Facebook přidává podporu Apple TV a Chromecastu

vydáno 24. 10. 2016 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Ze světa | 10559 komentářů

Tagy: Apple TV, Chromecast, Facebook, Google Cast, kompatibilita, přehrávání, video

Facebook ohledně svého zaměření na video rozhodně nežertuje. Reputaci pokaženou v této oblasti nafukováním čísel uživatelů (z čehož neměli radost zejména inzerenti) žehlí přidáním podpory Apple TV a Chromecastu.

Představitelé sociální sítě oznámili, že sledování videí z Facebooku nyní bude možné na velké obrazovce. Uživatelé totiž nově mohou „přenášet“ video z iOS zařízení nebo webového prohlížeče na Apple TV nebo jakékoliv jiné zařízení s podporou AirPlay, případně na Chromecast a zařízení s podporou Google Cast.

Brzy bude možné přehrávat video na Chromecast i ze zařízení s Androidem. Konkrétní datum podpory androidových mobilů a tabletů však Facebook zatím neoznámil.

Video se pomalu stává jednou z hlavních součástí aktivity uživatelů sociální sítě. Kromě relativně nové služby Facebook Live patří do této oblasti také předem nahraná videa sdílená uživateli. Podle lidí z Facebooku bude zeď s novinkami do pěti let složená prakticky jen z videa. Lidé ovšem chtějí sledovat video (ale nikoliv číst zprávy) na velké obrazovce. Přenos na populární zařízení typu Apple TV nebo Chromecast je tedy kompromisem: uživatelé stále mohou kontrolovat Facebook na mobilních zařízeních, ale odesílat obsah, kdykoliv je to potřeba, do televize.

Zdroj: Techhive.com

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Siitä tulisesta ja makeasta rahkasta saa aivan täydellisen fondue-dipin, kun sitä tuunaa creme fraichella, chilipalolla, valkosipulilla, makealla chiletahnalla, suolalla ja sokerilla.


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What treat a Maine Lobster Dinner. I am a Single mom of a special needs child and recent Stage 4 Cancer Survivor. I would love to win this so I could treat my sister to a LobsterDinner after standing behind me to battle a very aggressive cancer! Thank you for letting me share my story .


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What treat a Maine Lobster Dinner. I am a Single mom of a special needs child and recent Stage 4 Cancer Survivor. I would love to win this so I could treat my sister to a LobsterDinner after standing behind me to battle a very aggressive cancer! Thank you for letting me share my story .


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Eso no es humor. Burlarse de Dios es un pecado muy grave y una falta de respeto a los creyentes. Tú, Noé, quieres dialogar con nosotros, pero no te puedes privar de ofender nuestras creencias. Eso no es justo.


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Eso no es humor. Burlarse de Dios es un pecado muy grave y una falta de respeto a los creyentes. Tú, Noé, quieres dialogar con nosotros, pero no te puedes privar de ofender nuestras creencias. Eso no es justo.


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Le 17/11/2009 à 16h28 Citation:Posté par DamselJe doute qu'on achète et conduise ce genre de bolides pour faire du 130 sur l'autoroute.Oui certes, mais encore une fois, ça ne prouve rien.


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Le 17/11/2009 à 16h28 Citation:Posté par DamselJe doute qu'on achète et conduise ce genre de bolides pour faire du 130 sur l'autoroute.Oui certes, mais encore une fois, ça ne prouve rien.


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Love it. I was just wondering, though, why there is a stray “and” in the opening blurb in the picture. “Jon Jolly and explores why Christian…”Maybe it could be specific “Jon Jolly and you explore…”Or singular “Jon Jolly explores… ”Or random “Jon Jolly and a wookie explores… ”Or vague “Jon Jolly and some unnamed person explore… ”Yeah, I’ve got too much time on my hands.


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Me han hablado muy bien de los bizcochos con calabacÃn, pero nunca los he probado.Verdaderamente, el tuyo tiene una pinta rica, y se ve jugosÃsimo.Aquà ya vamos teniendo calor, pero estas cosas apetecen en invierno y en verano.Besotes.


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Me han hablado muy bien de los bizcochos con calabacÃn, pero nunca los he probado.Verdaderamente, el tuyo tiene una pinta rica, y se ve jugosÃsimo.Aquà ya vamos teniendo calor, pero estas cosas apetecen en invierno y en verano.Besotes.


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Instead of terminating the account – Perhaps add a trade section for Good membersand add a new policy that those with certain number of Rep points of Postings can have Post in a ‘services offered” section


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church issued an apology because the crusades were instigated officially by the church (remember pope urban-2)Islam did not and does not have a central command.But there have been already open condemnation of various acts of violence by appropriate religious authorities.But I do agree, that we need to walk the talk.


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What a great piece! Reading this, like a lot of your articles, brings back lots of good memories. It was more of a defense minded era, one that I doubt we’ll ever see again…


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What a great piece! Reading this, like a lot of your articles, brings back lots of good memories. It was more of a defense minded era, one that I doubt we’ll ever see again…


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Qué suerte para las que no tenemos oportunidad de visitar esta feria tan apetecible poder contar contigo y con tu cámara!!!!Me encanta todo e imagino lo que habrás podido disfrutar entre tanta belleza y arte .....un lujo para nosotras que tú hayas estado allà para transmitÃrnoslo.Un abrazo muy fuerte ,feliz lunes ,…no estarÃa mal acabar la jornada acomodada quizás en esa silla vintage tan cinéfila,verdad??


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Qué suerte para las que no tenemos oportunidad de visitar esta feria tan apetecible poder contar contigo y con tu cámara!!!!Me encanta todo e imagino lo que habrás podido disfrutar entre tanta belleza y arte .....un lujo para nosotras que tú hayas estado allà para transmitÃrnoslo.Un abrazo muy fuerte ,feliz lunes ,…no estarÃa mal acabar la jornada acomodada quizás en esa silla vintage tan cinéfila,verdad??


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We truly appreciate your site post. You will discover a multitude of techniques we could put it to really good use by means of minimum effort with time and money. Thank you very much with regard to helping have the post respond to many concerns we have got before now.


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It’s a solid tape. Better than most of what’s out there. It’s on par with the other stuff. Better than 11.1.11, but not as good as More About Nothing. Solid, y’know?


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It’s a solid tape. Better than most of what’s out there. It’s on par with the other stuff. Better than 11.1.11, but not as good as More About Nothing. Solid, y’know?


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Claire disse:Ele comeu. o.o’ (medo tenso)E FINALMENTE ESSA MULHER ODIOSA VAI PARAR DE ENCHER! Espero que o Doumeki tenha adulterado a comida e colocado chumbinho pra ela! ò-o (veeery unlikely)


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I'm pretty sure that Wey love roasted pork too la?EE YER!!! i hate roasted PORK! I hate PORK with any single layer of fats! not that I'm health-conscious, but, i feel so „geli“ when I teeth on the fats! hahaAnyways, I love all the Yam Pork ! But I pick Yam & all the thick thick gravy to eat onlY! haha


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I'm pretty sure that Wey love roasted pork too la?EE YER!!! i hate roasted PORK! I hate PORK with any single layer of fats! not that I'm health-conscious, but, i feel so „geli“ when I teeth on the fats! hahaAnyways, I love all the Yam Pork ! But I pick Yam & all the thick thick gravy to eat onlY! haha


Vložil direct auto insurance Bridgeport CT (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 15:42

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That is my take as well. Rudolph, with Peterson still rehabbing and Simpson suspended, should be the #2 in targets for MIN.And why all the negative votes?VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)


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That is my take as well. Rudolph, with Peterson still rehabbing and Simpson suspended, should be the #2 in targets for MIN.And why all the negative votes?VN:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)


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Aproveitando os efeitos demolidores da polÃtica de austeridade posta em prática pelo governo PS-PSD (1983–1985), o PRD veio a ser o grande beneficiário da dissolução parlamentar de 1985, decidida pelo próprio general Eanes no termo do seu segundo mandato. Conseguiu obter uma votação muito próxima da dos socialistas. Em termos parlamentares, tornou-se, assim, o terceiro partido e uma força polÃtica de charneira – decisiva para a manutenção no poder do governo minoritário de José Socrates, sei lá!


Vložil car insurance rates Winston Salem NC (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 16:43

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And if the whole thing was just a hallucenation, WHY? If they knew Shepard was still alive why not just blast him and send their forces after him to collect the body? There was no NEED for a trippy plot hole filled hallucenation.


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Du Sarko pur jus (de chaussettes): c’est comme pour le pouvoir d’achat, une belle annonce bien sonore mais au final on attend toujours qu’il paye sa tournée!


Vložil list of car insurances in Fredericksburg VA (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 17:28

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In response to highfashionlady – Lumigan and Latisse are identical, with the same risk of side effects, except Latisse is safer because it is applied to the eyelid, not directly in the eye. You actually get more in the Latisse bottle (3 ml vs 2.5 ml) plus you get brushes. The costs are similar. Insurance won’t cover either unless you have glaucoma.


Vložil auto insurance quotes Aiken SC (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 17:37

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I am just getting started on the Internet. I am retired now.I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs Iam reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit.I think that you have to put some attention on a blog to bring it abovethe dry and boring verbage that is common, and you have definitely accomplished that.Well you know I have my own blog and website now. It is fun, to be sure.I put my site and email in the allocated spaces.It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok withyou. TheVeryBest2You 13 8


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I am just getting started on the Internet. I am retired now.I can see that there is a rich diversity in the blogs Iam reading and I am trying to leave some comment whereever I visit.I think that you have to put some attention on a blog to bring it abovethe dry and boring verbage that is common, and you have definitely accomplished that.Well you know I have my own blog and website now. It is fun, to be sure.I put my site and email in the allocated spaces.It seems to be customary to include these so I hope that its ok withyou. TheVeryBest2You 13 8


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“pre-retirement – that is, the ten years before retirement, when you’re still working but not quite full time beachy, warmer than NYC low cost of livingnot full of cranky old Canadiansa bit off the beaten path”none of these are perfect, but anyway…Savannah, GACorpus Christi, TXPanama City, FLWilmington, NC


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ratio legais – Seria isso uma alusão ao desvios de conduta que a própria lei lhes faculta que é “legal” POR ESTAR EM LEI, mais é tremendamente imoral. LOMAN – Nesses bandidos de toga.


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Milpitas CA (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 18:20

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Um condutor cuidadoso fixa a velocidade nos 70 se o máximo for de 80 Km/hora, porque a tolerância é nula ou quase (5%). Mas um condutor não pode nem deve é ir a olhar sempre pró conta-quilómetros, porque isso é OBVIAMENTTE PERIGOSO; tem que preocupar-se é com o ambiente fora da viatura: a estrada e o trânsito.Assim, com tolerâncias de 5%, 80 Km significa 70 Km/hora e 50 significa 40 Km/hora.Venha um „expert“ e declare que não tenho razão!!!!Zé da Burra o Alentejano


Vložil car insurance rates Madison Heights MI (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 18:25

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Voilà déjà deux personnes intéressées pour participer à cet évenement sportif, il serait bien que d’autres personnes se joingnent à eux afin de faire une équipe départementale, avis aux amateurs passionnés de VTT.Merci de joindre David DUCRET, qui a lancé l’idée de cette équipe départementale.


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Hi,It seems to be a scam. You are only entering a draw. In that process you have to give up your e-mail and i reckon it is easier winning in the lottery than getting you hands on that Ipad……


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After research a couple of of the blog posts in your web site now, and I really like your method of blogging. I bookmarked it to my bookmark website listing and shall be checking back soon. Pls try my website as nicely and let me know what you think.


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aree lauki US mein nahi dekha,isliyee tho tumare recipe dekh kar pani aa rahaa hai…khya karu samaj mein ayee na..(GHULAM film song line) hehe


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Marienne SkinnerMay 22nd 2012 – 3:41pmI really enjoy wearing my silk bracelets, but love seeing Mary Mercedes’ creativity blooom!Each bracelet has it’s own unique character and personality so they make a great gift for anyone.


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From what I can tell, Mitch Williams does absolutely nothing but repeat a steady stream of conventional wisdom and cliche in his „analysis.“ I'm really not exaggerating either, there's nothing else to it.


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From what I can tell, Mitch Williams does absolutely nothing but repeat a steady stream of conventional wisdom and cliche in his „analysis.“ I'm really not exaggerating either, there's nothing else to it.


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My wife and I will be visiting the Albert area from Australia in mid-August and would love to be able to view the progress being made there. My wife’s great-grandfather fought in the Somme area in 1916. I will be keeping an eye on this site to see when open days are occurring. This is a very significant project.


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My wife and I will be visiting the Albert area from Australia in mid-August and would love to be able to view the progress being made there. My wife’s great-grandfather fought in the Somme area in 1916. I will be keeping an eye on this site to see when open days are occurring. This is a very significant project.


Vložil non owners auto insurance quotes Longview WA (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 20:07

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 » il n’est pas acceptable que les banques ne voient pas leurs profits (et leurs bonus) affectes par cette crise »Mais le seront-ils vraiment ? LA BCE créera simplement des petits « instruments de politique monétaire » (type ELA …) afin de renflouer les banques tandis que celles-ci serreront la vis auprès de leur clients.A quand le prix nobel pour Ponzi ?


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Quelle déception! D’un autre côté… cela me conforte dans l’idée qu’en matière de commerce il ne faut jamais faire une confiance aveugle… Avant d’acheter… je me renseigne et mène l’enquête.Grâce à votre site les enquêtes sont plus rapidement menées merci!


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D'ores et déjà tous mes voeux! Profitez de cette journée, elle est si courte, mais elle est aussi le début d'une longue et belle aventure, même si la vôtre a commencé depuis quelque temps déjà ;o) Que tout se passe bien. Bises.


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Vložil low income auto insurance Camden NJ (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 20:25

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Vložil car insurance HI (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 20:46

Obrázek uživatele car insurance HI

Has a team ever won a SB past their 2nd string qb? I know Brady and Kurt Warner have done it as backups, but in history even the most talented rosters don’t survive with 3rd stringer or worse (91 eagles, 11 Texans, etc). I don’t think it’s THAT crazy of a move.


Vložil car insurance HI (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 20:46

Obrázek uživatele car insurance HI

Has a team ever won a SB past their 2nd string qb? I know Brady and Kurt Warner have done it as backups, but in history even the most talented rosters don’t survive with 3rd stringer or worse (91 eagles, 11 Texans, etc). I don’t think it’s THAT crazy of a move.


Vložil low income car insurance Lewisville TX (bez ověření), 25. Září 2018 - 20:53

Obrázek uživatele low income car insurance Lewisville TX

Jag håller med dig. Tänk det blåser och man tycker det är så gott!Vi har kanoten som väntar på oss, liten men naggande go`Väldigt fin sommarbild, som ett vykort.