Motorola a HTC: výkon smartphonů záměrně nesnižujeme

vydáno 19. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 10576 komentářů

Tagy: Apple iPhone, HTC, iOS, kauza, Motorola, smartphony, zpomalování CPU

Apple je v současné době mnohými „grilován“ za to, že záměrně zpomaloval starší modely, byť s „bohulibým záměrem.“

Společnost se nechala slyšet, že iPhony nezpomaluje kvůli tomu, aby uživatele popohnala ke koupi nového zařízení, ale kvůli vyšší výdrži stárnoucí baterie na jedno nabití. „Plánované zastarávání“ výrobce vyloučil, ačkoliv právě z toho jej viní žaloby podané v Izraeli, ve Spojených státech a nově dokonce i ve Francii, kde je daný postup trestným činem, který může kromě citelné pokuty vyústit i v až dvouleté vězení pro zodpovědné osoby.

Cesta do pekel je dlážděna dobrými úmysly a vysvětlení Applu mnohé neuspokojilo, naopak se vyrojily otázky o potenciálním zpomalování jiných smartphonů na trhu.

Zatímco společnosti jako Samsung a Sony svoje oficiální vyjádření v této věci zatím připravují, HTC a Motorola uvedly, že zpomalování CPU jako Apple neprovádějí. „Nezpomalujeme výkon CPU kvůli starším bateriím,“ řekl mluvčí Motoroly ve vyjádření pro The Verge a HTC se vyjádřil podobně.

To nám však nedává úplnou odpověď. V současné době není možné říci, zda obě společnosti nezpomalují výkon CPU z jiných důvodů než z důvodu stárnoucí baterie, ale lepší informace v současné době nemáme.


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Wow, amazing job! I would have never thought of doing something like that. The pants were adorable, but you really made them perfect by converting them!And the model looks cute as a button!


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Марина:Как здорово, что есть люди, которые готовы протянуть нам руку помощи, повести нас в нужном направлении. А дальше уже все зависит от нас самих: или принять ее и инвестировать в себя, или надеяться на «Ã‘‰ÐµÐ´Ñ€Ð¾Ð³Ð¾» дядю в лице нашего государства. Выбор за нами!!!


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Mhhhhhh. Les organisateurs de ce Kiss in auraient mieux fait de s’embrasser devant la grande mosquée de Paris…Au fond, rien de plus logique: dans quels pays tue t’on les homosexuels et au nom de quoi?Non résolument, faire chier un catholicisme à bout de souffle et inoff1f40ensif, c’est se tromper de cible !!!


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Mhhhhhh. Les organisateurs de ce Kiss in auraient mieux fait de s’embrasser devant la grande mosquée de Paris…Au fond, rien de plus logique: dans quels pays tue t’on les homosexuels et au nom de quoi?Non résolument, faire chier un catholicisme à bout de souffle et inoff1f40ensif, c’est se tromper de cible !!!


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noviembre 28, 2011 a las 11:40 pmDescarga bien las 2 partes. No tiene que haber error.Tenes que tener los comentarios originales Españoles ESPAÑA, si o si, y activos en el PES.Luego pegar la carpeta dt00_s.img en la carpeta img del kitserer, y debe funcionar sin problemas. Responder


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My worms like to eat aged horse manure, vegetable scraps, and Purina Worm Chow…I got the worm chow at a local Purina dealer.(pretty cheap when you buy the 50lb. bag)


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My worms like to eat aged horse manure, vegetable scraps, and Purina Worm Chow…I got the worm chow at a local Purina dealer.(pretty cheap when you buy the 50lb. bag)


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Jim Ball, 2GB and MTR 1377 will be a good Partnership just wait and see.Russell Tate and John Singleton you have done well David Oldfield has had his day and should 2UE pick him up I hope they go down with him. Jim ball is miiiiles better than Davd Oldfeld. Jm Ball, 2GB and MTR will go well and prosper.


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Jim Ball, 2GB and MTR 1377 will be a good Partnership just wait and see.Russell Tate and John Singleton you have done well David Oldfield has had his day and should 2UE pick him up I hope they go down with him. Jim ball is miiiiles better than Davd Oldfeld. Jm Ball, 2GB and MTR will go well and prosper.


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This is such a fun layout and oh yeah you do look very retro with those glasses on!! I seriously diggin' the colors and you did an awesome job with the sketch gal!!


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This is such a fun layout and oh yeah you do look very retro with those glasses on!! I seriously diggin' the colors and you did an awesome job with the sketch gal!!


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Certo se…se interpretar bem os artigos 11, 187 e 188 do CPP.Se os magistrados de Aveiro lhe levassem o expediente em mão, solicitando a autuação como inquérito e ao mesmo tempo a apresentação ao presidente do STJ para tal efeito.Em 48 horas como manda a lei…


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Certo se…se interpretar bem os artigos 11, 187 e 188 do CPP.Se os magistrados de Aveiro lhe levassem o expediente em mão, solicitando a autuação como inquérito e ao mesmo tempo a apresentação ao presidente do STJ para tal efeito.Em 48 horas como manda a lei…


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Aloha DariusGreat post. So many people are posting as if this team will be in salary cap hell forever and ever. Blowing it up now would be silly because the next great free agent class is 2014 and I we are constructed to take advantage of that. The only moves that anyone should be interested in are moves that can improve our chances of winning this year.


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Aloha DariusGreat post. So many people are posting as if this team will be in salary cap hell forever and ever. Blowing it up now would be silly because the next great free agent class is 2014 and I we are constructed to take advantage of that. The only moves that anyone should be interested in are moves that can improve our chances of winning this year.


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Wow, Mandy – where have 3 years gone? It's always a pleasure to visit and see your beautiful cards. Thank you for the giving us all the chance to win this amazing candy – it really is very generous of you! Hugs, Tracey x


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Wow, Mandy – where have 3 years gone? It's always a pleasure to visit and see your beautiful cards. Thank you for the giving us all the chance to win this amazing candy – it really is very generous of you! Hugs, Tracey x


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quello è il significato „logico“ della frase, ma io non la tradurrei proprio così :DMagari in slang si dice proprio così.. Un po' come a Roma quando incontri qualcuno dopo tanto tempo gli dici: „Anvedi sto fjo de 'na mig*****!“


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quello è il significato „logico“ della frase, ma io non la tradurrei proprio così :DMagari in slang si dice proprio così.. Un po' come a Roma quando incontri qualcuno dopo tanto tempo gli dici: „Anvedi sto fjo de 'na mig*****!“


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:« Si c’est une concession Jaguar ou une agence immobilière spécialisée dans la villa tropézienne, un chômeur en fin de droits aura du mal à se payer ne serait-ce qu’un achat ».En Belgique, il y a une légende encore bien ancrée dans la tête de ceux qui se lèvent tôt, légende qui veut que les chômeurs/fraudeurs ne se déplacent qu’en berline allemande étoilée. En Jaguar, je ne sais pas, j’enquête…


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Caro PM, volto a concordar consigo, mas espero é que os meios conseguidos pela Rússia com o aumento do preço dos combustÃveis sejam bem geridos e não tornem a economia do paÃs ainda mais dependente do preço dos hidrocarbonetos. Como dizem os especialistas russos, facto reconhecido pelos governantes, o paÃs é hidrocarbonetodependente, em alegoria à toxicodependência.


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Caro PM, volto a concordar consigo, mas espero é que os meios conseguidos pela Rússia com o aumento do preço dos combustÃveis sejam bem geridos e não tornem a economia do paÃs ainda mais dependente do preço dos hidrocarbonetos. Como dizem os especialistas russos, facto reconhecido pelos governantes, o paÃs é hidrocarbonetodependente, em alegoria à toxicodependência.


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hola quisiera saber si podrias deecirme de casualida las medidas en tazas la de la harina azucar , por que no tengo pesa para pesar las cosas te lo agradecere mucho por que va a ser mi primera vez en preperar galletas se ven deliciosas me despido attn: veva


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I cannot believe he did not even face you. I just learned that if someone here in Switzerland gets in a crash within two years of getting a license, they lose it. That sounds pretty good to me.


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I cannot believe he did not even face you. I just learned that if someone here in Switzerland gets in a crash within two years of getting a license, they lose it. That sounds pretty good to me.


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I voted for Chris Carney, but I have been disappointed with his voting record. Chris Carney does not „walk the walk he talked“ while seeking office. As an independent voter I can no longer support him.


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I voted for Chris Carney, but I have been disappointed with his voting record. Chris Carney does not „walk the walk he talked“ while seeking office. As an independent voter I can no longer support him.


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Nous sommes bien d'accord sur le Moreland & Arbuckle ! :-)Déçu aussi par ce Brother. Pourtant, j'aime le blue, j'aime la soul, mais là, la sauce ne me plait guère.


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Nous sommes bien d'accord sur le Moreland & Arbuckle ! :-)Déçu aussi par ce Brother. Pourtant, j'aime le blue, j'aime la soul, mais là, la sauce ne me plait guère.


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azgo,no my family did not hear it but I’m keeping them up to date.sent Leo Berman latest info. ALIPAC is great people are always posting articles there.Very current stuff. These people do not want amnesty!


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azgo,no my family did not hear it but I’m keeping them up to date.sent Leo Berman latest info. ALIPAC is great people are always posting articles there.Very current stuff. These people do not want amnesty!


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El neoliberalismo, la falta del color del dinero, la falta de responsabilidad frente a las acciones y la ausencia de lÃÂmites en la concentración de poder, es lo que convierte a organizaciones criminales en grandes empresas, a las grandes empresas en organizaciones criminales y a la economÃÂa en la imposibilidad de distinguir entre ambas.


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El neoliberalismo, la falta del color del dinero, la falta de responsabilidad frente a las acciones y la ausencia de lÃÂmites en la concentración de poder, es lo que convierte a organizaciones criminales en grandes empresas, a las grandes empresas en organizaciones criminales y a la economÃÂa en la imposibilidad de distinguir entre ambas.


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just another thought: if a site is closed (for whatever reason) that only had streams no one can listen to the streamed music anymore. but with downloads the music is still there (on the pc's of the audience).that's my main reason why i prefer downloads. thank you moos!!


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just another thought: if a site is closed (for whatever reason) that only had streams no one can listen to the streamed music anymore. but with downloads the music is still there (on the pc's of the audience).that's my main reason why i prefer downloads. thank you moos!!


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Hei kjære Birgitt! En stund siden jeg var innom siden din, men du sÃ¥ hyggelig Ã¥ titte inn ;) Ja, vi har ogsÃ¥ fÃ¥tt nysne og det er jo vakkert, selv om jeg lengter til vÃ¥r.. smiler.. ;) Mange vakre ting hos deg som alltid! Rolige søndager er gode, her er det ikke sÃ¥ rolig for tiden siden vi pusser opp vÃ¥rt kjøkken. En god ny uke til deg, blir spennende Ã¥ se din nye side! ;) Klem Gry


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Hei kjære Birgitt! En stund siden jeg var innom siden din, men du sÃ¥ hyggelig Ã¥ titte inn ;) Ja, vi har ogsÃ¥ fÃ¥tt nysne og det er jo vakkert, selv om jeg lengter til vÃ¥r.. smiler.. ;) Mange vakre ting hos deg som alltid! Rolige søndager er gode, her er det ikke sÃ¥ rolig for tiden siden vi pusser opp vÃ¥rt kjøkken. En god ny uke til deg, blir spennende Ã¥ se din nye side! ;) Klem Gry


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I love Shutterfly's Christmas Card! I've used them for the past 2 years and have loved them! I'm into the bright bold colors so I really like the Wrapped in Christmas or the Laughing all the way ones. Hope I win!


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I love Shutterfly's Christmas Card! I've used them for the past 2 years and have loved them! I'm into the bright bold colors so I really like the Wrapped in Christmas or the Laughing all the way ones. Hope I win!


Vložil car insurance Troy NY (bez ověření), 6. Květen 2018 - 19:38

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needs slaps needs a history lesson re: global white group violence:yes indeed u kosher moron.any race would need a minimum of 500 yrs to even begin to level the bloody playing fields of violent whites in any century!!!


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needs slaps needs a history lesson re: global white group violence:yes indeed u kosher moron.any race would need a minimum of 500 yrs to even begin to level the bloody playing fields of violent whites in any century!!!


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I don’t know whether it’s just me or if perhaps everybody else encountering problems with your site. It looks like some of the written text within your content are running off the screen. Can someone else please provide feedback and let me know if this is happening to them too? This may be a problem with my browser because I’ve had this happen previously. Thanks


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I don’t know whether it’s just me or if perhaps everybody else encountering problems with your site. It looks like some of the written text within your content are running off the screen. Can someone else please provide feedback and let me know if this is happening to them too? This may be a problem with my browser because I’ve had this happen previously. Thanks


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Hi.......PriyaLovely recipe and clickI never thought baked red kidney beans and brown rice could be made into pattied…Very innovative and interesting