Epson EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 - nová řada videoprojektorů

vydáno 30. 10. 2009 | autor Epson | sekce Tiskové zprávy | téma Projektory | 9999 komentářů

Tagy: 1080p, 3LCD, 720p, Blu-ray, CLO, D7, DVD, EH-TW3500, EH-TW450, Epson, Full HD, HD Ready, HDMI, IFA 2009, Pixelworks scaler, projektor, RGB, S-Video, USB

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Milovníci sportu mohou sledovat přenosy na velké obrazovce ve špičkové kvalitě díky nové řadě videoprojektorů Epson se snadným ovládáním a vysokým rozlišením obrazu.

Společnost Epson, světová špička na trhu s videoprojektory, představuje dva nové videoprojektory s vysokým rozlišením, které jsou ideální pro milovníky sportovních přenosů po celém světě.

Modely EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 jsou cenově dostupné, snadno ovladatelné a nabízejí fantastickou kvalitu obrazu, dokonce i za denního světla, což znamená, že si můžete dramatičnost sportovních utkání užívat na velké projekční ploše z pohodlí vlastního domova.

Alexandre Di Caro, produktový manažer společnosti Epson Europe, k tomu dodává:

„Nová řada videoprojektorů společnosti Epson je ideálním řešením pro milovníky sportovních přenosů. Obraz ve špičkové kvalitě vám zprostředkuje takový zážitek, jako byste byli přímo na stadionu nebo na hřišti. Co může být krásnějším zážitkem, než sezvat přátele a společně s napětím sledovat příští sezonu Světového poháru na velké obrazovce?“

Projektory EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 přesně reprodukují obraz, který je jasný i za denního světla, a vstupy HDMI zajišťují přímou připojitelnost celé řady zařízení, včetně televizních set-top boxů s vysokým rozlišením – to vše za obzvláště atraktivní cenu.

HD Ready projektor Epson EH-TW450

Videoprojektor EH-TW450 s technologií HD Ready je kompaktním, stylovým a všestranným zařízením v atraktivním provedení – hladká, zaoblená černá skříň je vybavena funkcemi pro podporu kvality obrazu.

Videoprojektor EH-TW3500 pro domácí kino s plnou podporou technologie HD a vysokým rozlišením 1080p byl navržen tak, aby zprostředkovával neuvěřitelný zážitek z videoprojekce na obrovskou promítací plochu. Díky módnímu bílému a stříbrnému designu je vhodným doplňkem pro každou moderní domácnost.

Alexandre Di Caro dodává: „Tyto nové inteligentní videoprojektory nenabízí jen celou řadu zábavních aplikací pro velké zážitky z pohodlí domova, ale také kompaktní design, díky kterému se snadno přenáší z jednoho domu do druhého. Projektor EH-TW450 disponuje navíc dalším pohodlným doplňkem – měkkým přenosným pouzdrem.“

Když nebudete projektor používat ke sledování sportovních událostí, můžete snadno připojit přehrávač disků DVD nebo Blu-ray, špičkové herní konzoly nebo dokonce digitální fotoaparát, přičemž celá řada aplikací vám je k dispozici.

Modely EH-TW450 a EH-TW3500 společnosti Epson jsou k dostání od října 2009 a byly představeny na veletrhu IFA 2009.

Full HD projektor Epson EH-TW3500

Epson EH-TW3500 – charakteristické vlastnosti

  • videoprojektor HD Ready 1080p (plně kompatibilní s technologií HD) se skutečným vysokým rozlišením 1080p
  • mimořádná kvalita obrazu s technologií Epson 3LCD (panel D7)
  • vysoký kontrastní poměr 36000:1
  • extrémně vysoký barevný světelný výstup (CLO) = 1800 lumenů
  • široký barevný prostor a úplné 10bitové zpracování videa (zařízení Pixelworks scaler)
  • široké možnosti připojení (snadné připojení k přehrávači DVD / Blu-ray, tuneru pro digitální TV, set-top boxu, herním konzolám, počítačům a digitálním fotoaparátům) se dvěma vstupy HDMI 1.3 (videozpracování signálu 1080p)
  • snadná a flexibilní instalace: pohodlné vodorovné a svislé posunutí objektivu, možnost připevnění na strop, široké rozmezí vzdáleností videoprojekce, dvojnásobný optický zoom x 2,1
  • tichý chod s hlučností 22 dB
  • stylový bílý a stříbrný design
  • tříletá záruka na videoprojektor a lampu
  • doporučená maloobchodní cena včetně DPH je 38130,– Kč (plus zdarma náhradní lampa), na trhu od října 2009.
HD Ready projektor Epson EH-TW450

Epson EH-TW450 – charakteristické vlastnosti

  • videoprojektor HD Ready s rozlišením 720p je ideálním řešením pro milovníky sportovních přenosů
  • technologie Epson 3LCD přinášející jasnější obraz, přesnější reprodukci barev a jemnější stupňování odstínů šedi
  • působivý barevný světelný výstup (CLO) 2500 lumenů umožňující videoprojekci i za denního světla
  • skvělý kontrastní poměr (3000:1) zajišťující vysokou kvalitu obrazu
  • možnost připojení řady vstupních zdrojů: HDMI, Video, S-Video a RGB, USB
  • barevné režimy, které se přizpůsobí okolním podmínkám
  • vestavěný reproduktor
  • užitečné funkce (automatická korekce lichoběžníku, rychlé spuštění, dálkový ovladač s jednoduchou obsluhou)
  • černý design
  • součástí balení přenosné pouzdro
  • tříletá záruka na videoprojektor a lampu
  • doporučená maloobchodní cena včetně DPH je 19053,– Kč, na trhu od října 2009
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Hah – jeg var pÃ¥ Marimekkobutikken her i Trondheim i gÃ¥r, og hadde såååå lyst pÃ¥ kopp med hus pÃ¥, men de hadde „heldigvis“ bare de lave, vide te-koppene, som jeg vet at jeg neppe kommer til Ã¥ bruke. ELSKER flere av Marimekko sine krus (men ikke de som har unikko-blomster…)Vakre, vakre kopper ♥


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my favorite thing to do is thrift and eat Korean food. I go to my favorite korean spot once every two weeks and order the same thing over and over. I want to branch out and try other things on the menu but my taste buds always crave the usual!


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my favorite thing to do is thrift and eat Korean food. I go to my favorite korean spot once every two weeks and order the same thing over and over. I want to branch out and try other things on the menu but my taste buds always crave the usual!


Vložil cheap car insurance Lancaster CA (bez ověření), 17. Duben 2018 - 18:46

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I would like a 70s promo board with op on it and waves, beach, and palm trees on the board. Also three fins. A recreated 70s style 6ft 12ft swallow tail or a round pin.


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I would like a 70s promo board with op on it and waves, beach, and palm trees on the board. Also three fins. A recreated 70s style 6ft 12ft swallow tail or a round pin.


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Absolutamente recomendable!!Una horchata fantastisca y en un sitio sencillamente espectacular.Antes de anoche fui con mi mujer y nos encanto!!A ver si hacemos vuestra ruta tmb que tmb cogimos las targetas para llamaros!Un saludo!Jose y Encarna


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Absolutamente recomendable!!Una horchata fantastisca y en un sitio sencillamente espectacular.Antes de anoche fui con mi mujer y nos encanto!!A ver si hacemos vuestra ruta tmb que tmb cogimos las targetas para llamaros!Un saludo!Jose y Encarna


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Chère Joelle, ce qui manque surtout au français, c’est le passé simple qui disparaît au profit du lourdingue passé composé…C’est tellement agréable à utiliser en anglais ou en portugais (qui connaît aussi le futur du subjonctif) pour désigner une action ponctuelle passé…un seul mot, c’est si logique.


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Chère Joelle, ce qui manque surtout au français, c’est le passé simple qui disparaît au profit du lourdingue passé composé…C’est tellement agréable à utiliser en anglais ou en portugais (qui connaît aussi le futur du subjonctif) pour désigner une action ponctuelle passé…un seul mot, c’est si logique.


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I think the Tree House is very instrumental in getting the truth out in this case. All of the research has been a help to the defense and the moral support has been a big help to George and his family. Pat yourself on the back Treepers for a job well done and keep going. Wolverines!


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I think the Tree House is very instrumental in getting the truth out in this case. All of the research has been a help to the defense and the moral support has been a big help to George and his family. Pat yourself on the back Treepers for a job well done and keep going. Wolverines!


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Marc b.In fact, there is no such person as an “Israeli.” Israel is the only country in the world that differentiates between citizenship and nationality. All citizens of Israel carry an identity card that designates them as “Jewish” or non-Jewish. Needless to say, this odious practice further confirms the racist nature of Israel and Zionism.


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Marc b.In fact, there is no such person as an “Israeli.” Israel is the only country in the world that differentiates between citizenship and nationality. All citizens of Israel carry an identity card that designates them as “Jewish” or non-Jewish. Needless to say, this odious practice further confirms the racist nature of Israel and Zionism.


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1. It was Australia.2. Before Oklahoma City, the largest U. S. mass homicide was the Happyland Social Club- a can of gas and a match.Tennessee's largest was the Columbia jail, no gas just a mattress and matches.3. I've been tased and I've been hit hard- tase me again next time.4. When he was near death in the gasoline soaked wreck of Eastern Flight 21, he had to scream at other injured, gas soaked people not to light cigarettes. 5. This character is just as smart as Henry Louis Gates!


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1. It was Australia.2. Before Oklahoma City, the largest U. S. mass homicide was the Happyland Social Club- a can of gas and a match.Tennessee's largest was the Columbia jail, no gas just a mattress and matches.3. I've been tased and I've been hit hard- tase me again next time.4. When he was near death in the gasoline soaked wreck of Eastern Flight 21, he had to scream at other injured, gas soaked people not to light cigarettes. 5. This character is just as smart as Henry Louis Gates!


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A me non sembra volgare, semmai un po' forte come dice Simone, ma considerando che è un fotomontaggio ci sta, non credo neppure che una donna possa stare così perfettamente perpendicolare e composta appesa in quel modo!


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A me non sembra volgare, semmai un po' forte come dice Simone, ma considerando che è un fotomontaggio ci sta, non credo neppure che una donna possa stare così perfettamente perpendicolare e composta appesa in quel modo!


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Thanks Diana. I had never heard of the water dragon. You’ve given me hope that all will be interesting this year…….and won’t that be true politically?! Dear Mr. Dragon–be good to us. Joanne


Vložil payless auto insurance Novi MI (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 4:17

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Thanks Diana. I had never heard of the water dragon. You’ve given me hope that all will be interesting this year…….and won’t that be true politically?! Dear Mr. Dragon–be good to us. Joanne


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I found that PureCigs was one of the most competitive and reasonably priced electronic cigarettes on the market. In fact, I found that I was going to be getting approximately one pack of cigarettes from each cartridge that I had. This meant that when I would order refills I was going to getting approximately six packs of cigarettes for the price of less than two. This was a great way to save money.AverageOverallPresentation & PackagingFlavorFlavor VarietyVapor VolumeBattery LifeValueShipping2 people found this review helpful.Was this review helpful to you?/


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I found that PureCigs was one of the most competitive and reasonably priced electronic cigarettes on the market. In fact, I found that I was going to be getting approximately one pack of cigarettes from each cartridge that I had. This meant that when I would order refills I was going to getting approximately six packs of cigarettes for the price of less than two. This was a great way to save money.AverageOverallPresentation & PackagingFlavorFlavor VarietyVapor VolumeBattery LifeValueShipping2 people found this review helpful.Was this review helpful to you?/


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Pretty great post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to mention that I’ve really loved browsing your blog posts. After all I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!


Vložil low income car insurance La Habra CA (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 8:19

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There’s no prospect of substantial cuts in emissions, and no way we can stop burning fossil fuels without crashing global civilisation. In any case, no government is going to last long by telling its people they have to live hungry in the cold and the dark while other countries burn coal and oil like there’s no tomorrow.


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There’s no prospect of substantial cuts in emissions, and no way we can stop burning fossil fuels without crashing global civilisation. In any case, no government is going to last long by telling its people they have to live hungry in the cold and the dark while other countries burn coal and oil like there’s no tomorrow.


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I visited a really neat blog – One Sisters Rant – loved her posts about the crows struttin’ like John Travolta 0 so funny – and her visit to the hospital, shaved legs and all (smile).Then wandered over to Destination Unknown and read about her cool happiness project – what a GREAT project, spreading happiness!!


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I visited a really neat blog – One Sisters Rant – loved her posts about the crows struttin’ like John Travolta 0 so funny – and her visit to the hospital, shaved legs and all (smile).Then wandered over to Destination Unknown and read about her cool happiness project – what a GREAT project, spreading happiness!!


Vložil payless auto insurance Mays Landing NJ (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 8:40

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Erin ~ Thanks for the frank, actionable advice. For someone getting ready to leap my business to another stratosphere, I for one appreciate having a checklist to go through and ensure I’m covering my bases. It was special to meet you in California a couple of weeks ago. I look forward to getting to know you even better! ~ n


Vložil payless auto insurance Mays Landing NJ (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 8:40

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Erin ~ Thanks for the frank, actionable advice. For someone getting ready to leap my business to another stratosphere, I for one appreciate having a checklist to go through and ensure I’m covering my bases. It was special to meet you in California a couple of weeks ago. I look forward to getting to know you even better! ~ n


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I can't wait to start checking out all these blogs! Sounds like we all have a lot in common.I blog about what I learn as a novice writer, YA book reviews and magical creatures. Stop by and say hello!


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I can't wait to start checking out all these blogs! Sounds like we all have a lot in common.I blog about what I learn as a novice writer, YA book reviews and magical creatures. Stop by and say hello!


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me their book as an email attachment, and me not be offended! Shhhhyea you guys know who you are! M. Leighton… Fisher Amelie… Angeline Kace… J.L Bryan… just to name a few!


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me their book as an email attachment, and me not be offended! Shhhhyea you guys know who you are! M. Leighton… Fisher Amelie… Angeline Kace… J.L Bryan… just to name a few!


Vložil cheap full coverage car insurance Carol Stream IL (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 17:58

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HejKlart jag vill vara med och Tävla. ChillNorway är en klar favorit här med! Tack för fin blogg och insirerande bilder och inlägg hälsar Pernilla I Göteborg


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HejKlart jag vill vara med och Tävla. ChillNorway är en klar favorit här med! Tack för fin blogg och insirerande bilder och inlägg hälsar Pernilla I Göteborg


Vložil full coverage car insurance Port Richey FL (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 21:39

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One more reason for me to love Babyology – thankyou :)I looked for a resource like this with my first baby, I was totally unprepared for bottlefeeding and didn’t know anyone who did so found it so difficult to find help. I was warned by my OB I might not be able to breastfeed but naively didn’t think I’d have a problem – there is a physical reason why I can’t breastfeed but personally I think its irrelevant. I support anyone who decides to bottle feed, even if its so they can get sleep or frankly don’t want to do it. Calling someone selfish for choosing what they want to do with their own bodies is ridiculous.


Vložil full coverage car insurance Port Richey FL (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 21:39

Obrázek uživatele full coverage car insurance Port Richey FL

One more reason for me to love Babyology – thankyou :)I looked for a resource like this with my first baby, I was totally unprepared for bottlefeeding and didn’t know anyone who did so found it so difficult to find help. I was warned by my OB I might not be able to breastfeed but naively didn’t think I’d have a problem – there is a physical reason why I can’t breastfeed but personally I think its irrelevant. I support anyone who decides to bottle feed, even if its so they can get sleep or frankly don’t want to do it. Calling someone selfish for choosing what they want to do with their own bodies is ridiculous.


Vložil direct auto insurance Berkeley CA (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 22:27

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Ciao Laura, non ti rispondo in inglese non tanto per gli errori che potrei commettere causa il mio inglese scolastico ma soprattutto per evitare che scriva qualcosa che tu possa poi fraintendere. Grazie per i complimenti, fanno sempre piacere quando si comincia un progetto. indicami il link del tuo blog per ricambiareCiao e alla prossima


Vložil direct auto insurance Berkeley CA (bez ověření), 18. Duben 2018 - 22:27

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Ciao Laura, non ti rispondo in inglese non tanto per gli errori che potrei commettere causa il mio inglese scolastico ma soprattutto per evitare che scriva qualcosa che tu possa poi fraintendere. Grazie per i complimenti, fanno sempre piacere quando si comincia un progetto. indicami il link del tuo blog per ricambiareCiao e alla prossima


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The service Verena offers is outstanding. Even after buying the blogs she is still there for top class assistance. Definitely will be buying more blogs from verena.


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The service Verena offers is outstanding. Even after buying the blogs she is still there for top class assistance. Definitely will be buying more blogs from verena.


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Gibsonia PA (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 0:26

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400.00 for a crib? no way in hell. they can buy that themselves, its their kid. I would drop out of it, sorry but for my showers I didnt tell people what to buy me I let them have the fun of buying what they wanted that way it makes it more funsounds like your sister inlaw doesnt want to pay for anything


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Gibsonia PA (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 0:26

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400.00 for a crib? no way in hell. they can buy that themselves, its their kid. I would drop out of it, sorry but for my showers I didnt tell people what to buy me I let them have the fun of buying what they wanted that way it makes it more funsounds like your sister inlaw doesnt want to pay for anything


Vložil low income auto insurance New Port Richey FL (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 4:17

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Thank you all for the new cracker recipes. I’ve been making plain soda crackers, cut with biscuit cutters and seasoned with jalapenas and paprika, rosemary and garlic, and several other versions I inclued in our Organic Garden Club cookbook,”Herbal Blessings”.The original recipe was from an old cookbook from 50 years ago and I just kept making different kinds.Forgive me for not having these in front of me as I am trying to get moved to the country. My family always called them my “crazy crackers”….will give you the complete recipes when I find this cookbook,


Vložil low income auto insurance New Port Richey FL (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 4:17

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Thank you all for the new cracker recipes. I’ve been making plain soda crackers, cut with biscuit cutters and seasoned with jalapenas and paprika, rosemary and garlic, and several other versions I inclued in our Organic Garden Club cookbook,”Herbal Blessings”.The original recipe was from an old cookbook from 50 years ago and I just kept making different kinds.Forgive me for not having these in front of me as I am trying to get moved to the country. My family always called them my “crazy crackers”….will give you the complete recipes when I find this cookbook,


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Salinas CA (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 4:42

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I just noticed that I wasn’t on your seiabdr any longer. Thought it might have been a part if the malfunction but then remembered that it’s titled “People Who CATCH Trout” and realized that the omission made perfect sense. Happy Holidays, my friend!


Vložil cheap car insurance quotes Salinas CA (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 4:43

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I just noticed that I wasn’t on your seiabdr any longer. Thought it might have been a part if the malfunction but then remembered that it’s titled “People Who CATCH Trout” and realized that the omission made perfect sense. Happy Holidays, my friend!


Vložil look auto insurance Bellevue WA (bez ověření), 19. Duben 2018 - 5:51

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they will release 2.1 for g1 and mt3g, but they haven’t followed through yet…at all. They have the facts straight, HTC hasn’t even released a 2.1 update for hero, let alone our “older” G1/dream or magic/mt3g devices.Its officially vaporware unless HTC releases something soon.