IFA 2010: Ultratenký 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S

vydáno 5. 9. 2010 | autor Sharp | sekce Tiskové zprávy | téma 3D, Přehrávače | 10878 komentářů

Tagy: 3D, 3D Blu-ray, Aquos, AQUOS Pure Mode, BD-HP90S, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, DLNA, HDMI, LAN, On-Screen Control Panel, přehrávač, Quattron, Sharp, YouTube

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Je to perfektní symbióza: Ve stejný okamžik, kdy byly uvedeny na trh LCD televize AQUOS s Quattron 3D technologii, představuje Sharp také svůj nový 3D Blu-ray přehrávač. BD-HP90S garantuje v obou režimech 2D a 3D tu nejlepší kvalitu obrazu LCD televizí Sharp. Svým ultratenkým AQUOS designem perfektně vizuálně doplňuje Sharp Home Cinema systém.

Vždy je na špici. Ať už leží naplocho nebo stojí vzpřímeně, podélně nebo bokem – nový 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S vypadá perfektně v každé pozici. Zákazník může umístit toto stylové špičkové zařízení do jakékoliv pozice na zeď či skříň. Se svým elegantním ultratenkým designem je tento nový člen AQUOS rodiny sám o sobě tahákem pro oči.

Nicméně hlavním účelem nového AQUOS 3D Blu-ray přehrávače je přinášet perfektní 3D zažítky uvnitř čtyř stěn vašeho domova, a to obzvláště v kombinaci s AQUOS LCD televizemi Sharp vybavených Quattron 3D technologií.

Ultratenký 3D Blu-ray přehrávač Sharp BD-HP90S

S novým AQUOS BD-HP90S přináší Sharp po diváky zcela nové vizuální možnosti. To platí jak pro jeho atraktivní vzhled, tak i pro jeho hlavní funkci přehrávače Blu-ray disků. Nový BD-HP90S přináší jako technologicky špičkové zařízení nádherný 3D a 2D obraz do vašich televizí a vytváří dokonalý celek obzvláště s LCD televizí Sharp AQUOS.

Bezdrátový: Další výhodou BD-HP90S je zabudovaná podpora bezdrátové síti LAN. Díky tomu si mohou divácí vytvořit bezdrátové propojení skrze DLNA k dalším zařízením v domácí síti a přenášet tak hudbu, fotografie a videa z počítače do televize. Jinou praktickou funkcí je schopnost přehrávat videa přímo z YouTube.

Internetové připojení má další výhodu: Umožňuje automatickou aktualizaci software Blu-ray přehrávače – takže každé vylepšení může být okamžitě automaticky naistalováno bez nutnosti postupovat při aktualizaci podle složitého návodu.

Kromě exkluzivního designu a výjimečného výkonu se BD-HP90S také velmi snadno ovládá. Díky nové funkci „On-Screen Control Panel“ mohou být základní funkce Blu-ray přehrávače Sharp ovládány přes menu na obrazovce prostřednictvím vhodného dálkového TV ovladače, dokonce i od jiných výrobců.

Skutečnost, že BD-HP90S našel perfektního partnera v LCD televizích Sharp AQUOS je zvlášť patrné při použití „AQUOS Pure Mode“ funkce. Po připojení Blu-ray přehrávače k LCD televizi Sharp AQUOS přes HDMI kabel BD‑HP90S automaticky optimalizuje nastavení pro přenos obrazu.

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Vix, everything about this outfit rules and I want every piece! The coat is awesome and I loooove that scarf. The colors are so bright and you look fabulous as always. I wish I could go thrifting with you.xoxoPsychedelicsister


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I suppose if enough people go Galt or mini-Galt then your prediction of collapse is more likely to come true. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.Note that I’m not currently planning on expanding my business and I’m considering cutting back hours and possibly retiring earlier (though still not for years), so I suppose I’m almost guilty of the mini-Galt thing too.


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I suppose if enough people go Galt or mini-Galt then your prediction of collapse is more likely to come true. Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.Note that I’m not currently planning on expanding my business and I’m considering cutting back hours and possibly retiring earlier (though still not for years), so I suppose I’m almost guilty of the mini-Galt thing too.


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Mary, I'm not much into healthy eating…although I should be. The Thai-Style Honey Peanut Chicken looks and sounds great…lots of satisfying flavors going on! I'd be very happy with this meal. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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Mary, I'm not much into healthy eating…although I should be. The Thai-Style Honey Peanut Chicken looks and sounds great…lots of satisfying flavors going on! I'd be very happy with this meal. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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Sorry I didn’t try a little harder. It’s Friday, you know?(And yes, the thought about context crossed my mind. Still, the apple needed little context. It was a concrete image that spoke, round and sweet.)


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Sorry I didn’t try a little harder. It’s Friday, you know?(And yes, the thought about context crossed my mind. Still, the apple needed little context. It was a concrete image that spoke, round and sweet.)


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Anon 8:41: Mike Lynch, obviously.Anon 9:57: nah, „you're paying too high a revenue multiple“ isn't really her business. „the revenues aren't real“ is.Given the extent to which everyone (as a former DD guy who's now a freelance writer with no insider anything, I'm including myself in „everyone“ here) knew Autonomy revenues were aggressively accounted, this is going to be an interesting moment for KPMG especially. Sensitivities related to differing accounting policies should have picked up the problem, based on John's two numbers, even if Autonomy wasn't expressly fraudulent.


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Anon 8:41: Mike Lynch, obviously.Anon 9:57: nah, „you're paying too high a revenue multiple“ isn't really her business. „the revenues aren't real“ is.Given the extent to which everyone (as a former DD guy who's now a freelance writer with no insider anything, I'm including myself in „everyone“ here) knew Autonomy revenues were aggressively accounted, this is going to be an interesting moment for KPMG especially. Sensitivities related to differing accounting policies should have picked up the problem, based on John's two numbers, even if Autonomy wasn't expressly fraudulent.


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Love the article! Although you mention to be aware of which grains are gluten free, I feel it’s important to list the major “offenders.” Wheat, rye, barley, and spelt can really wreck havoc on us gluten intolerant people. Oats are fine as long as they are certified gluten free. Cross pollination on a wheat field would render them dangerous for us. I still want to read WHEAT BELLY but I highly recommend THE GLUTEN CONNECTION by Shari Lieberman and Linda Segall. Everyone should read it.


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This has given me an idea to go to the priest at my church and ask if we can start a group that will help do these kinds of things for families at our church. Thanks for the ideas!


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I found out last night and have been heartbroken. I cannot even imagine such pain. What a beautiful and precious little soul she was. Walking in her name is an AWESOME way to honor her memory.


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I found out last night and have been heartbroken. I cannot even imagine such pain. What a beautiful and precious little soul she was. Walking in her name is an AWESOME way to honor her memory.


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Ello people sick night that was,spent the whole night hangin of me balcony right above the V.I.P!Dizzee was decent in the day by the pool given us a preview,best hol av eva had just 4t id let ya no peace!!!!!!


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Ello people sick night that was,spent the whole night hangin of me balcony right above the V.I.P!Dizzee was decent in the day by the pool given us a preview,best hol av eva had just 4t id let ya no peace!!!!!!


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I thought that your draft, albeit a really rough one ^_~, was very thought-provoking and was helpful to me when I start to make mine. I think what struck me the most was that I could hear your voice… but that may be biased because I can really hear your voice in real life. It did sound genuine, and you did tell a story that sounded compelling. How you get all that to 300 words, I don't know. But I can see why you got a good score on it. :) GOOD JOOOOOB!


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I thought that your draft, albeit a really rough one ^_~, was very thought-provoking and was helpful to me when I start to make mine. I think what struck me the most was that I could hear your voice… but that may be biased because I can really hear your voice in real life. It did sound genuine, and you did tell a story that sounded compelling. How you get all that to 300 words, I don't know. But I can see why you got a good score on it. :) GOOD JOOOOOB!


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Hola muy buenas. Estaria interesado en celebrar una cena de unos 25 comensales aproximadamente. Queria saber si haceis algun tipo de menu cerrado para este tipo de casos.Tambiem sabervsi teneis comida para celÃacos ya que entre nosotros hay uno.Muchas graciascy espero respuesta cuanto antes.


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Hola muy buenas. Estaria interesado en celebrar una cena de unos 25 comensales aproximadamente. Queria saber si haceis algun tipo de menu cerrado para este tipo de casos.Tambiem sabervsi teneis comida para celÃacos ya que entre nosotros hay uno.Muchas graciascy espero respuesta cuanto antes.


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cord – Dana, these images are soo amazing! The colors so vibrant, the photos look so full of life and spark… If I were to get married again i would hire you :0) You do amazing work.February 18, 2010 – 6:04 pm


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cord – Dana, these images are soo amazing! The colors so vibrant, the photos look so full of life and spark… If I were to get married again i would hire you :0) You do amazing work.February 18, 2010 – 6:04 pm


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There is , which is a sewing version of Ravelry. I have an account there, but haven’t logged-in in a year. It seems that sewing doesn’t work the same way that knitting does. Quilters, in particular, are not tied to patterns nor particular name-branded materials. Though I could see the discussion forums being interesting.


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There is , which is a sewing version of Ravelry. I have an account there, but haven’t logged-in in a year. It seems that sewing doesn’t work the same way that knitting does. Quilters, in particular, are not tied to patterns nor particular name-branded materials. Though I could see the discussion forums being interesting.


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You can also click out the long MBA cable with the ipod charger cable. When you got the MBA there was a second part to the power adapter.Of course, with the new RETINA display macbook, you current computer might as well be running Windows Me for all the smug it will bring you.


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You can also click out the long MBA cable with the ipod charger cable. When you got the MBA there was a second part to the power adapter.Of course, with the new RETINA display macbook, you current computer might as well be running Windows Me for all the smug it will bring you.


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Wonderful web site. Plenty of helpful information here. I am sending it to some buddies ans also sharing in delicious. And obviously, thank you for your sweat!


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I also love those honey favors in the backgroung. {Gush!} Image from Closer to Love Photography via The Wedding Chicks//LinkWithinCodeStart var linkwithin_site_id = 211066; var linkwithin_div_class = „linkwithin_hook“;


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I also love those honey favors in the backgroung. {Gush!} Image from Closer to Love Photography via The Wedding Chicks//LinkWithinCodeStart var linkwithin_site_id = 211066; var linkwithin_div_class = „linkwithin_hook“;


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Hi,love your blog, i found it through leannabanna. I have 6mnth old son, but i live in FL. I understand completely, but i have BFF. I met her in child birthing class and we hang out a lot, she lives 7 min from me! We're doing a girls night out tonight! i also talk to another girl from child birthing, but i've only seen her a few times!! I would die with out my new BFF!! Here's hoping you find one soon!


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Hi,love your blog, i found it through leannabanna. I have 6mnth old son, but i live in FL. I understand completely, but i have BFF. I met her in child birthing class and we hang out a lot, she lives 7 min from me! We're doing a girls night out tonight! i also talk to another girl from child birthing, but i've only seen her a few times!! I would die with out my new BFF!! Here's hoping you find one soon!


Vložil affordable car insurance Smyrna GA (bez ověření), 4. Květen 2018 - 1:47

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i masturbate every second of the day. i am fine. my mom does it too. i am not mentally retarded. my mommy taught me how to!! i do it when i am in school too! i go in the stalls in the bathroom cuz my friends make me horny. my teacher mrj makes me really horny and i wanna screw him….