Motorola a HTC: výkon smartphonů záměrně nesnižujeme

vydáno 19. 1. 2018 | autor Pavel Kreuziger | sekce Novinky | téma Mobilní telefony | 10576 komentářů

Tagy: Apple iPhone, HTC, iOS, kauza, Motorola, smartphony, zpomalování CPU

Apple je v současné době mnohými „grilován“ za to, že záměrně zpomaloval starší modely, byť s „bohulibým záměrem.“

Společnost se nechala slyšet, že iPhony nezpomaluje kvůli tomu, aby uživatele popohnala ke koupi nového zařízení, ale kvůli vyšší výdrži stárnoucí baterie na jedno nabití. „Plánované zastarávání“ výrobce vyloučil, ačkoliv právě z toho jej viní žaloby podané v Izraeli, ve Spojených státech a nově dokonce i ve Francii, kde je daný postup trestným činem, který může kromě citelné pokuty vyústit i v až dvouleté vězení pro zodpovědné osoby.

Cesta do pekel je dlážděna dobrými úmysly a vysvětlení Applu mnohé neuspokojilo, naopak se vyrojily otázky o potenciálním zpomalování jiných smartphonů na trhu.

Zatímco společnosti jako Samsung a Sony svoje oficiální vyjádření v této věci zatím připravují, HTC a Motorola uvedly, že zpomalování CPU jako Apple neprovádějí. „Nezpomalujeme výkon CPU kvůli starším bateriím,“ řekl mluvčí Motoroly ve vyjádření pro The Verge a HTC se vyjádřil podobně.

To nám však nedává úplnou odpověď. V současné době není možné říci, zda obě společnosti nezpomalují výkon CPU z jiných důvodů než z důvodu stárnoucí baterie, ale lepší informace v současné době nemáme.


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pierfrancesco scrive:buongiorno a tutti! dove è possibile trovare in Italia questo cellulare? bisogna andare per forza in India, o lo si riesce a trovare anche in Italia? grazie, pier


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Jennifer exceeded my expectations with her very detailed, accurate interpretation of my aura. I wasnt expecting a prompt reply as I know she is well sought after. However, she not only responded in a timely manner, but it was clear that she devoted a lot of time with my aura reading. I had many questions and she answered them all. She is a creative, intuitive and compassionate Spirit.


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Jennifer exceeded my expectations with her very detailed, accurate interpretation of my aura. I wasnt expecting a prompt reply as I know she is well sought after. However, she not only responded in a timely manner, but it was clear that she devoted a lot of time with my aura reading. I had many questions and she answered them all. She is a creative, intuitive and compassionate Spirit.


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Why do people think Rollins will be dealt? I think the Phillies see Rollins and Utley as their version of Derek Jeter — Phillies for life. JMO, but there’s no reason to believe that either of these guys will ever be traded.


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Why do people think Rollins will be dealt? I think the Phillies see Rollins and Utley as their version of Derek Jeter — Phillies for life. JMO, but there’s no reason to believe that either of these guys will ever be traded.


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Lindsey, what wonderful perspective you’ve brought to this conversation! It seems easy to desire a mere return to childhood, because the past just seems better, but the kind of perfection in childlike qualities you’re describing requires real maturity. Being childlike in the way Jesus demanded must be about the right expression of what a child is… none of the false human conceptions included.We’ve all been children by default. Could it be that this human experience is about learning to be God’s children, by choice? And to be fathers? And mothers? And brothers and sister? and so on…  |  


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Lindsey, what wonderful perspective you’ve brought to this conversation! It seems easy to desire a mere return to childhood, because the past just seems better, but the kind of perfection in childlike qualities you’re describing requires real maturity. Being childlike in the way Jesus demanded must be about the right expression of what a child is… none of the false human conceptions included.We’ve all been children by default. Could it be that this human experience is about learning to be God’s children, by choice? And to be fathers? And mothers? And brothers and sister? and so on…  |  


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Cláudia Oiticica disse:Sonia,informação preciosa, isso mesmo. Também nem desconfiava. É por essas e outras que não dá para deixar de ler o Conexão.A Lina está sempre nos brindando com fatos curiosos do dia-a-dia francês. Ela sempre nos surpreende.


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Cláudia Oiticica disse:Sonia,informação preciosa, isso mesmo. Também nem desconfiava. É por essas e outras que não dá para deixar de ler o Conexão.A Lina está sempre nos brindando com fatos curiosos do dia-a-dia francês. Ela sempre nos surpreende.


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Raimundo C Santos / vc teria que assistir alguns episódios de star trek(new generations) para entender melhor a função desse aparelhoGostei deste comentário ou não: 0


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Raimundo C Santos / vc teria que assistir alguns episódios de star trek(new generations) para entender melhor a função desse aparelhoGostei deste comentário ou não: 0


Vložil car insurance quotes (bez ověření), 28. Červen 2018 - 6:01

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Muy bueno Lady…, es verdad,no he caÃdo, que en verano toda esta gente también está de vacaciones luciendo su palmito recién operado este invierno, nalgas siliconadas, pechos artificialmente turgentes, robando maridos y novios, preparando los próximos escándalos…Uno se puede hacer con una buena colección de libritos para las esperadas vacaciones. XD


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Muy bueno Lady…, es verdad,no he caÃdo, que en verano toda esta gente también está de vacaciones luciendo su palmito recién operado este invierno, nalgas siliconadas, pechos artificialmente turgentes, robando maridos y novios, preparando los próximos escándalos…Uno se puede hacer con una buena colección de libritos para las esperadas vacaciones. XD


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Superbe ta photo ! J’ai une mésange qui vient sur mon balcon aussi , elle dépiote les fibres d’un tuteur pour aller faire son nid mais difficile de faire une photo sans gros zoom et sans l’effrayer, mais je réessaierai. Douce soirée en espérant que tu vas mieux! Biz


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Superbe ta photo ! J’ai une mésange qui vient sur mon balcon aussi , elle dépiote les fibres d’un tuteur pour aller faire son nid mais difficile de faire une photo sans gros zoom et sans l’effrayer, mais je réessaierai. Douce soirée en espérant que tu vas mieux! Biz


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Petite correction qui n’enlève rien à la qualité de l’article : Shurik’n a écrit le premier couplet de Demain c’est loin, pas le second =)


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Petite correction qui n’enlève rien à la qualité de l’article : Shurik’n a écrit le premier couplet de Demain c’est loin, pas le second =)


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Cloud,They basically ignore the document. They sick to SCAPIN-677 and SCAPIN-1033. Though they ignore the important part of both of them.Please read below as well.U.S. basically concluded that Takeshima/Dokdo is Japanese territory. But he dodged the responsibility and told both country to bring it to ICJ to be decided.


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Cloud,They basically ignore the document. They sick to SCAPIN-677 and SCAPIN-1033. Though they ignore the important part of both of them.Please read below as well.U.S. basically concluded that Takeshima/Dokdo is Japanese territory. But he dodged the responsibility and told both country to bring it to ICJ to be decided.


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Freephil dit :Mazette, c’est ce qu’on appelle un animuertagre. Il est vrai que certaines classes ressemblent e0 d’e9ternelles cours de re9cre9ation La boue s’essaie e0 parler. Et d’abord elle aimerait eatre rocher. T’as qu’e0 croire , comme disent les bordelais. Merci Alain, pour cette lettre qui me9riterait que le susdit,se manifestant, tente de vous re9pondre


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Freephil dit :Mazette, c’est ce qu’on appelle un animuertagre. Il est vrai que certaines classes ressemblent e0 d’e9ternelles cours de re9cre9ation La boue s’essaie e0 parler. Et d’abord elle aimerait eatre rocher. T’as qu’e0 croire , comme disent les bordelais. Merci Alain, pour cette lettre qui me9riterait que le susdit,se manifestant, tente de vous re9pondre


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Wow. Thank you, Dr. Hutcherson for the challenge and encouragement. Your wisdom and faith to see God in your circumstances inspires me! Thank you for sharing! Love you!


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Wow. Thank you, Dr. Hutcherson for the challenge and encouragement. Your wisdom and faith to see God in your circumstances inspires me! Thank you for sharing! Love you!


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Não estás paranóico não, amigo. Antes estivesses.Quando ontem ouvi esta notÃcia senti, tb eu, um aperto no peito. A liberdade está a ser-nos retirada como o veneno em pequenas doses, para que apenas se sintam os efeitos, a longo prazo, talvez quando já seja tarde… como o poema.Partilho desse sentimento inquietante.Bjinhos


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Não estás paranóico não, amigo. Antes estivesses.Quando ontem ouvi esta notÃcia senti, tb eu, um aperto no peito. A liberdade está a ser-nos retirada como o veneno em pequenas doses, para que apenas se sintam os efeitos, a longo prazo, talvez quando já seja tarde… como o poema.Partilho desse sentimento inquietante.Bjinhos


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Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again.Anyways, just wanted to say superb blog!


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Wow that was odd. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again.Anyways, just wanted to say superb blog!


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civilization will collapse in the next few weeks5. Neither planes in the air nor ships at sea can safely follow their charted courses without the aid of a lighted statue of the Angel Moroni on top of one temple or another


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I normally drink one or two bottles of water per day. When I was pregnant, I drank more like ten to twelve. I was just ALWAYS thirsty. So I ended up with sort of the opposite problem–when I went past due, there was no need to evict the baby because she had PLENTY of fluid. It was like a swimming pool in there. Go figure.


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I normally drink one or two bottles of water per day. When I was pregnant, I drank more like ten to twelve. I was just ALWAYS thirsty. So I ended up with sort of the opposite problem–when I went past due, there was no need to evict the baby because she had PLENTY of fluid. It was like a swimming pool in there. Go figure.


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Love Joanne’s Digital Designs, she has some of the most beautiful kits ever. I’ve purchased a few scripts & templates for myself & enjoy working with them.Good luck Joanne!


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Love Joanne’s Digital Designs, she has some of the most beautiful kits ever. I’ve purchased a few scripts & templates for myself & enjoy working with them.Good luck Joanne!


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Would love to win an ipad2, as a small business owner, money is tight but working to stream line all my work to the apple world and an ipad2 could be a perfect beginning and resource!


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Oy! I know this is the least of his worries, but I look at Obama and wonder, does he eat enough?!perhaps I shouldn't vote for him…lol just kidding.~~~~~~~~~~~As for Hillary apologizing. I'm betting that both the insult and the apology was not that she was a racist and now reformed. it was all political.


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Oy! I know this is the least of his worries, but I look at Obama and wonder, does he eat enough?!perhaps I shouldn't vote for him…lol just kidding.~~~~~~~~~~~As for Hillary apologizing. I'm betting that both the insult and the apology was not that she was a racist and now reformed. it was all political.


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I'm a little bit in love with you right now. And a little disturbed by the previous comment.....And yes, I bet she does all of those things you mentioned, but she may well be a mind numbingly boring conversationalist. So there. Leah xxx


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I'm a little bit in love with you right now. And a little disturbed by the previous comment.....And yes, I bet she does all of those things you mentioned, but she may well be a mind numbingly boring conversationalist. So there. Leah xxx


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My system seems to have worked. No sign of Red Mite for two weeks now. Only cleaning out once or twice a week now. Will carry on using the powder at every clean.One useful thing I did with the powder was to cover the entire perch with it rather than just the ends. That way when the mite tried to walk on the underside to the chickens they still found powder waiting for them wherever the surfaced.


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My system seems to have worked. No sign of Red Mite for two weeks now. Only cleaning out once or twice a week now. Will carry on using the powder at every clean.One useful thing I did with the powder was to cover the entire perch with it rather than just the ends. That way when the mite tried to walk on the underside to the chickens they still found powder waiting for them wherever the surfaced.


Vložil average car insurance rates in Yakima WA (bez ověření), 29. Červen 2018 - 1:36

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AKA FrogButtFebruary 26, 2013 First, call your realtor or mortgage lender. They can tell you how to go about getting it cleared up. Seems to me that the previous owner should be responsible but if you have something written to deny that the fine print may get you! Good luck!


Vložil average car insurance rates in Yakima WA (bez ověření), 29. Červen 2018 - 1:36

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AKA FrogButtFebruary 26, 2013 First, call your realtor or mortgage lender. They can tell you how to go about getting it cleared up. Seems to me that the previous owner should be responsible but if you have something written to deny that the fine print may get you! Good luck!


Vložil low income car insurance dmv Grapevine TX (bez ověření), 29. Červen 2018 - 2:23

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Didn’t Rutgers Prep just beat North Hunterdon by 8 or 10 points? I am trying to understand why that had no impact whatsover on the rankings, because NH is still number 2 in the rankings. I expected Somerville or even Voorhees at number 2, What gives?


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Didn’t Rutgers Prep just beat North Hunterdon by 8 or 10 points? I am trying to understand why that had no impact whatsover on the rankings, because NH is still number 2 in the rankings. I expected Somerville or even Voorhees at number 2, What gives?


Vložil payless auto insurance Coatesville PA (bez ověření), 29. Červen 2018 - 3:19

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SÃ¥ koselig :) SÃ¥nne stunder er gull verdt! Eg har begynt Ã¥ kladde eit innlegg om mine kjære svigerforeldre i dag… sÃ¥ fÃ¥r vi sjÃ¥ om eg fÃ¥r lagt det ut pÃ¥ bloggen ein dag :)


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SÃ¥ koselig :) SÃ¥nne stunder er gull verdt! Eg har begynt Ã¥ kladde eit innlegg om mine kjære svigerforeldre i dag… sÃ¥ fÃ¥r vi sjÃ¥ om eg fÃ¥r lagt det ut pÃ¥ bloggen ein dag :)


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Det är sÃ¥ svÃ¥rt att värja sig frÃ¥n den ilskna sjukan , tyvärr :( Klorin fÃ¥r inköpas dÃ¥ det faktiskt är det bästa som biter pÃ¥ dessa bakterier) hehe ilskna bascilusk. Ta det nu lugnt och hasta inte, kryakrya! Kram Sophia