Facebook přidává podporu Apple TV a Chromecastu

vydáno 24. 10. 2016 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Ze světa | 10559 komentářů

Tagy: Apple TV, Chromecast, Facebook, Google Cast, kompatibilita, přehrávání, video

Facebook ohledně svého zaměření na video rozhodně nežertuje. Reputaci pokaženou v této oblasti nafukováním čísel uživatelů (z čehož neměli radost zejména inzerenti) žehlí přidáním podpory Apple TV a Chromecastu.

Představitelé sociální sítě oznámili, že sledování videí z Facebooku nyní bude možné na velké obrazovce. Uživatelé totiž nově mohou „přenášet“ video z iOS zařízení nebo webového prohlížeče na Apple TV nebo jakékoliv jiné zařízení s podporou AirPlay, případně na Chromecast a zařízení s podporou Google Cast.

Brzy bude možné přehrávat video na Chromecast i ze zařízení s Androidem. Konkrétní datum podpory androidových mobilů a tabletů však Facebook zatím neoznámil.

Video se pomalu stává jednou z hlavních součástí aktivity uživatelů sociální sítě. Kromě relativně nové služby Facebook Live patří do této oblasti také předem nahraná videa sdílená uživateli. Podle lidí z Facebooku bude zeď s novinkami do pěti let složená prakticky jen z videa. Lidé ovšem chtějí sledovat video (ale nikoliv číst zprávy) na velké obrazovce. Přenos na populární zařízení typu Apple TV nebo Chromecast je tedy kompromisem: uživatelé stále mohou kontrolovat Facebook na mobilních zařízeních, ale odesílat obsah, kdykoliv je to potřeba, do televize.

Zdroj: Techhive.com

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Vložil cheap non owners insurance Venice FL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 6:59

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I read EVERY blog post you wrote in September and NEVER commented *hangs head in shame*I enjoyed every one, and from the start of October missed them turning up daily in my inbox.


Vložil low income car insurance Compton CA (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 7:09

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Can’t we just cede Tassy to NZ?Thet would heve the edventedge of allowung the scyintuffuc unbreedung tichniques imployed to breed my species on thus side of the dutch to be epplied to the humen population of Tesmenuya who hev been doung ut unscyintuffukelly for too long.


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What you talkin about Gooseman. It is my understanding the council solicitor said that the councillors would have to understand that their decision was clearly contrary to their advice on the day so you’ve answered nothing. Is this a true account of what happened or not. If you don’t know then just shut up if you do let us know. As you also know Polly has been slagging off the council officials publicly for years and angling to get them sacked same as he does with anyone who doesn’t do what he wants so don’t give us the old “it wasn’t him” crap.


Vložil car insurance quotes B M Goldwater A F Range AZ (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 7:51

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I am reminded of the fact that vengeance belongs to God. Sometimes when people do other people wrong, they think they will always get away with it. However, there is a judgment day for everyone! Great devotional!!


Vložil car insurance quotes B M Goldwater A F Range AZ (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 7:51

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I am reminded of the fact that vengeance belongs to God. Sometimes when people do other people wrong, they think they will always get away with it. However, there is a judgment day for everyone! Great devotional!!


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Whose Line is it Anyways was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw you're doing improv! I love Ryan Stiles and Wayne Brady.Can we have a improv vlog from you? ;)


Vložil auto insurance (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 8:23

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You will enjoy the new lens, but my suggesting is get the 105mm. With the 60mm you will be right on top of insects at 6inches. The 105mm you are 12 inches away. If you add an extension tube, you will be even closer yet.


Vložil car insurance Prairieville LA (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 8:29

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Back again to thank you Joy. I looked it up and ordered it. Definitely interested. I read Drama of the Gifted Child. Not sure how I missed this one. Anxious for it to arrive.


Vložil payless auto insurance Howell MI (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 9:09

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Syl : oui on peux faire des coeurs d'avance, en congelant du nutella, du coulis de fruit et en piochant dedans pour confectionner des gâteaux de toutes sortes. Les vaches viennent des environs de Grenoble, la seule balade qu'on a pu faire.


Vložil cheap auto insurance quotes Union NJ (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 9:30

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helen you had me at deep dish pizza!I have been dying try this place and get my fix of ‚fancy‘american food – I think id want everything on the menu to myself, although its a shame about the cornbread, but from the look of the desserts it hopefully made up for it!


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helen you had me at deep dish pizza!I have been dying try this place and get my fix of ‚fancy‘american food – I think id want everything on the menu to myself, although its a shame about the cornbread, but from the look of the desserts it hopefully made up for it!


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Indha asad thaan metha padicha medhavi .. matha yaarukkum edhuvume theriyadhupa/// Paiya agraharathu Ambi ivaru hyderabad nijammu.. solla vandhuttaru…ungalalam indiala innum irukka vidrathe thappuda


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Indha asad thaan metha padicha medhavi .. matha yaarukkum edhuvume theriyadhupa/// Paiya agraharathu Ambi ivaru hyderabad nijammu.. solla vandhuttaru…ungalalam indiala innum irukka vidrathe thappuda


Vložil car insurance quotes Pueblo CO (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 10:34

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Lovely beyond words is the photo, Becky.Psalm 84 is close to my heart, as it is the Psalm my husband and I chose to be read at our wedding almost 22 years ago this April!¡Qué bueno!-E


Vložil low income car insurance Dickson TN (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 10:40

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There really needs to be a way to turn this off in videos I'm watching. YouTube is seriously being ruined. It's bad enough that 99% of the content is just a „music video“ of an unaltered scene from a TV show with „Requiem For A Dream“ slapped over top of it, but now there's this stuff too. Awful.


Vložil low income car insurance Dickson TN (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 10:40

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There really needs to be a way to turn this off in videos I'm watching. YouTube is seriously being ruined. It's bad enough that 99% of the content is just a „music video“ of an unaltered scene from a TV show with „Requiem For A Dream“ slapped over top of it, but now there's this stuff too. Awful.


Vložil direct auto insurance Cartersville GA (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 10:51

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The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit gets my vote but, since the WCI also hopes to show films that will appeal to young kids, how about Manny’s Orphans as the opening matinee? (For those readers who don’t know, Dan Woog had a brief acting career before he became a well-known writer.)


Vložil car insurance Portland ME (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 11:23

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Per Camillo n. 3,porta pazienza… in realtà ho già qualcosa di scritto. Compresa una critica ai “complottisti sull’11 settembre”. Gli “anticomplottisti” ce l’hanno già con me, per ovvi motivi. E adesso mi beccherò anche gli strali dei “complottisti”.A quel punto, il blog si trasformerà in un forum di discussione sulla filologia comparata delle lingue indoeuropee, semitiche e altaiche.Miguel Martinez


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Tu sei davvero una strega tentatrice!Questa torta amara ha sentore di deliza e l'bbinamento con il porto spettacolare!Aspetto la prima volta che io e mio marito saremo soli per testare l'effetto!Grazie!nasinasip.s. le foto sono un vero incanto


Vložil car insurance rates Rock Springs WY (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 11:59

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A jeÅ¡tÄ› by bylo dobré si uvÄ›domit, že rozhodnutà bude v podobných pÅ™Ãpadech často činit voják. A ačkoli jsem vzdálen stereotypu presentujÃcÃho vojáka jako jedince s inteligencà láčkovce a sociálnà empathià železné trubky, ono je občas dÄ›suplné slyÅ¡et, jak ústavu vykládá soudce, natožpak armádnà důstojnÃk.Ne, málo platné, pevná pravidla jsou nezbytná.


Vložil car insurance quotes (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 12:00

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ThomasHi, could you describe in more detail these special valves from Race Tech. In total V Strom in Poland, I allowed myself to link to your site, none of our members had not heard of these valves. Thanks in advance for your help. Thomas PS. A great statement.


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myabigail100 on September 25, 2011 did u pay the tax for those each of ur suave coudrpts ??????????????could u tell me what suave coudrpt these are? whether hair spray or shampoo or body wash???did u buy theses all 3 suave coudrpts in a order Orlistat no prescription single target shop itself while checkout???didnt they say anything? ?? because 2 free coudrpts per person know!! but u bought 3 suave coudrpts .how?


Vložil auto insurance Tinley Park IL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 12:28

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So wirklich Sommer habe ich noch nicht gedacht, weil es ja doch an jedem schönen Tag immer wieder mit Regen und Gewittern anfängt :( Aber ab heute haben mein Mann und ich auch endlich eine Woche frei ♥Deine Feldfotos sind toll geworden!Liebe Grüße


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So wirklich Sommer habe ich noch nicht gedacht, weil es ja doch an jedem schönen Tag immer wieder mit Regen und Gewittern anfängt :( Aber ab heute haben mein Mann und ich auch endlich eine Woche frei ♥Deine Feldfotos sind toll geworden!Liebe Grüße


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129 Posted by 7b on 11July 28, 2012 at 1b8:20 pm 40 2f1Donna, What a terrific honor and well deserved. You work hard on your blog and in your business and it shows. Your transparency shines through. Hey, is there a brotherhood? In Clarity, Focus and Possibility, RICKRick Lelchuk recently posted..


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హన్à°¨ా à°Žంà°¤ à°®ాà°Ÿà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు à°®ా à°•ులపోà°³్ళని[à°Šà°¹ా à°•à°µి à°•ుà°²ం]à°®ీà°°ు సరిà°—ా à°šà°¦ిà°µినట్à°Ÿుà°²ేà°°ు à°¨ా à°•à°µితల్à°¨ి.à°•ాà°¸్à°¤ à°µెనక à°ªేà°œీలకెà°³ిà°¤ే à°…à°¨్à°¨ీ à°ˆ రకమయిà°¨ à°•à°µితలే :)à°…ంà°¦ుà°•ే à°¨ేà°¨ూ à°ుà°œాà°²ు తడుà°®ుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు


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Adorei o post! Estava programando o passeio em Alcatraz para 9 am, sair por volta das 11 am de lá para conhecer o outlet de Vacaville. Mas considerando a sua dica de que as vezes rola fog, acho que vou repensar esse horário. Ainda bem que não comprei os ingressos!Obrigada!Beijos


Vložil best auto insurance in Cleveland TN (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 13:15

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They sound delicious! Have u tried the European ( I think it’s a French brand) sorbets that they sell, it comes in coconut, orange, and lemon. The sorbets are in the shell of those specific items of food.


Vložil best auto insurance in Cleveland TN (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 13:15

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They sound delicious! Have u tried the European ( I think it’s a French brand) sorbets that they sell, it comes in coconut, orange, and lemon. The sorbets are in the shell of those specific items of food.


Vložil auto insurance Vance AL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 13:22

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Non ha molto a che fare ma avevo letto anni fa che le femmine di topo (probabilmente: certe specie di topi) possono riassorbire volontariamente il feto se incontrano un maschio piu' „appetibile“. Simile a quel che si inventa Todd Akin per le donne, per le quali esiste comunque la possibilita' di riassorbimento, almeno parziale, del feto. Almeno nel caso di gravidanze gemellari. Vedi „riassorbimento del feto“, un fenomeno ancora non ben chiaro in termini di rilevanza statistica.


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Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline… Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!I would appreciate if a staff member here at www.videocuriosity.com could post it.Thanks,Oliver


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Sami disse:Pelo menos já dá pra saber de onde veio a malignidade de Shaya… Mas, é claro, ela tá mt verde pra superar a mestra e n levou tao a sério todas as licoes! Como todo mundo, n foi escutar a mae… quebrou a cara.


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Great share, thank you! Add a variety of nuts and seeds to a bowl of oatmeal, and you’ll get fiber and crunch in every bite! Delish!! 06–6–2010


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I'd still vote for him over McCain/Palin without hesitation. Ayers at his worst couldn't do half the damage to the country that the last eight years have inflicted on it…I once heard someone describe conservatism as the belief that „things can always get worse.“


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Garden City NY (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 14:32

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if the eyeshadows are baked, it's ok to get them wet, but say when a normal mac eyeshadow gets wet it can ruin it and the layer has to be scraped off. @Jody ooo great news for you with the pink tones then. I didn't get the concealer as there wasn't one suitable for my skin shade, they might send me one later to review. @The beauty edit I havent tried the concealer. x


Vložil non owners auto insurance quotes San Luis Obispo CA (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 14:37

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Hi Thomas(huntmaster201),I buy most of my Jungle Cock off ebay, you just have to look closely at the feathers and make sure that they are not split..If you see one send me a link and I’ll have a look at it for you..All the best Davie


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Hi Thomas(huntmaster201),I buy most of my Jungle Cock off ebay, you just have to look closely at the feathers and make sure that they are not split..If you see one send me a link and I’ll have a look at it for you..All the best Davie


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i lost my mobile and i need it back.. pls help me..my IMEI no:35155802–627318–7date of purchase:05.07.08model no:w910idate of purchase:05.07.08model no:w910ivat tin no:34880003471Cst no:34880003471/dt.5.5.99and i bought it sony world in pondy,indiavat tin no:34880003471Cst no:34880003471/dt.5.5.99and i bought it sony world in pondy,india


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Большое спасибо за ответ!Всегда ли это титан или возможны варианты? Бывают ли в практике другие варианты металла, из которых делают клипсы?


Vložil auto insurance Dunnellon FL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 15:07

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This is stunning Bev. What a real cutie she is, who wouldn't want to colour her in. Love the DBP you have used too.All the best Linda


Vložil auto insurance Dunnellon FL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 15:07

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This is stunning Bev. What a real cutie she is, who wouldn't want to colour her in. Love the DBP you have used too.All the best Linda


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That is awesome! What a view! I'm sure people who live in So Cal don't have as much of an attachment to that Hollywood sign, but it always makes me a little giddy when I see it. haha


Vložil cheap auto insurance quotes Dunnellon FL (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 16:01

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Congrats on the release, Allegra! NOTHING BUT SCANDAL sounds like my kind of book!I often wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning and write for a couple of hours. For some reason that’s when the ideas are the best. I’m sure this will come in quite handy when baby arrives!


Vložil low income auto insurance dmv Plainville CT (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 16:12

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Again, thanks for all the lovely comments and Nina, I love emailing readers back – especially when they tell me they know someone just like my main character or the teenager, husband, etc.And Jel, I am in love with this cover – I hope it inspires readers to pick it up!Cheers, Lisa xx


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Again, thanks for all the lovely comments and Nina, I love emailing readers back – especially when they tell me they know someone just like my main character or the teenager, husband, etc.And Jel, I am in love with this cover – I hope it inspires readers to pick it up!Cheers, Lisa xx


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I hope this doesn’t sound creepy but I just had this weird motherly affection towards you after reading this post. Like, I just want to bake cupcakes and make you eat them. Lol.


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This series just made it onto my to-read list! I love the cover for The Trouble with Demons and the title of the one she is working on, All Spell Breaks Loose. Great interview! Thank you for the giveaway!liedermadchen(at)hotmail(dot)com


Vložil affordable auto insurance Bellingham WA (bez ověření), 26. Září 2018 - 17:16

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admin disse:Oi Deise,O próximo troca troca esta previsto para 10 de novembro.Não possuÃmos uma agenda de eventos, devido a nossa agenda de feiras e grêmios.Mas realizamos (tentamos) o troca troca 3× por ano.BeijosRÊ


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Sounds like a you-had-to-be-there situation. Even with what I know about what was supposed to happen at the panel, and trying to follow twitter conversations, I’m not sure what happened or why people are upset.