HCP 2009 & Blu-ray Fest 2009 - informace pro návštěvníky

vydáno 12. 10. 2009 | autor Daniel Felix Hrouzek, Home Cinema Praha | sekce Novinky | téma Z domova | 8351 komentářů

Tagy: 3D, BD-Live, Blu-ray, Blu-ray Fest, Blu-ray Fest 2009, HDmag.cz, HDTV, Home Cinema, Home Cinema Praha, Home Cinema Praha 2009

HDmag.cz - logo

Magazín HDmag.cz, přinášející už třetím rokem novinky ze světa vysokého rozlišení, je mediálním partnerem letošního ročníku největší výstavy o domácí zábavě v České republice. Budeme rádi, když se při této příležitosti setkáme s našimi čtenáři osobně, proto přinášíme několik užitečných informací. HCP 2009 se koná už tento týden!

„Uvidíte nejlepší obraz, uslyšíte nejlepší zvuk“ – tímto sloganem láká návštěvníky pátý ročník výstavy Home Cinema Praha 2009, která se uskuteční od 15. do 17. října 2009. Výstavu pořádá společnost Red Lion tentokrát v komplexu hotelů Angelo/Andel's a Suite na Smíchově.

Účast na Home Cinema Praha 2009 potvrdilo více než 40 vystavovatelů z oblasti videa a domácího kina, audia, High End, instalací, řídicích systémů a nově také televizního vysílání v HDTV a car programu.

Vstupenky na výstavu jsou v cenových kategoriích 1000, 300 a 100 Kč, více podrobností o nich lze získat na nových internetových stránkách www.homecinema.cz.

Home Cinema Praha 2009 - logo

Souběžně se v sálech multiplexu Village Cinemas Anděl bude konat přehlídka filmů, hudby a her ve vysokém rozlišení Blu-ray Fest 2009. Otevírací doba zůstává od 10 do 18 hodin.

Přehlídka se uskuteční od 14. do 17. října 2009 a využije komorní sály Gold Class Village Cinemas Anděl na pražském Smíchově, které patří k nejluxusnějším kinosálům v České republice, k předvedení atraktivních scén a ukázek z Blu-ray disků v četně jejich nových funkcí jako BD-Live a formátu 3D pro domácí zábavu. Prezentace s různými tématy budou moderovat zástupci firem, prodejci a filmoví profesionálové.

Součástí přehlídky Blu-ray Fest 2009 se stanou také konference pro odbornou veřejnost. Ve čtvrtek 15. října to bude „Vysoké rozlišení obrazu jako budoucnost domácí zábavy“ a v pátek 16. října „Blu-ray Disc: Nová kvalita prostorového zvuku“ za účasti zahraničních hostů.

Blu-ray Fest 2009 - logo

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la ce clip te referi ?Referitor la partea cu invatat-ul, ti-am zis, strategiile alea e posibil sa mearga doar pt astia cu nivele mici in Dota 2.. peste nivel 10 iti fac astia un push termina jocul in 15 min, abia faci boots si o bratara.. nici vorba de iteme scumpe.


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la ce clip te referi ?Referitor la partea cu invatat-ul, ti-am zis, strategiile alea e posibil sa mearga doar pt astia cu nivele mici in Dota 2.. peste nivel 10 iti fac astia un push termina jocul in 15 min, abia faci boots si o bratara.. nici vorba de iteme scumpe.


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You're free to forgive Soros if you like, or any Nazi of your choice, but it does not change an iota of the facts.Soros did not just do what he had to. He enjoyed what he did. And he has no regrets afterward. As an observant Jew, you should know quite well that someone who has no regrets for his actions, cannot be forgiven.


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You're free to forgive Soros if you like, or any Nazi of your choice, but it does not change an iota of the facts.Soros did not just do what he had to. He enjoyed what he did. And he has no regrets afterward. As an observant Jew, you should know quite well that someone who has no regrets for his actions, cannot be forgiven.


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Nie sÄ…dze, by wystawianie na widok córki w tym przypadku podobaÅ‚o siÄ™ ludziom. I w tym sensie jest to pewnie nie zamierzone (ale nie wiem).Tak czy inaczej ma racjÄ™ pan Dorn, mowiÄ…c, że sprawa OLT jest równie ważna jak Amber, tym bardziej że ten MichaÅ‚ T. jest z lekka przygÅ‚upi (do czego sam siÄ™ przyznaÅ‚ – czym wzbudziÅ‚ sympatiÄ™, o zgrozo).


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Nie sÄ…dze, by wystawianie na widok córki w tym przypadku podobaÅ‚o siÄ™ ludziom. I w tym sensie jest to pewnie nie zamierzone (ale nie wiem).Tak czy inaczej ma racjÄ™ pan Dorn, mowiÄ…c, że sprawa OLT jest równie ważna jak Amber, tym bardziej że ten MichaÅ‚ T. jest z lekka przygÅ‚upi (do czego sam siÄ™ przyznaÅ‚ – czym wzbudziÅ‚ sympatiÄ™, o zgrozo).


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I love this site but for the past few days it keeps telling me that “there are no new posts” Anybody have any suggestions on how I get them back? Please help.


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I love this site but for the past few days it keeps telling me that “there are no new posts” Anybody have any suggestions on how I get them back? Please help.


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Drunk drivers deserve their tickets. People already worn each other about speed traps anyway. That’s why we flash our lights if we know of a cop ahead.


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Drunk drivers deserve their tickets. People already worn each other about speed traps anyway. That’s why we flash our lights if we know of a cop ahead.


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lucina ap escreveu: document.write(‚13 de maio de 2008 as 22:16‘); quero aprender digitação lucina ap escreveu: document.write(‚13 de maio de 2008 as 22:13‘); quero grava um cede de digitação para tendar em casa no meu computadores adriely escreveu: document.write(‚1 de fevereiro de 2010 as 21:49‘); eu tanbém queria fazer isso Cotidiano 1 de dezembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 26 de novembro de 2012 Ãšltimas NotÃcias Outros Destaques Mais Comentados 5 de junho de 2007 24 de março de 2011 7 de março de 2007 8 de fevereiro de 2010 30 de maio de 2010


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lucina ap escreveu: document.write(‚13 de maio de 2008 as 22:16‘); quero aprender digitação lucina ap escreveu: document.write(‚13 de maio de 2008 as 22:13‘); quero grava um cede de digitação para tendar em casa no meu computadores adriely escreveu: document.write(‚1 de fevereiro de 2010 as 21:49‘); eu tanbém queria fazer isso Cotidiano 1 de dezembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 28 de novembro de 2012 26 de novembro de 2012 Ãšltimas NotÃcias Outros Destaques Mais Comentados 5 de junho de 2007 24 de março de 2011 7 de março de 2007 8 de fevereiro de 2010 30 de maio de 2010


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à°ªిà°š్ variation à°²ో మనవాà°¡ు à°•ాà°¸్à°¤ à°µెà°¨ుà°• ఉన్à°¨ాà°¡ుà°…à°¨ూ à°®ాà°²ిà°•్ à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°’à°•్à°•à°°ిà°¨ి అవతలవాà°¡ు à°Žంà°¤ :( à°—ా à°ªాà°¡ిà°¨ాyou are a rock star à°…à°¨ే à°…ంà°Ÿుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¡ుjavascript:void(0)


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à°ªిà°š్ variation à°²ో మనవాà°¡ు à°•ాà°¸్à°¤ à°µెà°¨ుà°• ఉన్à°¨ాà°¡ుà°…à°¨ూ à°®ాà°²ిà°•్ à°ª్à°°à°¤ి à°’à°•్à°•à°°ిà°¨ి అవతలవాà°¡ు à°Žంà°¤ :( à°—ా à°ªాà°¡ిà°¨ాyou are a rock star à°…à°¨ే à°…ంà°Ÿుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¡ుjavascript:void(0)


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..og Regine:) tusen takk. er gøy med klorbleking og diy, men vet aldri helt hvordan resultatet blir. Jeg hadde de veldig lenge i klorbadet, ettersom de egentlig var sorte før mitt lille prosjekt.


Vložil auto insurance (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 3:10

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..og Regine:) tusen takk. er gøy med klorbleking og diy, men vet aldri helt hvordan resultatet blir. Jeg hadde de veldig lenge i klorbadet, ettersom de egentlig var sorte før mitt lille prosjekt.


Vložil affordable car insurance Plainview NY (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 5:55

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Thank you for the award. Very kind of you, and congratulations to you for receiving them yourself. I shall add this to an awards post soon.I would say you are missing out on the hockey game (unless you don’t like Hockey).


Vložil affordable car insurance Plainview NY (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 5:55

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Thank you for the award. Very kind of you, and congratulations to you for receiving them yourself. I shall add this to an awards post soon.I would say you are missing out on the hockey game (unless you don’t like Hockey).


Vložil low income auto insurance dmv Wake Forest NC (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 7:47

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AMAZING stuff!!! I LOVE these cards…and for my family I think this year I would go with Christmas Ribbon, Frosted Watercolor, Let It Snow, All Is Merry & Bright, Our Snowflake Joy, Fresh Flurries, Merry & Bright, .....wow, TOO many to narrow down to one right now. Thanks for a great giveaway!


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AMAZING stuff!!! I LOVE these cards…and for my family I think this year I would go with Christmas Ribbon, Frosted Watercolor, Let It Snow, All Is Merry & Bright, Our Snowflake Joy, Fresh Flurries, Merry & Bright, .....wow, TOO many to narrow down to one right now. Thanks for a great giveaway!


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„Is there something specific that you dislike about it?…I find the heading a bit "stark“…and I miss your georgeous picture that was not you, with the turban, and the old one seemed to be more colour full – but mainly: most change makes me nostalgic for what came before:)


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„Is there something specific that you dislike about it?…I find the heading a bit "stark“…and I miss your georgeous picture that was not you, with the turban, and the old one seemed to be more colour full – but mainly: most change makes me nostalgic for what came before:)


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What? did I hear right… did the new chelsea manager sign Deco? My question is why? Deco is an old player that will only play for chelsea for one or two years. Why doesn’t Scolari buy younger talent that will serve the club for seven or eight years. The younger players are cheap and weak but will grow into expensive world-class player in the future. Scolari should play FIFA 08 Manager mode to see hat I’m talking about.Reply


Vložil low income car insurance dmv Holly Springs NC (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 8:35

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What? did I hear right… did the new chelsea manager sign Deco? My question is why? Deco is an old player that will only play for chelsea for one or two years. Why doesn’t Scolari buy younger talent that will serve the club for seven or eight years. The younger players are cheap and weak but will grow into expensive world-class player in the future. Scolari should play FIFA 08 Manager mode to see hat I’m talking about.Reply


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felix-antoine dit :1 dysfonctionnement parmi 1000 fonctionnements. Même s’il y en avait 4–5 ou 6 dysfonctionnements, ca demeure très fonctionnel à mon avis. Aucune relation n’est parfaite à 100%…[]


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felix-antoine dit :1 dysfonctionnement parmi 1000 fonctionnements. Même s’il y en avait 4–5 ou 6 dysfonctionnements, ca demeure très fonctionnel à mon avis. Aucune relation n’est parfaite à 100%…[]


Vložil auto insurance quotes Eugene OR (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 10:56

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non, au pire 1 , avec Wozniacki, toujours entendu dans le sens où moi, je compte tour par tour ceux ou celles qui sont éliminés..sans projection jusqu’à la finale..Chez les hommes, avec le réglement difficilement compréhensible, il va traîner les boulets A-Rod et FerrerFederer/SoderlingDjokovic/RoddickFerrer/GonsalezDel Potro/MurrayFederer/RoddickGonsalez/Del Potro


Vložil auto insurance quotes Eugene OR (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 10:56

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non, au pire 1 , avec Wozniacki, toujours entendu dans le sens où moi, je compte tour par tour ceux ou celles qui sont éliminés..sans projection jusqu’à la finale..Chez les hommes, avec le réglement difficilement compréhensible, il va traîner les boulets A-Rod et FerrerFederer/SoderlingDjokovic/RoddickFerrer/GonsalezDel Potro/MurrayFederer/RoddickGonsalez/Del Potro


Vložil best car insurance in Drexel Hill PA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 11:48

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Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your post seem to be running off the screen in Internet explorer. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The style and design look great though! Hope you get the problem resolved soon. Many thanks


Vložil best car insurance in Drexel Hill PA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 11:48

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Hey just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The text in your post seem to be running off the screen in Internet explorer. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with web browser compatibility but I thought I’d post to let you know. The style and design look great though! Hope you get the problem resolved soon. Many thanks


Vložil no down payment car insurance in Newnan GA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 12:13

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I honestly don’t have a problem with the amounts being asked for with E.D. but there should be more effort put into getting people to pledge, more promation and the like.The thing is i want to play elite 4, I’ve pledged the amount I’m willing to pay, if the KS is successful that is what I’ll pay. the only concern i have at present is the idea of monetising the game. Pay to win/advance is a terrible idea.


Vložil no down payment car insurance in Newnan GA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 12:13

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I honestly don’t have a problem with the amounts being asked for with E.D. but there should be more effort put into getting people to pledge, more promation and the like.The thing is i want to play elite 4, I’ve pledged the amount I’m willing to pay, if the KS is successful that is what I’ll pay. the only concern i have at present is the idea of monetising the game. Pay to win/advance is a terrible idea.


Vložil auto insurance Menlo Park CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 13:39

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I'm not sure if I a pessimist or an optimist. I don't live in a world of doom and gloom. If I get a headache it is only a headache. If I have a bad day at work…well that is only normal I worry if I have a good day at work. But I do see my glass as half empty and there is hole in the bottom and it is on fire! What I try to be is positive. But I have to admit it is really, really hard. And that bugs me.


Vložil auto insurance Menlo Park CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 13:39

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I'm not sure if I a pessimist or an optimist. I don't live in a world of doom and gloom. If I get a headache it is only a headache. If I have a bad day at work…well that is only normal I worry if I have a good day at work. But I do see my glass as half empty and there is hole in the bottom and it is on fire! What I try to be is positive. But I have to admit it is really, really hard. And that bugs me.


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hi!,I like your writing very much! share we communicate more about your post on AOL? I require an expert on this area to solve my problem. Maybe that’s you! Looking forward to see you.


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hi!,I like your writing very much! share we communicate more about your post on AOL? I require an expert on this area to solve my problem. Maybe that’s you! Looking forward to see you.


Vložil payless auto insurance Indianapolis IN (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 16:25

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That's a crock.....some of my videos have the high quality option, others recorded „exactly“ the same way and within minutes of each other do not.What gives?


Vložil payless auto insurance Indianapolis IN (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 16:25

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That's a crock.....some of my videos have the high quality option, others recorded „exactly“ the same way and within minutes of each other do not.What gives?


Vložil look auto insurance Union City NJ (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 17:57

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Luigi Capone scrive:Io l’ho visto ieri sera, e davvero mi ha ha colpito perchè mi ha dato l’impressione di essere un film che racconta una storia “onestamente”, senza pensare appunto ai clichè…


Vložil look auto insurance Union City NJ (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 17:57

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Luigi Capone scrive:Io l’ho visto ieri sera, e davvero mi ha ha colpito perchè mi ha dato l’impressione di essere un film che racconta una storia “onestamente”, senza pensare appunto ai clichè…


Vložil low income car insurance dmv North Las Vegas NV (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 19:46

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Barack is on his way to winning the nomination for the presidency & the haters must put a stop to it.„As you know, this is media driven. With all that they can expose on Hillary and Bill, isn't it curious that the media is keeping quiet, and focusing on Baracks's shortcomings.And they want us to believe that they're "fair and balanced,“ and that America has been cured of it's racist sickness.


Vložil low income car insurance dmv North Las Vegas NV (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 19:46

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Barack is on his way to winning the nomination for the presidency & the haters must put a stop to it.„As you know, this is media driven. With all that they can expose on Hillary and Bill, isn't it curious that the media is keeping quiet, and focusing on Baracks's shortcomings.And they want us to believe that they're "fair and balanced,“ and that America has been cured of it's racist sickness.


Vložil best car insurance in Santa Clara CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 19:58

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would u happen to be from salinas? u mentioned u went to a forever 21 that used to be a mervyns and i know that's the case at northridge mall in salinas, which happens to be where i'm from. if u are, good to see i'm not the only one who got outta there.


Vložil best car insurance in Santa Clara CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 19:58

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would u happen to be from salinas? u mentioned u went to a forever 21 that used to be a mervyns and i know that's the case at northridge mall in salinas, which happens to be where i'm from. if u are, good to see i'm not the only one who got outta there.


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Corona CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 20:05

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>My dad was in an old USMC training video, Take Up the Challenge, with those song lyrics („Used to sleep til afternoon, growin' up to an easy tune…“) He ultimately served 30 years (+ 8 months, X number of days, etc… ). Anyway, I just HAD to comment on the funniness of reading those all-too-familiar lyrics from my childhood here online


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Corona CA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 20:05

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>My dad was in an old USMC training video, Take Up the Challenge, with those song lyrics („Used to sleep til afternoon, growin' up to an easy tune…“) He ultimately served 30 years (+ 8 months, X number of days, etc… ). Anyway, I just HAD to comment on the funniness of reading those all-too-familiar lyrics from my childhood here online


Vložil car insurance Morristown NJ (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 20:39

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Banning the “h-word, b-word and n-word” isn’t the magic wand that will solve all of our problems, but those words hurt people and send the wrong message within and without our community.I think it’s better than nothing, but I hope Tom’s not right about it just being a ban on the “clean” versions.What a wasted opportunity that would be.


Vložil car insurance Morristown NJ (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 20:39

Obrázek uživatele car insurance Morristown NJ

Banning the “h-word, b-word and n-word” isn’t the magic wand that will solve all of our problems, but those words hurt people and send the wrong message within and without our community.I think it’s better than nothing, but I hope Tom’s not right about it just being a ban on the “clean” versions.What a wasted opportunity that would be.


Vložil auto acceptance insurance Lynnwood WA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 21:07

Obrázek uživatele auto acceptance insurance Lynnwood WA

Looking forward to seeing Eddi at Corn Exchange Kings Lynn soon. Last saw her at Ely Cathedral. Can’t wait to hear that wonderful voice and personality again. xx


Vložil auto acceptance insurance Lynnwood WA (bez ověření), 14. Červen 2018 - 21:07

Obrázek uživatele auto acceptance insurance Lynnwood WA

Looking forward to seeing Eddi at Corn Exchange Kings Lynn soon. Last saw her at Ely Cathedral. Can’t wait to hear that wonderful voice and personality again. xx