Křižovatka smrti 2 (Blu-ray)

typ film | český zvuk | české titulky

Tagy: Blu-ray, film

Křižovatka smrti 2 (Rush Hour 2, 2001)

Český název: Křižovatka smrti 2

Originální název: Rush Hour 2

Rok výroby: 2001

Žánr: Akční / Kriminální / Thriller / Komedie

Délka: 90 minut (1:30)

Režie: Brett Ratner

Hrají: Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, John Lone, Ziyi Zhang, Roselyn Sanchez, Harris Yulin, Alan King, Kenneth Tsang, Lisa LoCicero, Jeremy Piven, Saul Rubinek, Don Cheadle, James Lew, Andy Cheng, Maggie Q, Ernie Reyes Jr., Mei Melançon, Roger Lim, Gianni Russo, Mars, Tanya Newbould, Matthew Barry

Studio: Warner Bros.

Distribuce v ČR: Magic Box (od 14. 10. 2015)

Technické informace

Český zvuk ANO

České titulky ANO

Typ disku: bude doplněno

Počet disků: 1

Zvukové stopy: česky DD 2.0 / anglicky DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 / japonsky DD 2.0 / maďarsky DD 2.0 / německy DD 5.1 / polsky DD 2.0 / polský komentář DD 2.0 / portugalsky (Brazílie) DD 2.0 / thajsky DD 5.1 / turecky 1.0 mono / španělsky (Latinská Amerika) DD 5.1

Titulky: české, anglické pro neslyšící, arabské, čínské, estonské, hebrejské, holandské, chorvatské, japonské, korejské, maďarské, německé pro neslyšící, polské, portugalské (Brazílie), portugalské (Evropa), rumunské, slovinské, španělské (Latinská Amerika), thajské, turecké

Formát obrazu: 2,40:1

Rozlišení: 1080p

Video: bude doplněno

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一日唔互讓互諒就冇安寧嘅日ålaw!咁都唔明?男士們要大男人,得架!你一個人一份糧擔得起成é å®¶,唔洗老婆出去捱世界,weekend 同老婆仔女商量吓今晚食乜餸,寒假去邊玩,你老婆實錫晒你gar,大人你話乜就乜law … 女士們就唔好扮上菜,做人女友/老婆唔係做公主!係做德誠女å‚+ä¸åœ‹åŸŽå›¡å›¡!ç‰æ¢ä½¬å†‡åŒ—姑雞外賣食ar!淨返d $你買乜都得la!


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Shagrath26 sierpnia 2012, 15:02 Panie „specjalisto” z itv24, takie bajki to możesz opowiadać swojej babci, problem jest po Waszej stronie i tyle.Ciekawa jest inna rzecz, jakoÅ› na reklamach nic siÄ™ nie tnie, przypadek? Zamiast wciskac kity, zabierzcie sie do roboty, bo tego nie da siÄ™ oglÄ…dać.


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, some videos look worse now, but as more people can afford better Internet connection, I think it would be a good idea to allow higher rezolution videos to be uploaded.Someone mentioned of having two players (4:3 and 16:9) and displaying the video in the most appropriate one. That's not a bad idea and you should consider it, too.


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skriver:funka inte för mig heller! rubriken fick inte en ny färg! skulle vara lila men de är bara samma grÃ¥a färg, och jag klickade pÃ¥ ”spara stilmall” och det funka inte!


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If the PA was severed from $400 million each year from the US its standing with the people would improve. It would also mean that the officials of the PA would see a lowering in their extravagant living standards. There would be some hardship in the short term, but the Palestinians would benefit so much in the long term.Go US congress, do the Palestinian people a favor for once, cut those funds!And with that precedent, maybe they could start cutting back on money to Israel.


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If the PA was severed from $400 million each year from the US its standing with the people would improve. It would also mean that the officials of the PA would see a lowering in their extravagant living standards. There would be some hardship in the short term, but the Palestinians would benefit so much in the long term.Go US congress, do the Palestinian people a favor for once, cut those funds!And with that precedent, maybe they could start cutting back on money to Israel.


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Appunto. Rendiamoci conto che in Italia e' ancora comune tra i giornalisti dire „il popolo di Internet“. Nel 2010. Non aveva gia' piu' senso 10 anni fa…Se qui in USA un giornalista „serio“ (non di una testata satirica) si mettesse ad usare la frase „the Internet people“ o simili verrebbe probabilmente cacciato a calci.


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that the pl/sql presents errors but this well does not have an error in the09/01/17 11:12:00 [DBProcDataSourceLoginModule] User ME not authenticated: username or password mismatch09/01/17 11:12:00 [DBProcDataSourceLoginModule] Error: ORA-04063: package body “SCOTT.JAAS_UTILS” tiene erroresORA-06508: PL/SQL: no se ha encontrado la unidad de programa llamada : “SCOTT.JAAS_UTILS”ORA-06512: en lÃÂnea 109/01/17 11:12:00 [DBProcDataSourceLoginModule] Logon Successful = false09/01/17 11:12:00 [DBProcDataSourceLoginModule] Abort called on LoginModuleThat I am missing to configure or to that he is supposed to be for this givenlyGreetings and thanks


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tracey · Hi Paul – Yes I’m so happy that the lovely Ms Mist and her wonderful poetry have found a way to my little blog home. 8)And in celebration of this event I declare virtual chocolate brownies for all!!


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tracey · Hi Paul – Yes I’m so happy that the lovely Ms Mist and her wonderful poetry have found a way to my little blog home. 8)And in celebration of this event I declare virtual chocolate brownies for all!!


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Francelle disse:Olá, só uma duvida, os links são intercambiaveis??Muito bom o site, vlw tava contando os dias pra jogar esse grande jogo.


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Francelle disse:Olá, só uma duvida, os links são intercambiaveis??Muito bom o site, vlw tava contando os dias pra jogar esse grande jogo.


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S.Martel dit :Cecile, nous n’avons plus le courriel puisqu’il sagissait d’une demande via un formulaire en ligne. Mais en gros ça disait: Nous avons un ami nouvellement citoyen et voulons souligner l’événement en lui offrant un symbole canadien pour sa fête.[]


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ZalatamborEl Gustavo de Maeztu ya está haciendo un trabajo heroico: Sin presupuesto, va a realizar a lo largo de este año varias exposiciones de alta calidad. Otros museos navarros, afectados por igual por los recortes presupuestarios, no van a tener ninguna exposición. Sin ir más lejos, el Museo de Navarra, inaugurando una exposición de sus propios fondos en noviembre de 2011 y la han prorrogado hasta noviembre de 2012, diciendo que lo hacÃan por “el éxito de público”, cuando la realidad es que no tienen recursos económicos ni tampoco capacidad para lograr exposiciones mediante mecenazgo.30/04/2012, 20:49


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ZalatamborEl Gustavo de Maeztu ya está haciendo un trabajo heroico: Sin presupuesto, va a realizar a lo largo de este año varias exposiciones de alta calidad. Otros museos navarros, afectados por igual por los recortes presupuestarios, no van a tener ninguna exposición. Sin ir más lejos, el Museo de Navarra, inaugurando una exposición de sus propios fondos en noviembre de 2011 y la han prorrogado hasta noviembre de 2012, diciendo que lo hacÃan por “el éxito de público”, cuando la realidad es que no tienen recursos económicos ni tampoco capacidad para lograr exposiciones mediante mecenazgo.30/04/2012, 20:49


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On dira ce qu’on voudra, Alain, l’affaire est pas 100% rationnelle!Si acheter une bagnole peut impliquer de l’irrationnel et des émotions, je vois pas pourquoi le choix d’un partner de vie en serait exempt!


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That has been one of the problems, the women who does the photography is very fierce and protective of the photography. I wasn’t allowed to go and take photos any time that she was. I really don’t want to get involved like that anyway. I love the experience, but I am just as happy that it is finished now as well. The cast love the photos and I know the director will too, that is all I needed.


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That has been one of the problems, the women who does the photography is very fierce and protective of the photography. I wasn’t allowed to go and take photos any time that she was. I really don’t want to get involved like that anyway. I love the experience, but I am just as happy that it is finished now as well. The cast love the photos and I know the director will too, that is all I needed.


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Bel, vi tua palestra semana passada. Tava achando esse blog tão a tua cara, aà fui ver o about e… surpresa.Adorei os posts até agora, estarei sempre de olho aqui Beijo!


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Alfie'I think it is important for republicans to apologise for any wrongdoing they committed during the Troubles, e.g., war crimes like the Kingsmill massacre, the Enniskillen bombing and, indeed, the bombing of all commercial targets'. nice guys always lose. Its only mnor collateral damage. chillax.


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het argument zou zijn: bezuinigingen…mijn inziens kost het de maatschappij met deze nieuwe maatregel alleen maar meer.maar laten we eerlijk zijn: daar kan het toch allemaal niet om draaien?op deze manier wordt mensen met een ziekte of handicap (alsof dat nog niet erg genoeg is) hun zelfredzaamheid afgenomen.zou dat nou echt de bedoeling zijn???


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Coronel, vale a pena assistir a entrevista do Presidente FHC ocorrida ontem, 30 de março, no program Em Questão, da TV Gazeta. Vale a pena. Em um dos trechos, ele lembra que em seu governo havia cerca de 100 cartões corporativos, enquanto hoje são mais de 10 mil…Abraço e saúdewww.tvgazeta.com.br/emquestão


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These sound delicious!! I just pinned them for a further date since I cheated this morning and made ones with a cake mix I needed to use up. Thank you so much for sharing them at Sharing Saturday!! Have a great week and Happy Valentine’s Day!!


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These sound delicious!! I just pinned them for a further date since I cheated this morning and made ones with a cake mix I needed to use up. Thank you so much for sharing them at Sharing Saturday!! Have a great week and Happy Valentine’s Day!!


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Supernannuation included?Generalnie z kwoty „brutto” jedyne co musisz odprowdzić to podatek (ile – sprawdź na ato.gov.au). Zalezy na jakÄ… wizÄ™ was Å›ciÄ…gajÄ… i jakie dodatkowe „warunki” wam oferujÄ…. Czy dacie radÄ™ siÄ™ za to utrzymać – zależy od waszych oczekiwaÅ„. SwojÄ… drogÄ… – jeÅ›li bÄ™dziesz na 457 nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby twoja „druga połówka” poszÅ‚a do pracy…PozdrawiamKarol


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Supernannuation included?Generalnie z kwoty „brutto” jedyne co musisz odprowdzić to podatek (ile – sprawdź na ato.gov.au). Zalezy na jakÄ… wizÄ™ was Å›ciÄ…gajÄ… i jakie dodatkowe „warunki” wam oferujÄ…. Czy dacie radÄ™ siÄ™ za to utrzymać – zależy od waszych oczekiwaÅ„. SwojÄ… drogÄ… – jeÅ›li bÄ™dziesz na 457 nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby twoja „druga połówka” poszÅ‚a do pracy…PozdrawiamKarol


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My most memorable Valentines gift was my engagement ring from my hubby. He attached it to a figurine of a man and woman together with intertwined arms. It was so romantic. Mind you this was the second time he proposed to me. He was so nervous. 9 years later we are still going strong. He is my bestest friend ever.Love him.Dawn B.


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I hope it is used for good as well. But we are all aware that some fool will try to use it for their own sick personal gain. It is a sad reality but a reality none the less.


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Tu masz racjÄ™.Tyle,ze w tej swobdnej naracji o innym miesjcu trzeba zorbic zaÅ‚ożenia ,kto i o czym musiaÅ‚ wiedzieć.Bo to oznacza bardzo szeroki krÄ…g dopuszczonych do tajemnicy. Pies traćaÅ‚ same sÅ‚użby- tu to jest mozliwe.Ale ni moze byc sÅ‚abych ogniw : czyli z róznych Å›rodowisk ludzie musieliby być wtajemniczeni.A to mie nie pasuje i nie graBuziaczki


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Tu masz racjÄ™.Tyle,ze w tej swobdnej naracji o innym miesjcu trzeba zorbic zaÅ‚ożenia ,kto i o czym musiaÅ‚ wiedzieć.Bo to oznacza bardzo szeroki krÄ…g dopuszczonych do tajemnicy. Pies traćaÅ‚ same sÅ‚użby- tu to jest mozliwe.Ale ni moze byc sÅ‚abych ogniw : czyli z róznych Å›rodowisk ludzie musieliby być wtajemniczeni.A to mie nie pasuje i nie graBuziaczki


Vložil car insurance quotes West Springfield MA (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 5:41

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Ã…h har spanat pÃ¥ det sÃ¥ länge, men efter upptäckten av svamp i vÃ¥r grund har alla „nöjes“ inköp fÃ¥tt stÃ¥ Ã¥t sidan. Vore sÃ¥ kul om man kunde fÃ¥ möjlighet att vinna det och nÃ¥got sÃ¥ trÃ¥kigt kunde fÃ¥ bli sÃ¥ positivt :)


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Ã…h har spanat pÃ¥ det sÃ¥ länge, men efter upptäckten av svamp i vÃ¥r grund har alla „nöjes“ inköp fÃ¥tt stÃ¥ Ã¥t sidan. Vore sÃ¥ kul om man kunde fÃ¥ möjlighet att vinna det och nÃ¥got sÃ¥ trÃ¥kigt kunde fÃ¥ bli sÃ¥ positivt :)


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Bonita Springs FL (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 5:50

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Ok I was a big Weeden supporter. I have seen the light. He just plain out sucks! We can’t go on like this. There is not anyone in the up coming draft that would be worthy of our 1st round pick at QB. I say trade it to the 49ers for Alex Smith. They don’t wnat him and he is a gamer.Merry Christmas.Santa please bring me a winning saeason next year.


Vložil cheapest auto insurance in Bonita Springs FL (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 5:50

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Ok I was a big Weeden supporter. I have seen the light. He just plain out sucks! We can’t go on like this. There is not anyone in the up coming draft that would be worthy of our 1st round pick at QB. I say trade it to the 49ers for Alex Smith. They don’t wnat him and he is a gamer.Merry Christmas.Santa please bring me a winning saeason next year.


Vložil non owners auto insurance quotes Laredo TX (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 6:21

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TLF is a good example of the New York Times Syndrome (The Kingdom and The Power) at work. Since they work for the world's most well known newspaper, they believe that they are on a high exalted summit that sees everything. It is not so bad in the regular reporters, but in the editors, columnists etec. it is pretty overwhelming.  And yes in saying that the Jewish Lobby „owns“ Congress, Friedman jumped the track by a large margin into classic anti-Semitism.


Vložil non owners auto insurance quotes Laredo TX (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 6:21

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TLF is a good example of the New York Times Syndrome (The Kingdom and The Power) at work. Since they work for the world's most well known newspaper, they believe that they are on a high exalted summit that sees everything. It is not so bad in the regular reporters, but in the editors, columnists etec. it is pretty overwhelming.  And yes in saying that the Jewish Lobby „owns“ Congress, Friedman jumped the track by a large margin into classic anti-Semitism.


Vložil low income car insurance dmv Ames IA (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 6:32

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I carry on listening to the news broadcast lecture about getting free online grant applications so I have been looking around for the finest site to get one. Could you advise me please, where could i find some?


Vložil auto insurance rates Mcallen TX (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 6:58

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Boy oh boy have I been practicing ACT for the last few months. So much has been out of my control – how my living space was organized, who was in my living space, when to get up, when repairs would be done, yada yada yada…It's been hard for me. I think what helped me get through was to have no expectations. I don't know if that was healthy or not, but it seemed to help. I was grateful for whatever was done, no matter when it was done.


Vložil auto insurance rates Mcallen TX (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 6:58

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Boy oh boy have I been practicing ACT for the last few months. So much has been out of my control – how my living space was organized, who was in my living space, when to get up, when repairs would be done, yada yada yada…It's been hard for me. I think what helped me get through was to have no expectations. I don't know if that was healthy or not, but it seemed to help. I was grateful for whatever was done, no matter when it was done.


Vložil full coverage auto insurance MN (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 7:15

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Zapytam po raz drugi, wprost, bez retoryki; mam nadziejÄ™, że może obejdzie siÄ™ bez delete'a.Czy sÄ…dzi Pan, że pyskówka w taksie to „afera“, która zasÅ‚uguje na coÅ› wiÄ™cej, niż OPR od szefa i pojechanie po premii. [O ile by siÄ™ potwierdziÅ‚y zarzuty klientki].pzdr


Vložil full coverage auto insurance MN (bez ověření), 2. Říjen 2018 - 7:15

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Zapytam po raz drugi, wprost, bez retoryki; mam nadziejÄ™, że może obejdzie siÄ™ bez delete'a.Czy sÄ…dzi Pan, że pyskówka w taksie to „afera“, która zasÅ‚uguje na coÅ› wiÄ™cej, niż OPR od szefa i pojechanie po premii. [O ile by siÄ™ potwierdziÅ‚y zarzuty klientki].pzdr


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There are quite a few Basecamp competitors, all have their pros and cons. We currently use Central Desktop, but have tried and used others like Sharepoint, Salesforce, Yammer, etc…


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There are quite a few Basecamp competitors, all have their pros and cons. We currently use Central Desktop, but have tried and used others like Sharepoint, Salesforce, Yammer, etc…


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