Motorola a HTC: výkon smartphonů záměrně nesnižujeme

vydáno 19. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 10576 komentářů

Tagy: Apple iPhone, HTC, iOS, kauza, Motorola, smartphony, zpomalování CPU

Apple je v současné době mnohými „grilován“ za to, že záměrně zpomaloval starší modely, byť s „bohulibým záměrem.“

Společnost se nechala slyšet, že iPhony nezpomaluje kvůli tomu, aby uživatele popohnala ke koupi nového zařízení, ale kvůli vyšší výdrži stárnoucí baterie na jedno nabití. „Plánované zastarávání“ výrobce vyloučil, ačkoliv právě z toho jej viní žaloby podané v Izraeli, ve Spojených státech a nově dokonce i ve Francii, kde je daný postup trestným činem, který může kromě citelné pokuty vyústit i v až dvouleté vězení pro zodpovědné osoby.

Cesta do pekel je dlážděna dobrými úmysly a vysvětlení Applu mnohé neuspokojilo, naopak se vyrojily otázky o potenciálním zpomalování jiných smartphonů na trhu.

Zatímco společnosti jako Samsung a Sony svoje oficiální vyjádření v této věci zatím připravují, HTC a Motorola uvedly, že zpomalování CPU jako Apple neprovádějí. „Nezpomalujeme výkon CPU kvůli starším bateriím,“ řekl mluvčí Motoroly ve vyjádření pro The Verge a HTC se vyjádřil podobně.

To nám však nedává úplnou odpověď. V současné době není možné říci, zda obě společnosti nezpomalují výkon CPU z jiných důvodů než z důvodu stárnoucí baterie, ale lepší informace v současné době nemáme.


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Ich wünsche Stephan, der Band, der Crew und allen anderen die dazu gehören ein wundervolles 2012 viel glück und gutes gelingen


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Hi KatyThanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a little note!How lucky are those girls to be getting such great party treats?! A lovely idea! :)


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Josh, I thought I had created the worst episode ever and here you are talking about how much it helped you!Thanks for your encouragement as always.The fact that you are working so hard on your leadership skills is what will put you ahead of 90% of all other engineers out there. So very few are good leaders in my experience. They get a little too fact driven and lose personality in the mix of it all. They also tend to treat people like the machines they design.It’s awesome to see you pushing against that!


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Josh, I thought I had created the worst episode ever and here you are talking about how much it helped you!Thanks for your encouragement as always.The fact that you are working so hard on your leadership skills is what will put you ahead of 90% of all other engineers out there. So very few are good leaders in my experience. They get a little too fact driven and lose personality in the mix of it all. They also tend to treat people like the machines they design.It’s awesome to see you pushing against that!


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Drill Sgt,Everybody who deploys gets shot atThis is definitely not true.Troops are earning their pay.No one is disputing that. What is in dispute is that they earn lifetime pay and benefits for only 20 years worth of work.


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Mery, cada vida és un món, un univers, i cadascú farà el que serà capaç de fer, més mal,menys mal. Jo és que ho percebo aixÃ. No pateixis, les coses passen i es queden allà, al passat


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Amazing to see you post another Video – its a great way to „meet“ you Sandra ! love the look ! /…ivingInClips


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Amazing to see you post another Video – its a great way to „meet“ you Sandra ! love the look ! /…ivingInClips


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mówi:AleÅ› Ty Izka Å›liczna:). KiedyÅ› na pizzÄ™ do Ciebie tam wpadnÄ™:) Może zanim opanujesz Å›wiat, bo nie bÄ™dziesz mieć czasu potem dla mnie:):):)PS. lubiÄ™ CiÄ™ takÄ… “zuchwaÅ‚Ä…” :D:D:D


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dit :Mouarf, ton gâtotrobo, il est rempli de toutes les bonnes choses qui rendent heureux les petits bonshommes!(et moi aussi par la même occasion!)


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Ryszardzie:)na wstÄ™pie powiem Ci,że masz Å‚adnÄ… zielonÄ… serwetke koÅ‚o swego imienia:) a tytuÅ‚ książki jest trochÄ™ przewrotny. Chodzi o dawanie nie tylko pieniÄ™dzy:)a duzo mamy-każdy z nas:) Oj, gdybyÅ› wiedziaÅ‚, ile masz do dania to byÅ› siÄ™ zdziwiÅ‚, bo ja byÅ‚am zadziwiona i…. rozdziawiona tym odkryciem:)Pozdrówka Å‚agodne:) Ela


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Die tas van Noeks doet het toch erg goed! ‚t is ook zo‘n leukerd! Die stof is inderdaad ook lekker vrolijk. Je vriendin zal er ongetwijfeld blij mee zijn!


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Die tas van Noeks doet het toch erg goed! ‚t is ook zo‘n leukerd! Die stof is inderdaad ook lekker vrolijk. Je vriendin zal er ongetwijfeld blij mee zijn!


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Hi, I just discovered your site through Google. Your post is truly relevant to my life right now, and I am definitely satisfied I came across your blog.


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I am watching the progress made at the site with great interest. My great grandfather was killed in the tunnels in December 1915 after only a few weeks of arriving there. It was a poignant moment to see his photograph displayed at the place he lies on Breakfast TV today. I hope along with my mother, sister and other family members to be able to visit at a future date.


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I am watching the progress made at the site with great interest. My great grandfather was killed in the tunnels in December 1915 after only a few weeks of arriving there. It was a poignant moment to see his photograph displayed at the place he lies on Breakfast TV today. I hope along with my mother, sister and other family members to be able to visit at a future date.


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This is an awesome new design. Though I won't pass judgement on the RAV4 interior until I can sit in one and see for myself. Toyota's RAV4 is competing in the same market as the Honda CRV, Mazda CX-5, Ford Escape. All of these models have sleek designs to make them more appealing than the old truck-like boxy body style which was tired and finally put to rest. Consumers are flocking to the more car-like CUV's these days. I predict that this new RAV4 will be a super success for Toyota.


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I’ve grabbed such item too in the past. I had a friend one grab a newer 36 inch (CRT) TV after a storm appeared to know it out. He was electronically savvy, and was able to fix it for less than $50!I have other family members that if they see something of value they will pick it up too. Why not, what’s the different between $100 and something that has a value of $100…I picked up an old wooded antique desk that was work at least a few hundred myself. I’m very happy with it (I still have it today)!


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I’ve grabbed such item too in the past. I had a friend one grab a newer 36 inch (CRT) TV after a storm appeared to know it out. He was electronically savvy, and was able to fix it for less than $50!I have other family members that if they see something of value they will pick it up too. Why not, what’s the different between $100 and something that has a value of $100…I picked up an old wooded antique desk that was work at least a few hundred myself. I’m very happy with it (I still have it today)!


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I know the world-wide car market is suffering from over production, but I'd have thought it quite something for a major manufacturer to have to halt production of its main supermini model.


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I know the world-wide car market is suffering from over production, but I'd have thought it quite something for a major manufacturer to have to halt production of its main supermini model.


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hola me gustaria saber cuanto esta para un tratamiento en mi abdomen… tengo un poco de panza toda flacida, despues de tener dos hijos… y mi pupo se estiro mucho… tengo arreglo y cuanto me costaria… espero su respuesta… gracias


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Quel air canaille,Chianki,avec son os entre les dents,j’en connais un autre,quile défendrait avec un grognement !!!!! aussi !!!!!Votre recette ne doit pas avoir le même bon goût cuisinée avec les ingrédientsachetés,car le goût si subtil onctueux et savoureux on ne le trouvera pas dansle résultat finalJe n’ai pas de potager,ni de poulet gambadant dans la naturePauvre de moi ho! la! la!C’est de l’humour bien sûr ……..mais….il y a un peu de vrai !!!!! hi! hi! hi!Je vous souhaite très chère VEB,une très bonne fin de semaineBizzzzzzzzzzz amicaleA bientôt !!!!!Lili


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If you want to show the page after clicking on “new tab” do this:1. open new tab2. typ in the url: about:config3. search: browser.newtab.url4. change it to the url of your index.htmsuch as: C:\\page\\index.htmDone!Have fun!


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Clara comentou em 6 de janeiro de 2011 Ã s 19:53. Também fiz uma pergunta que ficou sem resposta, no outro post! Se puderem ajudar.. Gostaria muito de saber se a Julia já fez algum manual sobre como fazer uma boa escova sozinha em casa! Tambem vi uma entrevista dela em que ela conta que faz alguns tratamentos noturnos no cabelo! Como funciona? Quais produtos a indicar, ja teve algum post sobre isso?Obrigada!Beijo grande!


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Off to the races. The boxes are about to be hauled out. And I have to set aside time for crafting something new for the decorations. I have a thing for the old music and book pages. The shop picture I featured recently had ornaments I want to try my own twist on. I get in moods. Your daughter is so yummy in that picture. And I’m so jealous of your dinner and shopping. Hey, I got the reordered Christmas cards back though. They’re perfect. I’ll be sending one your way.Love,Shalagh


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The cutting off of Riverside drive WILL create a lot of traffic problems.Also that rather smallish rectangular marina, hidden amongst all those tall concrete/glass towers will be covered by shadow pretty much all day in our autumn/winter.And partly in shade during our spring/summer mornings and afternoons.Seems like the whole design has been rushed through with very little thought, a bit like the bell-tower and that hideous warehouse like design of the ‘convention centre’.


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The cutting off of Riverside drive WILL create a lot of traffic problems.Also that rather smallish rectangular marina, hidden amongst all those tall concrete/glass towers will be covered by shadow pretty much all day in our autumn/winter.And partly in shade during our spring/summer mornings and afternoons.Seems like the whole design has been rushed through with very little thought, a bit like the bell-tower and that hideous warehouse like design of the ‘convention centre’.


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Do Matiego – mnie niestety nie wykrywa karty graficznej Ati radeon x700 na laptopie Toshiby Satelitte pro .wszystko chodzi bo sÅ‚ysze :) nawet wstepna muzyczka , a obrazu nie ma .jak wylaczam to pokazuje sie komunikat ze nie ms screen savera=0–0Nie wiem o co chodzi , moze ktoÅ› pomoże :) jest to wersja live 5.10 no i po wyborze rozdzielczosci w trakcie instalacji ekran nie miga ,jak sugeruje komunikat :)


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Do Matiego – mnie niestety nie wykrywa karty graficznej Ati radeon x700 na laptopie Toshiby Satelitte pro .wszystko chodzi bo sÅ‚ysze :) nawet wstepna muzyczka , a obrazu nie ma .jak wylaczam to pokazuje sie komunikat ze nie ms screen savera=0–0Nie wiem o co chodzi , moze ktoÅ› pomoże :) jest to wersja live 5.10 no i po wyborze rozdzielczosci w trakcie instalacji ekran nie miga ,jak sugeruje komunikat :)


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Ange et démon: Si vous avez le physique + ou – d’1 ange, à mon égard vous êtes assez désagréable. 1 mini-démon sozusagen! Pour ce qui est du travail pour gagner sa vie, je suis né 60 ans trop tard; comme l’armée ce temps fut pour moi souvent du temps perdu. Étant au chômage technique, auf hohen niveau, j’ai aujourd’hui plus de temps pour ne rien faire de commerciale quelques mois par an, mich sei Dank…


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The TL350 is indeed a much more polished camera to use and operate than the X10– totally different class but the result is that I have a pocket camera that I actually like that isn't a DSLR with RAW. No quirks either, just straight up a great pocket camera with very good results despite the very small sensor.Carl


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paolo, a proposito di ‚Tu, esattamente, quanto hai fatto?‘che centra?? è un servizio, una cosa che la gente guarda, e si può criticare anche senza fare. o dobbiamo essere tutti cantanti per dire che non ci piace ligabue?


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Because of the „follow the groupthink OR ELSE“ mentality of the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats that run the DSA, it is unfathomable to them that someone who could support The Obamassiah in 2008 could turn on him in 2012. To indicate they've realized they were sold a bill of goods in a fraud, they would have to admit their entire foundation for doing so was false, and they cannot and/or will not do so and God help ANYONE who does.


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Because of the „follow the groupthink OR ELSE“ mentality of the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats that run the DSA, it is unfathomable to them that someone who could support The Obamassiah in 2008 could turn on him in 2012. To indicate they've realized they were sold a bill of goods in a fraud, they would have to admit their entire foundation for doing so was false, and they cannot and/or will not do so and God help ANYONE who does.


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Howdy would you mind stating which blog platform you’re using? I’m planning to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a difficult time selecting between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S Apologies for being off-topic but I had to ask!


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Intrigued by your film „Secretary“? If you get enough of your film „Secretary“ (with Adam Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal), allow us to talk. Whether you may have explore filipino women d your key desires or have kept them hidden knowledge, I can aid. Show me that anyone can follow directions by including a photograph and making the main topic of your message „Dear Mr. Dull… “.


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Hei Utelias!Tuolla on molemmat kaverit kyydissä! Se olikin meidän suurin syy hankkia kärry, että saadaan molemmat saman fillarin kyytiin. Noita kärryjä on aika paljon erilaisia ja eritasoisia myynnissä, meidän tilattiin muistaakseni Tanskalaisesta verkkokaupasta, mutta näyttää olevan aikalailla samoissa hinnoissa esim.


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Hei Utelias!Tuolla on molemmat kaverit kyydissä! Se olikin meidän suurin syy hankkia kärry, että saadaan molemmat saman fillarin kyytiin. Noita kärryjä on aika paljon erilaisia ja eritasoisia myynnissä, meidän tilattiin muistaakseni Tanskalaisesta verkkokaupasta, mutta näyttää olevan aikalailla samoissa hinnoissa esim.


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Just to clarify were the test conditions:A) 1. Parallels 7 Installed on SSD, Windows 7 Virtual machine (.pvm) file located on SSD 2. Parallels 7 Installed on SSD, Windows 7 Virtual machine (.pvm) file located on HDD-or-B) 1. Parallels 7 Installed on SSD, Windows 7 Virtual machine (.pvm) file located on SSD 2. Parallels 7 Installed on HDD, Windows 7 Virtual machine (.pvm) file located on HDDIt sounds like you did A, which is precisely the comparison I was looking for. Thanks for putting this out there.


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Thank you Wendy. It took many years for me to get here and actually Wendy last years when I really let it all go – all bc of your teaching in HJ about being Mary instead of Martha. I quit trying to have perfect decorations, perfect memories, and perfect family gatherings. Now I just enjoy and I have NEVER had glass ornaments – ours are all droppable lolThank you for stopping by my friend. Love you!!!