Plán tuzemských Blu-ray filmů na březen 2010

vydáno 22. 2. 2010 | autor Daniel Felix Hrouzek | sekce Novinky | téma Filmy, Z domova | 10247 komentářů

Tagy: 2012, Artsmagic DVD, Blu-ray, Bonton, Bontonfilm, Den nezávislosti, Fantastická čtyřka, film, Garfield 2, Garfield ve filmu, Master & Commander: Odvrácená strana světa, Ozbrojení a nebezpeční, Pokrevní bratři 2, Případ číslo 39, Roboti, Simpsonovi ve filmu, Smrtonosná past, Souboj titánů, Vetřelec vs. Predátor

Blu-ray Disc logo

V březnu se na pultech našich obchodů objeví třináct Blu-ray filmů a dvě reedice s doplněným dabingem. Těšit se můžeme na sci-fi thriller Vetřelec vs. Predátor, animák Simpsonovi ve filmu, katastrofické blockbustery 2012 a Den nezávislosti, dva filmy s kocourem Garfieldem, trikovou klasiku Souboj Titánů a další.

TIP: Už teď vám můžeme nabídnout recenze Blu-ray vydání filmů Vetřelec vs. Predátor a Den nezávislosti.

Bontonfilm i letos pokračuje v „recyklační“ taktice, kdy na trh znovu uvádí ty nejstarší Blu-ray filmy, které u nás vůbec vyšly – ale s nově přidaným českým dabingem. Tyto nové edice (tentokrát jsou dvě) jsou ovšem o něco dražší, než původní disky, obsahující pouze titulky – ty se totiž v rámci slevových akcí BD Mánie jako první propadly pod 500 korun.

V přehledu jsou jako obvykle zahrnuty tituly distributorů Bontonfilm a Magic Box. Společnost Forum Home Entertainment, která u nás distribuuje Blu-ray studia Disney, k dnešnímu datu nedodala žádné informace o připravovaných březnových titulech. Pokud se na tom v průběhu měsíce něco změní, budeme vás samozřejmě informovat.

TIP: Chcete mít vždy přehled o připravovaných tuzemských titulech ve vysokém rozlišení? Sledujte kalendář Blu-ray filmů a nic vám neujde! - logo

Všechny připravované tituly si můžete za skvělé ceny už teď předobjednat například v e-shopu


Nové edice s českým dabingem:

Magic Box

Data vydání titulů všech distributorů jsou pouze předběžná a mohou se změnit, stejně tak nejistá je v tuto chvíli i samotná skladba titulů. Přesto jsou všechny tyto nové tituly zařazeny do kalendáře jako potvrzené (kromě dvou výše zmíněných výjimek). Zcela jistá je přítomnost české titulkové sady, naprostá většina disků ale bude mít i český dabing. Podrobnosti o výbavě a technické údaje budou doplněny v okamžiku fyzické dostupnosti na našem trhu.

Některé z těchto filmů jsou už v současné době dostupné v zahraničí. Ani v případě importu ze stejného regionu (B, především Velká Británie) ale nelze zaručit přítomnost české jazykové podpory, některé tituly z regionu A (USA) pak dokonce v evropských přehrávačích nejdou vůbec přehrát. Na import ze zahraničí tedy nelze spoléhat. - logo

TIP: Všechny připravované tituly si můžete za skvělé ceny už teď předobjednat například v e-shopu

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Vložil cheap car insurance Aurora CO (bez ověření), 20. Červenec 2018 - 20:42

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What a sweet dog! Nice find too! But the dog is what impressed me the most! How much do these dogs run (dollar amounts)? So sweet and cute!


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iris87 scrive:bè non male il contenuto, mi aspettavo anche io qualcosa di piu’ “sostanzioso” però va bene così (tra l’altro è interessante la questione del beta test); ciò che importa realmente è che il gioco valga l’acquisto. Comunque sia buona anche l’idea della statuetta… vabbè, alla fine che ce frega: la compriamo lo stesso!


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iris87 scrive:bè non male il contenuto, mi aspettavo anche io qualcosa di piu’ “sostanzioso” però va bene così (tra l’altro è interessante la questione del beta test); ciò che importa realmente è che il gioco valga l’acquisto. Comunque sia buona anche l’idea della statuetta… vabbè, alla fine che ce frega: la compriamo lo stesso!


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Uma das minhas bandas preferidas, na fase que eu mais gosto, no festival mais legal de todos......e o Keith Moon é sem dúvida meu baterista preferido (acreditem se quiser, fã de Beach Boys, tendo começado em bandas de surf music instrumental…)é engraçado ler revistas especializadas de bateria onde tentam colocar a técnica do cara em partituras. não sei pra quê, é como explicar o inexplicável…ótimo post, Ico!


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Uma das minhas bandas preferidas, na fase que eu mais gosto, no festival mais legal de todos......e o Keith Moon é sem dúvida meu baterista preferido (acreditem se quiser, fã de Beach Boys, tendo começado em bandas de surf music instrumental…)é engraçado ler revistas especializadas de bateria onde tentam colocar a técnica do cara em partituras. não sei pra quê, é como explicar o inexplicável…ótimo post, Ico!


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thanks PC, can you please get the Muriel Newman [ Muriel looking good as usual, ] interview up with Perigo on video to watch,Most of us Arabs don't have proper reception for Sky and so on, its sad I know, but we rely on you, and we are poor and we just shift sand and silt,


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thanks PC, can you please get the Muriel Newman [ Muriel looking good as usual, ] interview up with Perigo on video to watch,Most of us Arabs don't have proper reception for Sky and so on, its sad I know, but we rely on you, and we are poor and we just shift sand and silt,


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Ter amor pela vida e pelas coisas que gostamos são determinantes para o sucesso. E O Treino é exatamente isso. Comigo foi amor a primeira vista. É muito mais que paixão. A paixão Ã© fulgaz, o amor fica. Que seja eterno enquanto dure. Que os nossos encontros dentro e fora d’água sejam sempre regados à muita alegria, amigos e a amor. 1,2,3 O TREINO!


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Ter amor pela vida e pelas coisas que gostamos são determinantes para o sucesso. E O Treino é exatamente isso. Comigo foi amor a primeira vista. É muito mais que paixão. A paixão Ã© fulgaz, o amor fica. Que seja eterno enquanto dure. Que os nossos encontros dentro e fora d’água sejam sempre regados à muita alegria, amigos e a amor. 1,2,3 O TREINO!


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Is this influenced by the cerebral nature of Evangelicalism, it’s all about what you “believe” (= a list of doctrines = “think”). Thus the material “means of grace” are downgraded. E.g. communion and unction, see Jam 5:14, also… rather than needing to rethink (irony intended) baptism do we need to rediscover the power of the material in (spiritual) life?


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Is this influenced by the cerebral nature of Evangelicalism, it’s all about what you “believe” (= a list of doctrines = “think”). Thus the material “means of grace” are downgraded. E.g. communion and unction, see Jam 5:14, also… rather than needing to rethink (irony intended) baptism do we need to rediscover the power of the material in (spiritual) life?


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Hello, I also just came across this site (link from davis life magazine) and am really intrigued!my friends and i are all really big food fanatics so we’re excited about trying all your recipes! thanks & keep on posting =)


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Hello, I also just came across this site (link from davis life magazine) and am really intrigued!my friends and i are all really big food fanatics so we’re excited about trying all your recipes! thanks & keep on posting =)


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Me hace gracia lo de que se moleste el autor porque se le llame pirata, ya que “Voy al cine, también me bajo pelÃÂculas”. Hummmm… a màme molesta que me llamen ladrón, ya que hago mucho gasto en taxis y autobuses, y solo robo coches de vez en cuando. PaÃÂs…


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Hej du,,Jag befinner mig precis mitt i din dröm just nu..JodÃ¥ jag ska ta hem sÃ¥ mycket sol som jag bara kan,,Haé Kram.


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Hej du,,Jag befinner mig precis mitt i din dröm just nu..JodÃ¥ jag ska ta hem sÃ¥ mycket sol som jag bara kan,,Haé Kram.


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Join a group for lessons rather than taking one-on-one tuition. Figure the difference in the cash you may spend on the ski kit, and the cash you'll get for the used clobber when you're finished with it.


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Join a group for lessons rather than taking one-on-one tuition. Figure the difference in the cash you may spend on the ski kit, and the cash you'll get for the used clobber when you're finished with it.


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dont think FXAA was involve at all. I m playing on the PC, and with FXAA i do not see any jaggies at all. The problem comes with IDtech 3 engine is not very efficient once it comes to FXAA Also the consoles version are on 540i upscaled to 720p with x2 MSAA, that explains why is so jaggy. On the contrary, PS3 had a buildin blur filter that helps in the jaggies.VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)


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dont think FXAA was involve at all. I m playing on the PC, and with FXAA i do not see any jaggies at all. The problem comes with IDtech 3 engine is not very efficient once it comes to FXAA Also the consoles version are on 540i upscaled to 720p with x2 MSAA, that explains why is so jaggy. On the contrary, PS3 had a buildin blur filter that helps in the jaggies.VN:R_U [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)


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me enkantan las musiikas de ALEX ZURDOO lo amooo kon too mii koraxonn y esta kanciion me mataaaa muakk te amoo ALEX ZURDO jejejejje te amoooo muakk tus musiikas reprentan temas boniito y siiempre tiienes a DIIOS presente jejjejeje muakkkkkkkkkkkkkkKATALEYA ESTUVO AKII OHH SIII (alex zurdoo)


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I’m not sure what I would suggest for a URL. I have changed blogs a couple of times, but now I think I’m satisfied with it. Best wishes for whatever you decide. (Maybe just a new design would satisfy you?)Sisterlisa recently posted..


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I’m not sure what I would suggest for a URL. I have changed blogs a couple of times, but now I think I’m satisfied with it. Best wishes for whatever you decide. (Maybe just a new design would satisfy you?)Sisterlisa recently posted..


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Hey, Dillweeds. GIVE US BACK OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS PAGE! When I set it to NEW VIDEOS, I don't mean „videos uploaded two months ago and nothing newer.“It wasn't broke, and you went tinkering with it. FIX IT!!


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Hey, Dillweeds. GIVE US BACK OUR SUBSCRIPTIONS PAGE! When I set it to NEW VIDEOS, I don't mean „videos uploaded two months ago and nothing newer.“It wasn't broke, and you went tinkering with it. FIX IT!!


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Parks and recreational spaces are so undervalued in urban communities, although there importance in New York is probably heightened. It’s been a while since I last visited Brian and once again I’ve enjoyed the trip, the picture of the clock in the Waldorf Astoria kind of sticks in the mind as being memorable.


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Parks and recreational spaces are so undervalued in urban communities, although there importance in New York is probably heightened. It’s been a while since I last visited Brian and once again I’ve enjoyed the trip, the picture of the clock in the Waldorf Astoria kind of sticks in the mind as being memorable.


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am“Putting Chicago aside, we have more than enough EVIDENCE of NASHVILLE CRIMES to put BHO & all COHORTS away for LIFE!”Be still my heart, it would do my heart good to see Chicago on the verge of freedom for the first time in a very long time. I’m sorry the cesspool of corruption spread to Nashville. As everyone now knows water like corruption seeks its own level.


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am“Putting Chicago aside, we have more than enough EVIDENCE of NASHVILLE CRIMES to put BHO & all COHORTS away for LIFE!”Be still my heart, it would do my heart good to see Chicago on the verge of freedom for the first time in a very long time. I’m sorry the cesspool of corruption spread to Nashville. As everyone now knows water like corruption seeks its own level.


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i love how you all acknowledge your visitors, this is great!btw, i couldn’t take iron pills for much of my pregnancy. they made me so darn sick! and i became iron deficient too. i was craving ice and corn starch so bad. my midwife told me those are signs of low iron.dara’s last blog post..What Does an African Look Like?


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i love how you all acknowledge your visitors, this is great!btw, i couldn’t take iron pills for much of my pregnancy. they made me so darn sick! and i became iron deficient too. i was craving ice and corn starch so bad. my midwife told me those are signs of low iron.dara’s last blog post..What Does an African Look Like?


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Rapid City SD (bez ověření), 21. Červenec 2018 - 14:29

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Totally HOT! Good god,holidays do fade away rather quickly,so keeping yourself busy and uber fabulous with the help of a sewing machine is a splendid way to go!!! LOVE the shorts,so sexacious!You can make a billion pairs!Yee!Every detail is frickin' divine,and that Gladstone bag always makes my heart skip a beat!Hope the weather improves for you,we're supposed ot be fine today,but wet for the rest of the week.....we'll see!Love Helga xxxXXXxxx


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Totally HOT! Good god,holidays do fade away rather quickly,so keeping yourself busy and uber fabulous with the help of a sewing machine is a splendid way to go!!! LOVE the shorts,so sexacious!You can make a billion pairs!Yee!Every detail is frickin' divine,and that Gladstone bag always makes my heart skip a beat!Hope the weather improves for you,we're supposed ot be fine today,but wet for the rest of the week.....we'll see!Love Helga xxxXXXxxx


Vložil car insurance quotes Lehigh Acres FL (bez ověření), 21. Červenec 2018 - 14:53

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I'd be curious at what point the „I'm a Turk,“ „I'm an Arab,“ and „I'm a Persian“ will start messing up the Islamists various plans. Erdogon may have fond dreams of a Turkic caliphate but I don't think the Iranian theocracy will go along with him after a certain point.And Bram's point about food is a good one.LittleRed1


Vložil car insurance quotes Lehigh Acres FL (bez ověření), 21. Červenec 2018 - 14:53

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I'd be curious at what point the „I'm a Turk,“ „I'm an Arab,“ and „I'm a Persian“ will start messing up the Islamists various plans. Erdogon may have fond dreams of a Turkic caliphate but I don't think the Iranian theocracy will go along with him after a certain point.And Bram's point about food is a good one.LittleRed1


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I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.


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I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.


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Hello my family member! I want to say that this article is awesome, great written and come with approximately all significant infos. I’d like to peer extra posts like this.


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Hello my family member! I want to say that this article is awesome, great written and come with approximately all significant infos. I’d like to peer extra posts like this.


Vložil auto insurance rates Rock Hill SC (bez ověření), 21. Červenec 2018 - 16:59

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Hi Hannah, You’re absolutely right about that The Cheesecake Factory offers their “SkinnyLicious Menu,” providing some lower calorie options, though the calorie totals of their entrees is but one point I’m thinking about in this post. I actually discussed this “diet” menu in another post here, if you’re interested. Thanks for reading!