Motorola a HTC: výkon smartphonů záměrně nesnižujeme

vydáno 19. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 10576 komentářů

Tagy: Apple iPhone, HTC, iOS, kauza, Motorola, smartphony, zpomalování CPU

Apple je v současné době mnohými „grilován“ za to, že záměrně zpomaloval starší modely, byť s „bohulibým záměrem.“

Společnost se nechala slyšet, že iPhony nezpomaluje kvůli tomu, aby uživatele popohnala ke koupi nového zařízení, ale kvůli vyšší výdrži stárnoucí baterie na jedno nabití. „Plánované zastarávání“ výrobce vyloučil, ačkoliv právě z toho jej viní žaloby podané v Izraeli, ve Spojených státech a nově dokonce i ve Francii, kde je daný postup trestným činem, který může kromě citelné pokuty vyústit i v až dvouleté vězení pro zodpovědné osoby.

Cesta do pekel je dlážděna dobrými úmysly a vysvětlení Applu mnohé neuspokojilo, naopak se vyrojily otázky o potenciálním zpomalování jiných smartphonů na trhu.

Zatímco společnosti jako Samsung a Sony svoje oficiální vyjádření v této věci zatím připravují, HTC a Motorola uvedly, že zpomalování CPU jako Apple neprovádějí. „Nezpomalujeme výkon CPU kvůli starším bateriím,“ řekl mluvčí Motoroly ve vyjádření pro The Verge a HTC se vyjádřil podobně.

To nám však nedává úplnou odpověď. V současné době není možné říci, zda obě společnosti nezpomalují výkon CPU z jiných důvodů než z důvodu stárnoucí baterie, ale lepší informace v současné době nemáme.


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Gorgeous, gorgeous , gorgeous. I like the idea of lucky dip though might struggle to hide my disappointment if I didn't get a piece of pilgrim and those cute foxes.Count me in for the roller coaster ride!


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Linn: Awh, thanks so much!Sweet Artichoke: Thank you! The raspberry sauce worked out very well :)Lisa: Thanks!Momgateway: Thank you :)


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Linn: Awh, thanks so much!Sweet Artichoke: Thank you! The raspberry sauce worked out very well :)Lisa: Thanks!Momgateway: Thank you :)


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Very nice puzzle. OBLATE (flatter at the poles) is paired with PROLATE (pointier at the poles), and SSTARS are pretty obscure– they don’t even appear in conventional renderings of the .


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Very nice puzzle. OBLATE (flatter at the poles) is paired with PROLATE (pointier at the poles), and SSTARS are pretty obscure– they don’t even appear in conventional renderings of the .


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We have a lot of water bowls around, but the favorites are not what was made for us kitties, but what our human uses. We have the coolest soup bowls, minus the soup!Putting up the Christmas tree sounds like a good idea to us!Tom, Mom Julie, Tinker, Mitty & Anastasia


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We have a lot of water bowls around, but the favorites are not what was made for us kitties, but what our human uses. We have the coolest soup bowls, minus the soup!Putting up the Christmas tree sounds like a good idea to us!Tom, Mom Julie, Tinker, Mitty & Anastasia


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I am so happy that I stumbled upon your site! Last night I made the taco chicken bowls and they were excellent. Can't wait to try more…thanks!


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Learning about hunger is essential for every  citizen including school age children.  They should know it’s not just across the world but in our own communities.  Please provide breakdowns by town,city and county and what small thing each citizen can do to help.


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Don’t really know if this is similar but we just recently had the World’s Nut Expo held in China. People in the business were not impressed. It was just a flood of sharks [Chinese] with no track record in the industry that smelled blood [money]. Agricultural commodity trading is truly about connections and relationships- from all the cultural guidelines you read, China should have understood this and excelled. Instead the expo’s failure in cementing new ties in China indicates more that with business, with China, it’s just about making money.


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Don’t really know if this is similar but we just recently had the World’s Nut Expo held in China. People in the business were not impressed. It was just a flood of sharks [Chinese] with no track record in the industry that smelled blood [money]. Agricultural commodity trading is truly about connections and relationships- from all the cultural guidelines you read, China should have understood this and excelled. Instead the expo’s failure in cementing new ties in China indicates more that with business, with China, it’s just about making money.


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Ja tak – nu er min ældste pige absolut ikke hoppede pÃ¥ lyserøde bølgen, men elsker lego. Og den lille elsker lyserød sÃ¥ det her en den perfekt kompromis…


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Yeah, right now I’m feeling like further WWOOFing would just be a means to stay in the country longer for the sake of staying longer. Unless that time is particularly fun or helpful, I am just no longer really seeing the point.


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Philadelphia was great and Tom Hanks was brilliant in it.You did not miss anything by not watching the movie in full. I watched the movie in full hoping that there will be some final twist that will explain it all but there was none.


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Philadelphia was great and Tom Hanks was brilliant in it.You did not miss anything by not watching the movie in full. I watched the movie in full hoping that there will be some final twist that will explain it all but there was none.


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“Now I’m not saying that every time you’re obedient to God there will be a miracle.”I disagree, Pete. Obedience always begets miracles. In fact, the ability to hear God and to obey is, itself, a miracle. Maybe not the specific miracle we were praying for and hoping to see, but a miracle, nonetheless!Thanks for the thought-provoking post!


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“Now I’m not saying that every time you’re obedient to God there will be a miracle.”I disagree, Pete. Obedience always begets miracles. In fact, the ability to hear God and to obey is, itself, a miracle. Maybe not the specific miracle we were praying for and hoping to see, but a miracle, nonetheless!Thanks for the thought-provoking post!


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Chapeau!Actimel en el mundillo se le llamaba el 80:20.En Actimel (no en Hacendado) la estructura de costes es tal que publicidad y márketing representan el 80%; con el otro 20% pagas materia prima, procesado (incluyendo energÃa, amortizaciones de equipo y personal), embalajes y transporte. Pero aún hay más. Cuando se lanzó Actimel el coste total era el 20% del precio de venta, y el 80% los márgenes de Danone y el distribuidor. Esto ya no será asÃ, obviamente, pero muestra a las claras lo beneficioso que ha sido este producto…para Danone.


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Chapeau!Actimel en el mundillo se le llamaba el 80:20.En Actimel (no en Hacendado) la estructura de costes es tal que publicidad y márketing representan el 80%; con el otro 20% pagas materia prima, procesado (incluyendo energÃa, amortizaciones de equipo y personal), embalajes y transporte. Pero aún hay más. Cuando se lanzó Actimel el coste total era el 20% del precio de venta, y el 80% los márgenes de Danone y el distribuidor. Esto ya no será asÃ, obviamente, pero muestra a las claras lo beneficioso que ha sido este producto…para Danone.


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Quality wood produced by a quality millwork is easier to work with when manufacturing high end glass display showcases. At the end of the day it means less time spent on correcting imperfections, filling up the gaps, sanding over and over to get these rich , flat, uniform and smooth wood surfaces. Needless to say that it is only by using quality materials that you can end up building quality cabinets and display cases.


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Quality wood produced by a quality millwork is easier to work with when manufacturing high end glass display showcases. At the end of the day it means less time spent on correcting imperfections, filling up the gaps, sanding over and over to get these rich , flat, uniform and smooth wood surfaces. Needless to say that it is only by using quality materials that you can end up building quality cabinets and display cases.


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