Nokia 9 by mohla mít duální fotoaparát, naznačuje update

vydáno 24. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 9911 komentářů

Tagy: Android, aplikace, duální fotoaparát, HMD Global, Nokia 5, Nokia 8, Nokia 9, smartphony

Beta program Androidu Oreo pro model Nokia 5 od HMD Global odhaluje některé zajímavé nuance.

Výrobce tento program ohlásil již dříve, nicméně až nyní se stal realitou. A někteří uživatelé si hned všimli jednoho zajímavého faktu – cenově dostupný model střední třídy totiž společně s aktualizací dostal i inovovanou aplikaci fotoaparátu, která odhaluje jisté poměrně zajímavé detaily.

Po rozbalení APK balíčku se dozvíte, že ona aplikace fotoaparátu nyní zahrnuje podporu pro širokoúhlé focení i teleobjektiv. Nokia 5 je ale vybavena jen jediným 13megapixelovým snímačem, a tak tyhle funkce evidentně nejsou pro ni.

Nesedí nám sem ani Nokia 8, jediný dosud vydaný smartphone od HMD Global s duálním fotoaparátem. Vlajková loď je totiž osazena opět 13megapixelovým snímačem, který snímá barvy, a ještě jedním, monochromatickým senzorem, jenž je citlivější na světlo.

Takže co nám zbývá? Nuže, existují jisté náznaky toho, že HMD chystá v Číně na 19. ledna akci spojenou s uváděním nových produktů, na níž mají být údajně uvedeny Nokia 9 a také Nokia 8 ve verzi pro rok 2018. Je tak pravděpodobné, že by s duálním fotoaparátem se sekundárním širokoúhlým nebo zoomovacím objektivem mohl skončit některý z těchto high-endových telefonů.

V neposlední řadě update obsahuje také možnosti ovládání rychlosti závěrky a ISO, což je ve srovnání s původní verzí aplikace víc než dost.

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I didn’t notice the eye-assaulting fuschia (a color I’ve always hated) until you pointed it out, and now it’s bothering me to no end. XD; The cover art itself is beautiful, but I think whoever did the graphic design was colorblind. I agree that the plain white background could use some sprucing up- I think a light pink would do well.I think the typography is fine…just that fuschia is pissing me off now that I noticed it. XD; (I like your version a lot better for that reason.)


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I didn’t notice the eye-assaulting fuschia (a color I’ve always hated) until you pointed it out, and now it’s bothering me to no end. XD; The cover art itself is beautiful, but I think whoever did the graphic design was colorblind. I agree that the plain white background could use some sprucing up- I think a light pink would do well.I think the typography is fine…just that fuschia is pissing me off now that I noticed it. XD; (I like your version a lot better for that reason.)


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You can wear anything with brown, so long as it isn’t black!Bright colours with a dark brown are fantastic. A pale color is also workable.I think you’ll do just fine with a medium pink shirt. +1


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You can wear anything with brown, so long as it isn’t black!Bright colours with a dark brown are fantastic. A pale color is also workable.I think you’ll do just fine with a medium pink shirt. +1


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Lulu, someone have to start first. Perhaps you do not read what’s written on the wall of the group. Somehow, people like you are the ones who prevent all of us to unite as one. we all MUST CARE for each other. don’t be selfish, lulu. If Malays are targeted, you would want everyone to help you, right? Grow up and get a life!


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Lulu, someone have to start first. Perhaps you do not read what’s written on the wall of the group. Somehow, people like you are the ones who prevent all of us to unite as one. we all MUST CARE for each other. don’t be selfish, lulu. If Malays are targeted, you would want everyone to help you, right? Grow up and get a life!


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Cayo Las Brujas, Santa Mara, Playa Ensenachos and Playa Mgano Cayo Ensenacho, one of the more than five hundred islets north off Cuba is simply a two km cay with some of the finest beaches in Cuba. Holguin Beaches- Playa Esmeralda, Playa Guardalavaca, Playa Pesquero, Playa Yuraguanal, Cayo Saetia Holguin beaches are regarded as some of the finest beaches in Cuba.


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I think that in between the hard impervious shell at one extreme and the feeling of being unbearably open and defenseless, we might think of something like mental skin, firm and protective but not impervious. It’s very painful to live with people like your mother, especially when they project all their vulnerability into you and then feel contempt for you.


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I think that in between the hard impervious shell at one extreme and the feeling of being unbearably open and defenseless, we might think of something like mental skin, firm and protective but not impervious. It’s very painful to live with people like your mother, especially when they project all their vulnerability into you and then feel contempt for you.


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Sean's comment makes a lot of sense. People like to be part of a community. Many would rather go along then think for themselves.If you look around I think you'll find lots of examples that show just how many turn off their brains and accept what is fed to them.


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Sean's comment makes a lot of sense. People like to be part of a community. Many would rather go along then think for themselves.If you look around I think you'll find lots of examples that show just how many turn off their brains and accept what is fed to them.


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Riktigt bra övningar. Vi har till och med en fast stÃ¥ng uppställd i en sk. Joystick.Hade tänkt prata lite med dig i helgen, eftersom jag gillar din blogg. Kul när du ger övningstips. Men tyvärr hann man inte prata med alla som man ville.Ha det gott!