Motorola a HTC: výkon smartphonů záměrně nesnižujeme

vydáno 19. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 10576 komentářů

Tagy: Apple iPhone, HTC, iOS, kauza, Motorola, smartphony, zpomalování CPU

Apple je v současné době mnohými „grilován“ za to, že záměrně zpomaloval starší modely, byť s „bohulibým záměrem.“

Společnost se nechala slyšet, že iPhony nezpomaluje kvůli tomu, aby uživatele popohnala ke koupi nového zařízení, ale kvůli vyšší výdrži stárnoucí baterie na jedno nabití. „Plánované zastarávání“ výrobce vyloučil, ačkoliv právě z toho jej viní žaloby podané v Izraeli, ve Spojených státech a nově dokonce i ve Francii, kde je daný postup trestným činem, který může kromě citelné pokuty vyústit i v až dvouleté vězení pro zodpovědné osoby.

Cesta do pekel je dlážděna dobrými úmysly a vysvětlení Applu mnohé neuspokojilo, naopak se vyrojily otázky o potenciálním zpomalování jiných smartphonů na trhu.

Zatímco společnosti jako Samsung a Sony svoje oficiální vyjádření v této věci zatím připravují, HTC a Motorola uvedly, že zpomalování CPU jako Apple neprovádějí. „Nezpomalujeme výkon CPU kvůli starším bateriím,“ řekl mluvčí Motoroly ve vyjádření pro The Verge a HTC se vyjádřil podobně.

To nám však nedává úplnou odpověď. V současné době není možné říci, zda obě společnosti nezpomalují výkon CPU z jiných důvodů než z důvodu stárnoucí baterie, ale lepší informace v současné době nemáme.


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Do you think that frugality is a goal all it’s own? Boy, I really agree with you on frugality in and of itself is a waste! Rich Misers living in shacks is where that path leads!Or do you think it’s an effort that should support other financial endeavors?I think it could both in personal life and business. Look at Buffett, his business office looks like any other frugal business office.Some great point! Balance is the key..-= Money Reasons´s last blog .. =-.


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What is it about trading that over 90% of people who try to trade lose money?In theory it’s simple. Nothing close to the complexity of detailed fundamental investing. Intellectually, trend trading, pattern trading, gap trading etc can be easily implemented and understood by children. So why is it that so many people lose money?I’ve run a lot of back-testing and modelling for TA algorithms, and I can’t figure it out.


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What is it about trading that over 90% of people who try to trade lose money?In theory it’s simple. Nothing close to the complexity of detailed fundamental investing. Intellectually, trend trading, pattern trading, gap trading etc can be easily implemented and understood by children. So why is it that so many people lose money?I’ve run a lot of back-testing and modelling for TA algorithms, and I can’t figure it out.


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O importante, para o Rubens, é que vai ser primeiro piloto. Ter assumidamente o carro definido para ele, e, os melhores engenheiros e peças, se o carro for mesmo bom, vai ter enfim a possibilidade de ser campeão. Ainda tem um joker nessa historia, o kers, O Frank Williams sempre foi inovador de tecnicas e essa, de repente, pode ser o diferencial na temporada. O Massa, é que deveria seguir o exemplo, e escolher a melhor oferta para ser primeiro piloto, onde ? ai é com ele, talvez na Brawn-Mercedes.


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O importante, para o Rubens, é que vai ser primeiro piloto. Ter assumidamente o carro definido para ele, e, os melhores engenheiros e peças, se o carro for mesmo bom, vai ter enfim a possibilidade de ser campeão. Ainda tem um joker nessa historia, o kers, O Frank Williams sempre foi inovador de tecnicas e essa, de repente, pode ser o diferencial na temporada. O Massa, é que deveria seguir o exemplo, e escolher a melhor oferta para ser primeiro piloto, onde ? ai é com ele, talvez na Brawn-Mercedes.


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I think that if you get assistance then you should have to work. Otherwise it is up to the couple, whether both partners work. I don’t have to work but I choose to work. I feel better about myself and I think I am setting a good example for my children. I have been known to report moochers.


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I think that if you get assistance then you should have to work. Otherwise it is up to the couple, whether both partners work. I don’t have to work but I choose to work. I feel better about myself and I think I am setting a good example for my children. I have been known to report moochers.


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Tjena dragskott!Älskar denna bloggen och kollar ofta.Men varför lÃ¥ter du kommentarena sjunka sÃ¥ lÃ¥gt.Personangrepp mm och ex g rosenbomhärjar fritt.Med vänlig hälsning, paade


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Tjena dragskott!Älskar denna bloggen och kollar ofta.Men varför lÃ¥ter du kommentarena sjunka sÃ¥ lÃ¥gt.Personangrepp mm och ex g rosenbomhärjar fritt.Med vänlig hälsning, paade


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Bom dia Camila!!!! Adoro seu blog, sempre passo por aqui. No papo fitness, vocês poderiam dar sugestões de exercÃcios ou atividades para as grávidas.Estou grávida e fico na dúvida de quais exercÃcios posso fazer, Bjos e Sucesso!!![] Respondeu:November 8th, 2012 em 1:31 pm, oi querida! Parabén pela gravidez! Fique de olho no que vamos ter vÃdeos com treinos para gestantes. E farei posts sobre isso aqui no SV também! bjinhus[]Juliana Locatelli Respondeu:November 9th, 2012 em 8:00 am, Obrigada!!![]


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Don't really know about 2006, they all start to run together…Those who can remember childhood with clarity wouldn't understand…Carefree? That's a little more permanent than years passing by, don't you think? People who are pissed now were pissed when Clinton was in office, they just never blamed everything on the President then. But their life still sucks because they think it's someone else's job to make them happy.


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I like your post media4life. The atheist do not understand that there is only one religion and that is the religion of Jesus Christ. They do not understand that their life depend on God. He made the oxygen they breathe. God made science possible. Thanks for sharing.


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I like your post media4life. The atheist do not understand that there is only one religion and that is the religion of Jesus Christ. They do not understand that their life depend on God. He made the oxygen they breathe. God made science possible. Thanks for sharing.


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Those little turds are very lucky they weren't doing that to me because, quite frankly, I would have slapped away or twisted the arm of the little brown shirts hand that touched me and grabbed my microphone.Who the fuck do they think they are?Did I wake up in Munich in 1936?


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Those little turds are very lucky they weren't doing that to me because, quite frankly, I would have slapped away or twisted the arm of the little brown shirts hand that touched me and grabbed my microphone.Who the fuck do they think they are?Did I wake up in Munich in 1936?


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A non sense analysis. Ramadoss kudathan pakkurathukku kanraaviya irukkan, avanellam tamil nattula jaathi pera sollu kodi kodi-ya sambathikkurathukkum unna mathiri alunga avanukku kutti kudukkurathukkum irukkum pothu, enga thalaivar rajini-kku ennada naaye kuraichal? intha vayitherichal velai ellam inga vendam…


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hola, me parece un blog bastante interesante, soy estudiante de diseño gráfico y por lo cual me gustarÃa poder utilizar este articulo e imágenes en una revista escolar que estoy elaborando, que posibilidades hay de poder hacerlo?


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I only trust in Lionsgate and I prefer to wait until they give the final and official information, btw that kind of rumors dont bother me because I start to think about who really deserve to play the characters but just to have an opinion about it


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Well, you’ll not get this contemplative “turning cartwheels ‘cross the (lobby) floor,” any time soon; not with my back! Doesn’t it look great, though. I’m looking forward to seeing it all completed, manifestations and all.


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Well, you’ll not get this contemplative “turning cartwheels ‘cross the (lobby) floor,” any time soon; not with my back! Doesn’t it look great, though. I’m looking forward to seeing it all completed, manifestations and all.


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I thought I could resist as I already had some psychological preparation from Shingo’s review. But it wasn’t one of the posters that caused me to swallow hook, line and sinker and open my


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Well, haven’t you noticed before? The Europeans believe they rule the world. It becomes more and more obvious, if you don’t believe me, peruse for a day the “fora” of the Spiegel magazine. You’ll get sick from the German and European arrogance.


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J’ai découvert récemment un néologisme dans les bus de la RATP. Un panneau publicitaire annonçait : « Dans le bus, on valibus ». Belle trouvaille !


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J’ai découvert récemment un néologisme dans les bus de la RATP. Un panneau publicitaire annonçait : « Dans le bus, on valibus ». Belle trouvaille !


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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Motion City Soundtrack (to save time typing, I’ll just refer to them as MCS). I’ve posted it many times on this site – and I’ve said it on the podcast, back when the front man, Justin Pierre became the first male guest of The Indie Biz Chicks Podcast.


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Olá Izau, venho aqui agradecer pelos ótimos sons que tens publicados e tenho gostado muito, só faço uma susgestão se poderia haver uma alternativa de não usar o rapidshare, toda vez que tento o próprio rapdshare nega o meu download tenho feitos downloads pelo easy-share, mais rápido.Só foi uma alternativa.Parabéns pelas músicas publicadas estas tem um valor inemastimavél.AbraçosAlessandro


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Olá Izau, venho aqui agradecer pelos ótimos sons que tens publicados e tenho gostado muito, só faço uma susgestão se poderia haver uma alternativa de não usar o rapidshare, toda vez que tento o próprio rapdshare nega o meu download tenho feitos downloads pelo easy-share, mais rápido.Só foi uma alternativa.Parabéns pelas músicas publicadas estas tem um valor inemastimavél.AbraçosAlessandro


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It’s interesting to note that we’re reading a Canadian newspaper to get that information. That’s sad and I find it more and more true that we are having to read information from other countries to find nuggets of truth of what is really happening here in the U.S.


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LolHere is something you probably overlooked, or more likely, didn’t even know. The Arab countries never had anything depicted in the pictures above. The closest they ever came to was heavily downgraded export versions. Maybe you might wanna stick to blabbing about stuff you actually know something about.


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In one sense, you are right about the LA Times “sitting” on stories. On the other hand, I can think of at least two very good investigative reporters at the Times: David Zahniser (covering City Hall) and Patrick McGreevy (covering Sacramento).These reporters have broken many good stories.


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In one sense, you are right about the LA Times “sitting” on stories. On the other hand, I can think of at least two very good investigative reporters at the Times: David Zahniser (covering City Hall) and Patrick McGreevy (covering Sacramento).These reporters have broken many good stories.


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By Ron Cerecedes November 15, 2012  – 5:11 pmThe reading is so true, yet as simply, is the message , as simple we forget. God has disciplined us to read, read, and remember these simple truths.


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By Ron Cerecedes November 15, 2012  – 5:11 pmThe reading is so true, yet as simply, is the message , as simple we forget. God has disciplined us to read, read, and remember these simple truths.


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Made this tonight and it was very good. I used fiesta corn (with the bits of red and green peppers) because I thought it might be a bit bland…and added a tablespoon of sugar to help sweeten it a bit. I’ll def make again with the fiesta corn and possibly add a bit more sugar! Thanks![] Reply:February 15th, 2012 at 6:20 PMWow, sounds really good with the fiesta corn! But, I will add, that it is very good without it and not bland at all in case you were wondering. []


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Made this tonight and it was very good. I used fiesta corn (with the bits of red and green peppers) because I thought it might be a bit bland…and added a tablespoon of sugar to help sweeten it a bit. I’ll def make again with the fiesta corn and possibly add a bit more sugar! Thanks![] Reply:February 15th, 2012 at 6:20 PMWow, sounds really good with the fiesta corn! But, I will add, that it is very good without it and not bland at all in case you were wondering. []


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Liebe Moni :)Nimm das Bild als PC Hintergrund, lehn Dich im Sessel zurück und Du sitzt mit Deinen Urlaubserinnerungen zweite Reihe und das is doch auch recht schön ;)Herzlichen GrußWerner


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McCain has proven in my eyes he has no business being a representative of citizens. His time as a prisoner has ruint him for making genuinely reasonable decisions that impact all of us.He needs to retire, mebbe take up making flys for fishing. And he needs to do what lots of veterans are doing now, get some help.


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McCain has proven in my eyes he has no business being a representative of citizens. His time as a prisoner has ruint him for making genuinely reasonable decisions that impact all of us.He needs to retire, mebbe take up making flys for fishing. And he needs to do what lots of veterans are doing now, get some help.