morning. Like now. Cheers


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Love this song,George always writes his own Christmas songs,I admire that.Too bad this recieves no radio air play.Merry Christmas /Happy Holidays 2011 and Happy New Year’s 2012!


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Love this song,George always writes his own Christmas songs,I admire that.Too bad this recieves no radio air play.Merry Christmas /Happy Holidays 2011 and Happy New Year’s 2012!


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Hi, I don’t think we’ll have Jesus: A Life Story in stock in time for that. Have you seen Jesus: An Introduction? I think that would work perfectly. Just give us a ring on 020 7730 2155 if you’d like to order some, and we’ll get them in the post.


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Hi, I don’t think we’ll have Jesus: A Life Story in stock in time for that. Have you seen Jesus: An Introduction? I think that would work perfectly. Just give us a ring on 020 7730 2155 if you’d like to order some, and we’ll get them in the post.


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Exactly and Kylie shouldn’t just settle for Derek because her and Lucas’s relationship is complicated. I’m team Lucas all the way. I’m a complete sucker for bright blue eyes and black hair, plus I love bad boys, plus LUCAS NEVER GIVES UP ON KYLIE UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE (cough! DEREK! Cough!)


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Exactly and Kylie shouldn’t just settle for Derek because her and Lucas’s relationship is complicated. I’m team Lucas all the way. I’m a complete sucker for bright blue eyes and black hair, plus I love bad boys, plus LUCAS NEVER GIVES UP ON KYLIE UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE (cough! DEREK! Cough!)


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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.


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Apple now has Rhapsody as an app, which is a great start, but it is currently hampered by the inability to store locally on your iPod, and has a dismal 64kbps bit rate. If this changes, then it will somewhat negate this advantage for the Zune, but the 10 songs per month will still be a big plus in Zune Pass’ favor.


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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.


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If you’re still on the fence: grab your favorite earphones, head down to a Best Buy and ask to plug them into a Zune then an iPod and see which one sounds better to you, and which interface makes you smile more. Then you’ll know which is right for you.


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PS : Franck, je suis tout à fait d’accord avec toi.Pour moi, ce n’est pas de l’ouverture d’esprit que d’accepter cela, stoppons cet excès de laxisme néo-suixante-huitard, cette hypocrisie publique pour se faire bien voir, des gens qui ne respectent rien ne méritent pas notre respect.


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PS : Franck, je suis tout à fait d’accord avec toi.Pour moi, ce n’est pas de l’ouverture d’esprit que d’accepter cela, stoppons cet excès de laxisme néo-suixante-huitard, cette hypocrisie publique pour se faire bien voir, des gens qui ne respectent rien ne méritent pas notre respect.


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SÃ¥ forfilm da jeg var i babybio med yngstemanden og hørte om den pÃ¥ P1 – hvor gammel er man sÃ¥ lige – og den lyder alt for god. Det er en must see. Er du til franske film sÃ¥ skal du se amélie og en lang forlovelse… Rigtig god weekend


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HRMFC…………….. Before I hang it up for today, I want to tell you that I have given birth to SEVERAL kidney stones. They are not the sort of thing that everybody wants to have happen. In my last episode the urologist had to break the stone up and go after the larger portion of it. Not fun but thanks to a GENERAL anesthetic I did not feel it. Had I not had a general anesthetic there probably would have been a gaping hole in the ceiling of the OR where I went through. This is why I know the Jonah is NOT enjoying herself either. I know from EXPERIENCE!


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HRMFC…………….. Before I hang it up for today, I want to tell you that I have given birth to SEVERAL kidney stones. They are not the sort of thing that everybody wants to have happen. In my last episode the urologist had to break the stone up and go after the larger portion of it. Not fun but thanks to a GENERAL anesthetic I did not feel it. Had I not had a general anesthetic there probably would have been a gaping hole in the ceiling of the OR where I went through. This is why I know the Jonah is NOT enjoying herself either. I know from EXPERIENCE!


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Thanks Anne – one thing I have noticed is that for those people whose faith is turned from Mormonism it is usually some type of offense that is rendered or they go down their own exploratory path as opposed to checking out the garbage on certain anti websites. I tend to agree with you – don’t rip on my religion and I won’t rip on yours.


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Thanks Anne – one thing I have noticed is that for those people whose faith is turned from Mormonism it is usually some type of offense that is rendered or they go down their own exploratory path as opposed to checking out the garbage on certain anti websites. I tend to agree with you – don’t rip on my religion and I won’t rip on yours.


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An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in reality bought me breakfast because I discovered it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading far more on this topic. If probable, as you turn into expertise, would you mind updating your blog with much more details? It really is extremely valuable for me. Huge thumb up for this blog post!


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An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in reality bought me breakfast because I discovered it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading far more on this topic. If probable, as you turn into expertise, would you mind updating your blog with much more details? It really is extremely valuable for me. Huge thumb up for this blog post!


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interested in seeing Jonathan Coulton, even though it was technically the reason for our trip. The hubby is the fan boy there, but I’m nothing if not supportive. We had also heard he would be


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interested in seeing Jonathan Coulton, even though it was technically the reason for our trip. The hubby is the fan boy there, but I’m nothing if not supportive. We had also heard he would be


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Uhmm… non guardo molti film di fantascienza, anche se Nolan è uno dei pochi registi che –al momento – possono permettersi di proporre qualcosa al di fuori dei soliti schemi.A me l'osannatissimo The dark knight non aveva detto un granché, e in generale non sono troppo attirata da dosi eccessive di azione, ma tu che l'hai già visto sembri dirci tutt'altro.


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Uhmm… non guardo molti film di fantascienza, anche se Nolan è uno dei pochi registi che –al momento – possono permettersi di proporre qualcosa al di fuori dei soliti schemi.A me l'osannatissimo The dark knight non aveva detto un granché, e in generale non sono troppo attirata da dosi eccessive di azione, ma tu che l'hai già visto sembri dirci tutt'altro.


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Vilken ursöt bild! Lika kreativ som alltid frÃ¥n dig :-)Glad PÃ¥skhelg. Hoppas den blir lika fin som vi har här: soligt & varmt!


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Vilken ursöt bild! Lika kreativ som alltid frÃ¥n dig :-)Glad PÃ¥skhelg. Hoppas den blir lika fin som vi har här: soligt & varmt!


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I tried to use New infinite scrolling Ext JS4 grid which buffers the data on scroll. The problem i am facing is buffering is not happening and grid is not loading with data if i use jsonp format.I used type as ajax which uses json, it is loading the data. still buffering is not happening.suggestions pls.Thanks and Regards,Raghuram Reddy GottimukkulaAdobe Certified ColdFusion ProfessionalHyderabad India


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I tried to use New infinite scrolling Ext JS4 grid which buffers the data on scroll. The problem i am facing is buffering is not happening and grid is not loading with data if i use jsonp format.I used type as ajax which uses json, it is loading the data. still buffering is not happening.suggestions pls.Thanks and Regards,Raghuram Reddy GottimukkulaAdobe Certified ColdFusion ProfessionalHyderabad India


Vložil affordable auto insurance Aiken SC (bez ověření), 17. Srpen 2018 - 1:00

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How timely. I was brought up in a household that required we clean our plates – no matter what. I have early memories of sitting at the dining table by myself, long after dinner was over, with food still on my plate. Eventually I would finish it. Ugh.Yesterday at lunch, I was making my way through a tasty, lean hamburger when, with about 1/4 of the burger left, I realized I was full. I had “a moment” when I felt how polarized I was by that bit of food. Old recordings kicked in, demanding I finish it. New recordings kicked in, suggesting I abide by my body’s cues and be done. The new recordings won out.That’s progress.


Vložil affordable auto insurance Aiken SC (bez ověření), 17. Srpen 2018 - 1:00

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How timely. I was brought up in a household that required we clean our plates – no matter what. I have early memories of sitting at the dining table by myself, long after dinner was over, with food still on my plate. Eventually I would finish it. Ugh.Yesterday at lunch, I was making my way through a tasty, lean hamburger when, with about 1/4 of the burger left, I realized I was full. I had “a moment” when I felt how polarized I was by that bit of food. Old recordings kicked in, demanding I finish it. New recordings kicked in, suggesting I abide by my body’s cues and be done. The new recordings won out.That’s progress.