Apple chystá novou generaci AirPodů

vydáno 28. 2. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Hi-Fi audio | 10825 komentářů

Tagy: Apple AirPods, bezdrátové nabíjení, nová generace, Siri, sluchátka, špunty

Sehnat bezdrátová sluchátka AirPods od Applu bylo přes Vánoce ještě složitější než kdy jindy. A poptávka po nich je i nadále vysoká, přestože už jsou na skladě.

V průběhu uplynulého roku rostl segment nositelných zařízení (wearables) od Applu o 70 procent a očekává se jeho další růst.

Vzhledem k nadmíru úspěšným prodejům AirPods teď Apple chystá jejich druhou generaci s vylepšeným hardwarem. Verze vybavená upgradovaným bezdrátovým čipem by mohla být k dispozici ještě letos. Po druhé variantě by mohla přijít i třetí, která je aktuálně ve vývoji a k funkcím by mohla přibýt odolnost proti vodě (ale pozor, neplést s vodotěsností).

Jednou z novinek pro letošní rok by mohla být podpora hlasového ovládání digitální asistentky Siri podobně jako u iPhonu (v současné době je k vyvolání asistentky nutné poklepání na AirPods). Problémem hlasové aktivace jakéhokoliv digitálního asistenta je okolní hluk, takže finální implementace novinky může ještě chvilku trvat.

Kromě samotných sluchátek bude v letošním roce aktualizována i nabíjecí krabička, která už sama nebude potřebovat kabel – i krabičku totiž bude možné nabíjet bezdrátově. Máme-li se orientovat podle iPhonu X, pak by mohla podporovat standard Qi.


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jun12 A Megui é a Megui, né!?Não há scrapper como ela! Ela consegue harmonizar muitos elementos e torná-los um LO maravilhoso!Sem falar na pessoa especial que ela é…beijos


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Hi Ian,Thanks for that. I think there’s truth in what you say. But at the same time I am a strong believer in the idea that if you have a really outstanding script, it WILL get recognition. The people who run film and TV are always interested in the exciting new writing voices – even though it may not seem like it sometimes. Persist and you’ll get there!


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Hi Ian,Thanks for that. I think there’s truth in what you say. But at the same time I am a strong believer in the idea that if you have a really outstanding script, it WILL get recognition. The people who run film and TV are always interested in the exciting new writing voices – even though it may not seem like it sometimes. Persist and you’ll get there!


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The law of large numbers makes the system inert to catastrophe. It might be terrible for the individuals that suffers from whatever plight visited upon them but humanity shall prevail. Even with the much smaller people numbers of the middle-ages humanity survived the black death which perished half the population of Europe. If a similar catastrophe would hit the planet now 3.5 billion humans would survive, a larger number than inhabited the earth in 1900. So to quote Mad magazine „What me worry?“


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Анонимный бугуртер / Евгеша посторался, но хач — слишком хач.Не знаю, как такие дрочилы ещё и консулами становятся?


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Agree, wanted to slap her up side the boil! Shut up and get it popped. Dr wouldn’t allow that kind of baby behavior. Bet she wouldn’t be laughing if it got infected with staph or MRSA. Gotta stop getting ready to go into a rant.


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Oi Prof. João,Estou iniciando meus passos numa pós-graduação em EaD, ainda estou “trombando em algumas árvores, mas creio qie irei encontrar o caminho mais tranquilo e visitarei este sÃtio muitas vezes! Bela imagem. Isabel


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Prof. Mario Jorge,Obrigada por dar essa luz, respondendo as questões para agente.Ainda bem q existe pessoas com o coração bom, que trabalha com amor, eq são essas pessoas que conseguem enxegar o próximo, construindo o mundo melhor.Que DEUS te abençõe e te der em dobro tudo de bom na sua vida para vc e familia.Um abraço forte.Adriana – Vitória da Conquista-BA.


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Prof. Mario Jorge,Obrigada por dar essa luz, respondendo as questões para agente.Ainda bem q existe pessoas com o coração bom, que trabalha com amor, eq são essas pessoas que conseguem enxegar o próximo, construindo o mundo melhor.Que DEUS te abençõe e te der em dobro tudo de bom na sua vida para vc e familia.Um abraço forte.Adriana – Vitória da Conquista-BA.


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Es maravillosaPara aclarar el pelo de forma gradual, y conseguir reflejos naturales, rociar una mezcla al 50–50 de agua oxigenada y agua y rociar, con el pelo todavÃa húmedo, después del lavado, y cepillar. Otros usosEn caso de dolor de dientes o muelas, y no poder acudir al dentista de inmediato, se pueden hacer buches con una medida de agua oxigenada al 3% por 10 minutos varias veces al dÃa. El dolor disminuirá considerablemente. Manteniendo los cepillos de dientes en una solución de agua oxigenada, se conservan libres de gérmenes que causan gingivitis y otros problemas bucales.


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que onda banda, pues para mi su llegada del tri a canucn es super especial yo soy de mexico en nezahualodo y siempre estaba en el rockandrool de cho hay un lugar en mexico que se llama el consejo del rock, siempre llega, la banda bostik, liran rool, el tri, etc. esta chido, esto es solo para la verdadera banda chido


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Saya berminat untuk investasi di bidang logam mulia (emas):Apakah ANTAM menjual emas kepada individual/ masyarakat umum?Apakah saya bisa datang dan beli langsung emas di ANTAM? Apa syaratnya dan jam berapa bukanya?Bisakah saya menjual kembali emas yang saya beli di ANTAM dengan harga terkini yang berlaku?Dimana saya dapat memperoleh informasi ttg fasilitas penyimpanan?Terima kasih,Aderina


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Nefis görüntülü sade ve zarif bir pasta olmuÅŸ. Ellerinize saÄŸlık. Krema malzemelerinde yumurta adedi yanlışlıkla 21 olarak yazılmış düzeltin isterseniz. Bu tür yanlışlıkları bu ara bende çok yapıyorum. Baharın cilvelerimi ne? SaÄŸlık ve sevgiyle..


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You mean to say“aapun ko khali phukat lafda ke beech me kayko jaane ka ?” is not hindi ? I could have sworn it wasI always assumed the reason people did not understand my hindi was because i spoke the classical version far removed from the colloquial one hears.what are your views on the usage of tupun (2nd person singular of aapun).Deepak


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You mean to say“aapun ko khali phukat lafda ke beech me kayko jaane ka ?” is not hindi ? I could have sworn it wasI always assumed the reason people did not understand my hindi was because i spoke the classical version far removed from the colloquial one hears.what are your views on the usage of tupun (2nd person singular of aapun).Deepak


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« Le doux Adrien » ? Vous semblez vous méprendre sur la finalité de son engagement.Les monocultures industrielles comme celles du palmier à huile ou du soja provoquent des drames humains. Elles alimentent la corruption, elles engendrent la pauvreté, l’exclusion, l’esclavage, la famine, les crises sociales… Mais Adrien est intelligent et tout sauf naïf. Il ne va pas prendre son fusil et aller se battre tout seul contre les méchants latifundistes et les gouvernements corrompus. Il préfère traiter le problème en amont.


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« Le doux Adrien » ? Vous semblez vous méprendre sur la finalité de son engagement.Les monocultures industrielles comme celles du palmier à huile ou du soja provoquent des drames humains. Elles alimentent la corruption, elles engendrent la pauvreté, l’exclusion, l’esclavage, la famine, les crises sociales… Mais Adrien est intelligent et tout sauf naïf. Il ne va pas prendre son fusil et aller se battre tout seul contre les méchants latifundistes et les gouvernements corrompus. Il préfère traiter le problème en amont.


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hey some how that crash is solve but still i get this errorUncaught exception ‘ImagickException’ with message ‘Unable to read the file: car2.JPEG’ in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\save.php:3 Stack trace: #0 C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\save.php(3): Imagick->__construct(‘car2.JPEG’) #1 {main} thrown in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\save.php on line 3this is what i have at line 3$im = new Imagick(“car2.jpg”);i think its some file permission error with windows pls help


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FHadminThank you for contacting the FH Foundation. We have forwarded your question to a specialist and will be in touch soon with more information. As new approved treatments are announced we will be notifying our members. In the meantime, you should make an appointment for your son with a Lipidoloist in India. Thank you again for contacting the FH Foundation. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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yes i think eric burden knows the truth.he was doing drugs and had some at his the time and didnt want to get eric admit what happened there.your gonna have to live with this the rest of your had a part in us losing the great musician ever to walk on this planet


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Avea deja o varsta, dar pana la urma nu varsta conteaza acum. Conteaza omul care a lasat ceva in spate, a realizat ceva si cu siguranta se va mai vorbi despre el multa vreme de acum inainte..


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I adore oreganata! The cod looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing about your mother and her cooking. Had I not had my grandmother's lasagna to drool over, my mom's would have ruined me for life. Don't know how she could come from a woman who made the best lasagna ever…here's was not appetizing at all! Lucky for all of us she got better at it :)


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Hi Baloot, yea, a lot of people have big dreams and goals, but most of them will not take any action.Millionaire Minds? In my buying list. Will buy it as my next book. Thanks a lot.


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Hi Baloot, yea, a lot of people have big dreams and goals, but most of them will not take any action.Millionaire Minds? In my buying list. Will buy it as my next book. Thanks a lot.


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Schön zu sehen das es immer noch einige fähige Leute gibt die sich mit webOS beschäftigen. Wenn ich den webOS-nation-Artikel richtig verstanden habe möchten (träumen!?!) die Phoenix-Leute sogar davon irgendwann eigene webOS-Hardware anbieten zu können?!?Bin gespannt was die noch alles schaffen mit webOS.


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ciao, bell’articolo devo dire che anche a me airbnb inesatesrva poi ho trovato un’altro sito simile ( che ho avuto la possibilite0 di provare grazie a un codice sconto (cosa che airbnb non credo faccia). Sono andato a Berlino e devo dire che sono rimasto veramente soddisfatto, ora mi sto organizzando un viaggio a Parigi, credo sare0 il primo posto dove guarderf2 per trovare degli alloggi ;D


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I have just rescued four hens. They are staying with me for a few weeks then going on to a fantastic new home. They are having lots of treats and look very well. I would like to get some Apple Cider Vinegar – is the suermarket stuff ok as I don’t want to bother ordering stuff on line for the short time they are with me. Incidentally, I love them to bits and really enjoying thr company and the eggs !


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hmm that video.. taken by who? surely not from the security camera one.. i think kissing and hugging is like normal lor.. some ppl (like you) feels it’s like a thing that u do privately, some think it’s ok to show/do it publicly.


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Angie this is perfectly refreshing for the summer heat! Perfect meal to have right beside the pool! The pineapple wedges and that crispy textured chicken is fantastic!Now then, all you need is some ice cold prossecco!


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Ms. Susan, I have been looking all evening for the name of your Johnson Brothers purple(ish) (maybe more burgandy?) china…I love the Rose Chintz, but I have an obsession with the purple ones! I LOVE the creamer with the little apples’s on the lid. I cannot find it on Replacements, etc. b/c I can’t find the name of it


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Hoppas du hade det skönt och att uppgiften blev bra. I dag fÃ¥r jag veva upp hela parasollet,,,varmt och skönt kram