Facebook přidává podporu Apple TV a Chromecastu

vydáno 24. 10. 2016 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Ze světa | 10559 komentářů

Tagy: Apple TV, Chromecast, Facebook, Google Cast, kompatibilita, přehrávání, video

Facebook ohledně svého zaměření na video rozhodně nežertuje. Reputaci pokaženou v této oblasti nafukováním čísel uživatelů (z čehož neměli radost zejména inzerenti) žehlí přidáním podpory Apple TV a Chromecastu.

Představitelé sociální sítě oznámili, že sledování videí z Facebooku nyní bude možné na velké obrazovce. Uživatelé totiž nově mohou „přenášet“ video z iOS zařízení nebo webového prohlížeče na Apple TV nebo jakékoliv jiné zařízení s podporou AirPlay, případně na Chromecast a zařízení s podporou Google Cast.

Brzy bude možné přehrávat video na Chromecast i ze zařízení s Androidem. Konkrétní datum podpory androidových mobilů a tabletů však Facebook zatím neoznámil.

Video se pomalu stává jednou z hlavních součástí aktivity uživatelů sociální sítě. Kromě relativně nové služby Facebook Live patří do této oblasti také předem nahraná videa sdílená uživateli. Podle lidí z Facebooku bude zeď s novinkami do pěti let složená prakticky jen z videa. Lidé ovšem chtějí sledovat video (ale nikoliv číst zprávy) na velké obrazovce. Přenos na populární zařízení typu Apple TV nebo Chromecast je tedy kompromisem: uživatelé stále mohou kontrolovat Facebook na mobilních zařízeních, ale odesílat obsah, kdykoliv je to potřeba, do televize.

Zdroj: Techhive.com

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Vložil auto insurance rates Laguna Niguel CA (bez ověření), 21. Červen 2018 - 11:49

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Why should Western countries accept ‚diversity‘? Do African or Asian countries accept it? Would they accept so much immigration that their native populations would become minorities in their own countries? I'm guessing not. Why do only White Western countries lack the moral backbone to stand up for their own people? Why do only Western countries feel the need to re-define who their people are rather than genuinely stand up for something/someone?


Vložil auto insurance rates Laguna Niguel CA (bez ověření), 21. Červen 2018 - 11:49

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Why should Western countries accept ‚diversity‘? Do African or Asian countries accept it? Would they accept so much immigration that their native populations would become minorities in their own countries? I'm guessing not. Why do only White Western countries lack the moral backbone to stand up for their own people? Why do only Western countries feel the need to re-define who their people are rather than genuinely stand up for something/someone?


Vložil car insurance Monroe GA (bez ověření), 21. Červen 2018 - 11:56

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Wow, fabulous DIY! I like them much more than the Topshop ones. Making your own leggings RULES in my book & you certainly have a knack for it judging by these beauties :)xXx


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Wow, fabulous DIY! I like them much more than the Topshop ones. Making your own leggings RULES in my book & you certainly have a knack for it judging by these beauties :)xXx


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– Did you mean to say “I love that my 14% BANK BONDS ARE NOT RISK FREE!!!!!” OR “now” risk free???Trying to follow your thoughts there…C: Regardless, you need to insert the word “credit” with now. There are many other fixed income market risks aside from credit.


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– Did you mean to say “I love that my 14% BANK BONDS ARE NOT RISK FREE!!!!!” OR “now” risk free???Trying to follow your thoughts there…C: Regardless, you need to insert the word “credit” with now. There are many other fixed income market risks aside from credit.


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Tu sais qu on y deviens très rapidement accro à cette recette!!!!!! Cest trop trop mais trop bon !! Lol bon un mug brownies serait pas mal aussi … Lol ta l air douée pour ce genre de recette je te laisse trouver THE recette Hihi !!!! Plaisanterie appart jai peur de tester ton mug cookies et den devenir autant accro …!!! Lol


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Tu sais qu on y deviens très rapidement accro à cette recette!!!!!! Cest trop trop mais trop bon !! Lol bon un mug brownies serait pas mal aussi … Lol ta l air douée pour ce genre de recette je te laisse trouver THE recette Hihi !!!! Plaisanterie appart jai peur de tester ton mug cookies et den devenir autant accro …!!! Lol


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Ricordate, popolo distratto, che l'arte vera non è mai premiata. Il premio si dà a chi merita di essere giudicato e quindi paternamente incoraggiato.Il vero artista lo si cerchi dov'è l'ombra, l'agguato, il destino scuro o il luogo conosciuto, non certo tra discepoli e scolari tutti intenti a non pestarsi i piedi mente implorano la borsa o l'invitino. Lasciate i premi a chi ne gode e nella sua mediocrità ne sia esaltato.


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Ricordate, popolo distratto, che l'arte vera non è mai premiata. Il premio si dà a chi merita di essere giudicato e quindi paternamente incoraggiato.Il vero artista lo si cerchi dov'è l'ombra, l'agguato, il destino scuro o il luogo conosciuto, non certo tra discepoli e scolari tutti intenti a non pestarsi i piedi mente implorano la borsa o l'invitino. Lasciate i premi a chi ne gode e nella sua mediocrità ne sia esaltato.


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something that I didn't hear, so I asked „pardon?“ and he replied, „Beautiful!“ I thought, aww, how sweet and gave him a big grin, until he added on „day“…whoops!Mmmmm, love the velvet dress!! xx Claire


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something that I didn't hear, so I asked „pardon?“ and he replied, „Beautiful!“ I thought, aww, how sweet and gave him a big grin, until he added on „day“…whoops!Mmmmm, love the velvet dress!! xx Claire


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faut pas avoir une blonde pour avoir une maitresse? T’aurais pas plutôt une fréquentation? ou c’est elle qui a un chum donc t’es son amant mais elle est pas ta maitresse…


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faut pas avoir une blonde pour avoir une maitresse? T’aurais pas plutôt une fréquentation? ou c’est elle qui a un chum donc t’es son amant mais elle est pas ta maitresse…


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Ba, ganditi corect, faceti neamul ateilor de rusine. Daca nu vrea popa sa-l ingroape asta e foarte bine, oricum il ingroapa degeaba, oricum nu credem in ingroparea asta. Astea nu sunt dovezi demne de un ateu! Nu poti sa tragi concluzia pe care o trageti voi din povestea asta cu privire la religie in sine maxim cu privire la unul care aparent e lujitor in acea organizatie. 'Nu fiti ridicol. Ateii sunte mai destepti


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Ba, ganditi corect, faceti neamul ateilor de rusine. Daca nu vrea popa sa-l ingroape asta e foarte bine, oricum il ingroapa degeaba, oricum nu credem in ingroparea asta. Astea nu sunt dovezi demne de un ateu! Nu poti sa tragi concluzia pe care o trageti voi din povestea asta cu privire la religie in sine maxim cu privire la unul care aparent e lujitor in acea organizatie. 'Nu fiti ridicol. Ateii sunte mai destepti


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+1 to the post-it note idea. My daughter is convinced that those toilets have an “evil eye” that tries to flush her down the toilet if she is not vigilant. But worse than that, I think, are the airplane toilets that literally do sound capable of sucking one through the toilet and ejecting one into the vacuum of outer space. After a recent epic train/plane vacation that we just came back from, my 3-year-old is more happy to just finish going potty and then let me flush the toilet with her safely outside.


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+1 to the post-it note idea. My daughter is convinced that those toilets have an “evil eye” that tries to flush her down the toilet if she is not vigilant. But worse than that, I think, are the airplane toilets that literally do sound capable of sucking one through the toilet and ejecting one into the vacuum of outer space. After a recent epic train/plane vacation that we just came back from, my 3-year-old is more happy to just finish going potty and then let me flush the toilet with her safely outside.


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aku tambah plak, kalau die pakai tudung nnt, sah2 x ke neraka. kau klu bereti ngumpat pun, still dosa x diampunkan selagi x mintak maaf kat tuan punya badan. chances sape lagi besar nak ke neraka sekarang?


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aku tambah plak, kalau die pakai tudung nnt, sah2 x ke neraka. kau klu bereti ngumpat pun, still dosa x diampunkan selagi x mintak maaf kat tuan punya badan. chances sape lagi besar nak ke neraka sekarang?


Vložil low income auto insurance dmv Willis MI (bez ověření), 21. Červen 2018 - 17:57

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>>King is well known locally as a bigot who hates Blacks, gays, immigrants, feminists.Indeed, though while you shouldn't forget the poor and any friends of those groups above, the immigrants group needs to be modified to immigrants other than those from western Europe, especially other than those after about 1930. Have you seen him tout his own immigrant ancestory when he wore sheep's clothing to address a group being naturalized? Schulte's blog has some good links to it. schulteforchange.blogspot.com


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>>King is well known locally as a bigot who hates Blacks, gays, immigrants, feminists.Indeed, though while you shouldn't forget the poor and any friends of those groups above, the immigrants group needs to be modified to immigrants other than those from western Europe, especially other than those after about 1930. Have you seen him tout his own immigrant ancestory when he wore sheep's clothing to address a group being naturalized? Schulte's blog has some good links to it. schulteforchange.blogspot.com


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But it’s been the windiest it’s ever been since I moved into ReykjavÃk. So it’s also kind of a first for us. Outside of ReykjavÃk, when a gale comes, it’s a lot stronger. You can watch on my videos on facebook, once where I couldn’t move more than 2 meters because of a gale. It’s been rather fun though… It just sucks when dirt gets into your eyes because of this.


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But it’s been the windiest it’s ever been since I moved into ReykjavÃk. So it’s also kind of a first for us. Outside of ReykjavÃk, when a gale comes, it’s a lot stronger. You can watch on my videos on facebook, once where I couldn’t move more than 2 meters because of a gale. It’s been rather fun though… It just sucks when dirt gets into your eyes because of this.


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snipped’So there is little that can be done.Does that also include any civil litigation from the Martin’s family against GZ since the SYG refers to immunity from civil action too?Would that SYG immunity also apply to a third party like the HOA of that gated community?


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snipped’So there is little that can be done.Does that also include any civil litigation from the Martin’s family against GZ since the SYG refers to immunity from civil action too?Would that SYG immunity also apply to a third party like the HOA of that gated community?


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Newcomer,These notes are all in Euclidean or Minkowski space, not trying to do things on manifolds, so spin manifolds don’t come into it.However, there is a great deal in the notes about the relation of Spin(3)=SU(2) and SO(3), and the necessity of using Spin(3) rather than SO(3) to describe one of the most fundamental things we know about: spin-half particles.


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Newcomer,These notes are all in Euclidean or Minkowski space, not trying to do things on manifolds, so spin manifolds don’t come into it.However, there is a great deal in the notes about the relation of Spin(3)=SU(2) and SO(3), and the necessity of using Spin(3) rather than SO(3) to describe one of the most fundamental things we know about: spin-half particles.


Vložil auto insurance quotes (bez ověření), 21. Červen 2018 - 23:40

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that the ideal PhD candidate in Economics is an undergraduate degree in Physics and a masters in Economics. There are a lot of overlaps in physics and econ.I've recently dipped a toe into Artificial Intelligence (AI) – also surprised to find that AI and economics (particularly game theory) overlap. I wonder if economists are the magpies of academia?


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that the ideal PhD candidate in Economics is an undergraduate degree in Physics and a masters in Economics. There are a lot of overlaps in physics and econ.I've recently dipped a toe into Artificial Intelligence (AI) – also surprised to find that AI and economics (particularly game theory) overlap. I wonder if economists are the magpies of academia?


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Thanks so much, Wendy — I am cluckin’ honoured! Plus you created a lovely picture for my blog since I don’t have a blog button — thanks for that too!Debra She Who Seeks recently posted..


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Thanks so much, Wendy — I am cluckin’ honoured! Plus you created a lovely picture for my blog since I don’t have a blog button — thanks for that too!Debra She Who Seeks recently posted..


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I know the semicolon is challenging but hear me out:>> semicolon is used to separate properties.so prove that you are a designer that can change his/her mindset !let’s dump the last semicolon for good ;)


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I know the semicolon is challenging but hear me out:>> semicolon is used to separate properties.so prove that you are a designer that can change his/her mindset !let’s dump the last semicolon for good ;)


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„Dear C.GARRARD, you lose a loy of credibility“ Unless I'm right of course. Which, remains to be seen. I won't debate your opinion because after all like mine, it's an opinion.Carl


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„Dear C.GARRARD, you lose a loy of credibility“ Unless I'm right of course. Which, remains to be seen. I won't debate your opinion because after all like mine, it's an opinion.Carl


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This has literally been on non-stop repeat all weekend. Awesome production and great songwriting (and, of course , awesome vocals). This has got to be my favorite song from Jojo like ever. AWESOME!


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This has literally been on non-stop repeat all weekend. Awesome production and great songwriting (and, of course , awesome vocals). This has got to be my favorite song from Jojo like ever. AWESOME!


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Kiitos vaan itsellesi piristävästä seurasta. Hieno kortti tuosta tuli. Minä en sitten taaskaan värittänyt vaan käytin aikani järjestelemällä askartelutarvikkeita oikeisiin laatikoihin. Miten voikaan olla niin helppo saada ne sekaisin ja lojumaan ympäri huushollia??


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Kiitos vaan itsellesi piristävästä seurasta. Hieno kortti tuosta tuli. Minä en sitten taaskaan värittänyt vaan käytin aikani järjestelemällä askartelutarvikkeita oikeisiin laatikoihin. Miten voikaan olla niin helppo saada ne sekaisin ja lojumaan ympäri huushollia??


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Gostaria da letra completa deste louvor que diz: Tem horas que a melhor resposta é ficar calado, deixar que a voz do silêncio fale por voce, tem horas que a dor machuca mas faz bem a alma… A oração Ã© o melhor remédio que Jesus receitou… Se puderem me ajudar eu agradeço.Aguardo resposta. Magda


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Gostaria da letra completa deste louvor que diz: Tem horas que a melhor resposta é ficar calado, deixar que a voz do silêncio fale por voce, tem horas que a dor machuca mas faz bem a alma… A oração Ã© o melhor remédio que Jesus receitou… Se puderem me ajudar eu agradeço.Aguardo resposta. Magda


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Lijkt me te gek om deze zomer nog zonder zwembandjes in een bikini te passen,en wat is nu leuker om dat met zn allen te doen ook al hoeft er maar 5 kg af! GOK ken ik niet dus reuze nieuwgierig hoe dat gaat….Succes Linda


Vložil look auto insurance Belmar NJ (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 10:00

Obrázek uživatele look auto insurance Belmar NJ

Lijkt me te gek om deze zomer nog zonder zwembandjes in een bikini te passen,en wat is nu leuker om dat met zn allen te doen ook al hoeft er maar 5 kg af! GOK ken ik niet dus reuze nieuwgierig hoe dat gaat….Succes Linda