První pohled: Labyrint - Útěk s doprovodným komiksem

vydáno 23. 4. 2015 | autor Anna Kopecká, Petr Semecký | sekce Novinky, Extra HD | téma Filmy, Z domova | 10881 komentářů

Tagy: Blu-ray, film, komiks, Labyrint: Útěk, The Maze Runner

Studio 20th Century Fox se v poslední době snaží zaplavovat tuzemský trh řádným kotlem speciálních edic snad ke každému většímu titulu. Stačí si vzpomenout na jeho asi největší současnou frančízu X-Men, která dostala kolekci, verzi s komiksem a nyní se chystají dokonce i steelbooky starších filmů.

Maze Runner aka Labyrint: Útěk je v tomto směru ještě celkem skromný, neboť jsme se prozatím dočkali jen amaray balení a steelbooku. Od dubna k nim však přibude i „limitovaná edice s komiksem“. Že to zní honosně? Ano. Praxe je ale mnohem obyčejnější.

The Maze Runner

Pokud jste měli v rukách komiksovou edici posledních X-Menů, můžete si udělat dobrou představu o tom, co vás čeká v případě Labyrintu. Jen s tím rozdílem, že booklet v podobě komiksu je v tomto případě opravdu výrazně tenčí a nenabízí v podstatě nic zásadního. Uvnitř drobného sešítku naleznete dva krátké příběhy. Jeden se zabývá postavou Albyho, který se snaží postarat o svého nakažené přítele. Druhý pak vypráví o jednom z běžců (jméno už jsem zapomněl, pardon), který vám ve zkratce popisuje svoje vnitřní pocity ze svého nelehkého údělu.

Za scénáři k oběma příběhům stojí mimo jiné sám režisér filmu Wes Ball. Je však nadmíru jasné, že se jedná spíše o „companion k filmu“, než o nějakou větší nástavbu příběhu. Pokud jste si prozatím žádnou edici Labyrintu: Útěk nepořídili, jedná se o vcelku zajímavou alternativu k obyčejnému amarayi (ten ke komiksu dostanete mimochodem taky). Pakliže jste však šli do jedné z předchozích edic, nevidím důvod, proč byste měli investovat znovu.

The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner
The Maze Runner Blu-ray ediciLabyrint: Útěk poskytl distributor Bontonfilm, kterému tímto velmi děkujeme! Edici můžete zakoupit v obchodě

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esa foto del team DMC es en baires no vez que kouji wada esta de fondo cantando jejeje :Dverdaderamente es increible como este año se pusieron las pilas y podieron verse cosplay realmente facheros…


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Feltbot, bookmark this post, so we can come back later and reanalyze. I’ve had some of the same “It’s possible” theories about Keith Smart. Example: I have theorized that Smarts been running half court structured sets instead of pick and rolls because he’s been told to by Lacob. I’ve also held off on judging Smart as a head coach because it’s only been 29 games. Rookie players get some leeway to make mistakes and learn, so why not rookie head coaches?


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I think it’d be fairly easy to pick up, since it would really be much like picking a violin or viola. I played viola for a couple years, so maybe there’d be hope for me to learn. Thanks for your sweet comments!


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I think it’d be fairly easy to pick up, since it would really be much like picking a violin or viola. I played viola for a couple years, so maybe there’d be hope for me to learn. Thanks for your sweet comments!


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LdA, acho isso natural, essa verba devia ter como garantia o aval de alguém da direcção anterior e passou a ter da actual, é o normal quando se mudam de orgãos dirigentes.Jonas, eu não disse que acreditava que esse ou qualquer outra verba seja real, eu disse que nunca foi dito que os 100 milhões eram para investir na equipa.Mas tem razão, relativamente ao Sporting serei sempre ingénuo.


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Attivissimo:In fin dei conti, è come se qualcuno si introducesse in casa nostra forzando la porta, rubasse un nostro coltello e lo usasse per un delitto, e poi condannassero noi come corresponsabili per aver fornito il coltello.Secondo me no, è come se qualcuno si introducesse in casa nostra perché non abbiamo chiuso la porta a chiave.Forzare la porta è già un atto distruttivo come bucare il WEP.Il fatto è che gli utenti su Internet, come tu stesso hai detto in altre occasioni, non sentono il bisogno di chiudere la porta a chiave come nella vita reale.


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Attivissimo:In fin dei conti, è come se qualcuno si introducesse in casa nostra forzando la porta, rubasse un nostro coltello e lo usasse per un delitto, e poi condannassero noi come corresponsabili per aver fornito il coltello.Secondo me no, è come se qualcuno si introducesse in casa nostra perché non abbiamo chiuso la porta a chiave.Forzare la porta è già un atto distruttivo come bucare il WEP.Il fatto è che gli utenti su Internet, come tu stesso hai detto in altre occasioni, non sentono il bisogno di chiudere la porta a chiave come nella vita reale.


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Hey Sas , gefeliciteerd met je eerste blog jaar !!! natuurlijk volg ik je , en ik wil heel graag mee doen met je give away !! Super hoor! Ik vind het type naambord Highlander zeer mooi. Ik zie het al bij de voordeur hangen !!Ik heb nu een gietijzere waar de verf afbladderd… een beetje armoedig.dus ik ga duimen !!!!Ik wens je een fijne zondag verder liefs Peet !ps Leuk dat je er vorige week was !!


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Hello Ms.Southern Belle!I too did this and yes it is so WONDERFUL!!I did not add those downy balls so I am going to get some and add them into my batch.I hope you have a a great weekend.Smiles,Sheila


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Hello Ms.Southern Belle!I too did this and yes it is so WONDERFUL!!I did not add those downy balls so I am going to get some and add them into my batch.I hope you have a a great weekend.Smiles,Sheila


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Is it true that it is powered by Bing?Ifso getting them to fix their search results may be difficultThe deal may be made with Yahoo, but Microsoft has a corporate interest to make sure it’s not easy to fix problems with Linux or to find more information about it.There have been article’s in the past of ‘colored’ search results where anti-linux news and pro-microsoft bias had a higher ‘bing-pageranking’.I doubt Yahoo is able to do much about this.


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…Oh, and I suppose having made a fuss about the use of stats, I ought to admit that my comment about teaching is purely anecdotal and not based on research. I bet I'm right, though.


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À propos de sainte Cécile:J´ai lu que sainte Cécile est la patronne de la musique par un erreur. Le mot « organis » apparaît dans l´office religieux de la sainte et ça fit croire qu´elle avait un instrument musical pendant son martyre.


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I have always tended to enjoy music videos that were more down to earth and followed the lyrics. Not just flash cuts of hot chicks and obsure bs.


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I have always tended to enjoy music videos that were more down to earth and followed the lyrics. Not just flash cuts of hot chicks and obsure bs.


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about her at this point. I do know that she was controversial and powerfully charismatic. I have always been a little concerned, though, about the reverence the Foursquare church seems to hold her in. But, then, I’m a Foursquare outsider, so my perceptions are certainly not accurate.Rich


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about her at this point. I do know that she was controversial and powerfully charismatic. I have always been a little concerned, though, about the reverence the Foursquare church seems to hold her in. But, then, I’m a Foursquare outsider, so my perceptions are certainly not accurate.Rich


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Dhal is something I've never cooked but know I should because it's so easy, cheap, and delicious. I almost thought you had made polenta by the colour though! Good to hear the hubby likes it as well.


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Hey leute,ich den film 96 Stunden gesehen ist echt Hamma geil kann ich euch nur empfehlen…;)ist echt richtig geiler Action Film


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Wess,Great post.It is scary how both parties often draw on nationalistic images, and as a Christian I can’t help but be reminded of Bonhoeffer’s struggle in WWII. German churches were placing the Nazi flag in services, and Mein Kampf seem to be the text of nationalism.I think that if we aren’t careful we will find ourselves repeating the mistakes of the past.rhett


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Has fashion struck the hate groups? Going by your first picture, Jewish JJJ members now wear pink robes? I'll have to get my robes dyed.


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Very cogent presentation.Your article has stressed the importance of the keywords. Selection of proper keywords is important to receive the traffic and using them relevantly helps in sustaining the same.Helpful article.Good luck!


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André 21.09.2010  – 10:12 Where can I find more about the FastSweep?After some manual search I found one line about native 64bit. I would like to read more about technical internal changes.


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André 21.09.2010  – 10:12 Where can I find more about the FastSweep?After some manual search I found one line about native 64bit. I would like to read more about technical internal changes.


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If you dont mind, where do you host your site? I am looking for a great host and your web site appears to be fast and up just about all the time


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If you dont mind, where do you host your site? I am looking for a great host and your web site appears to be fast and up just about all the time


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Adventure17 May 2012 by Matt Gibson No Comments Blog TweetTweetI’m proud to announce that I won round #42 of  Travel Photo Roulette, which is a themed contest that’s passed around from blogger to blogger. Below is my winning

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Adventure17 May 2012 by Matt Gibson No Comments Blog TweetTweetI’m proud to announce that I won round #42 of  Travel Photo Roulette, which is a themed contest that’s passed around from blogger to blogger. Below is my winning

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I would love the Storm palette. :3You’re such a generous and nice person, I’m surprised I haven’t heard of your blog before. I’m a big fan now and will be following your blog for a long while. c:


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Dog books would be great. A series of books would also be helpful. Also comedy, and perhaps fantasy, and wolves. Wolf books would be the best. Any ideas, guys? Can ya help me out?Thanks all of you. I forgot to mention, I’ve already read the Percy Jackson series, and Judy Bloom, Old Yeller, White Fang and Call of the Wild. I have heard Harry Potter is really good, though. I’ll check it out!


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Dog books would be great. A series of books would also be helpful. Also comedy, and perhaps fantasy, and wolves. Wolf books would be the best. Any ideas, guys? Can ya help me out?Thanks all of you. I forgot to mention, I’ve already read the Percy Jackson series, and Judy Bloom, Old Yeller, White Fang and Call of the Wild. I have heard Harry Potter is really good, though. I’ll check it out!


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At Crater Lake yesterday, twice I was put in the position where I might have had to perform S&R duties for people who were doing really really stupid stunts on the mountain. There was no cell phone service in the area so calling for help would have been impossible. As far as I was concerned this was two times too many. Since I don't have health insurance and am not interested in putting my health and safety at risk I opted to leave the park. Read the blog if you want the full story.


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At Crater Lake yesterday, twice I was put in the position where I might have had to perform S&R duties for people who were doing really really stupid stunts on the mountain. There was no cell phone service in the area so calling for help would have been impossible. As far as I was concerned this was two times too many. Since I don't have health insurance and am not interested in putting my health and safety at risk I opted to leave the park. Read the blog if you want the full story.


Vložil auto insurance rates Killeen TX (bez ověření), 21. Říjen 2018 - 23:46

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sintomo di scarsa considerazione per la vita.@Francescohai ragione, infatti Stockhausen è citato anche nei commenti del post di Camisani Calzolari. Credo che il tentativo di farsi pubblicità, o quantomeno di apparire “figo” e “creativo”, siano più che altro di Vicky “pampurio” Gitti. Marco Doppiocognome si è limitato a segnalare l’imbecillità della tesi del cretin… ops creativo.


Vložil auto insurance rates Oakley CA (bez ověření), 22. Říjen 2018 - 0:25

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Anon – I think I have just the basic Kikoman (sp?) soy sauce… there are „dark“ varieties, but I use the regular grocery store garden variety :) It might just be the way the pictures look, although I do remember my meatballs looking nice and red/orange.


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Ormai quel punto è noto a tutta Roma: prova a metterti lì il sabato pomeriggio dopo le 14:30 e guarda che girandola di passaggi. L'altra settimana un SUV si è incastrato tra due macchine proprio mentre scendeva a tutta velocità e non ti dico la soddisfazione di vederlo tornare sui suoi passi a marcia indietro.


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Ormai quel punto è noto a tutta Roma: prova a metterti lì il sabato pomeriggio dopo le 14:30 e guarda che girandola di passaggi. L'altra settimana un SUV si è incastrato tra due macchine proprio mentre scendeva a tutta velocità e non ti dico la soddisfazione di vederlo tornare sui suoi passi a marcia indietro.


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Thank you for this information. My question is related to this. How can i move my content from an old domain with bad links and stuff i would never do again to a completly new domain without using redirects. while using redirects it would be possible that my new domain would also hit with the same penalty. thats why i do not want to use redirects for the new domain.what steps should i go?Hopefully someone from google could answer.Regards


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Hola Broo ! kiero agradecerte dos cosas la primer ke resubiste esta excelente musica y segundo por tu avisa te tomaste la molestia MUCHAS MUCHAS MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS ¡TE VAS A IR AL CIELO CON TODO ZAPATOS,GUITARRA Y CHAMARRA!!


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Great job, Andrea. I like people who do for a living other things than going to their regular job day by day. These top ten easy business ideas can help some people think about other ways to improve their income too. Money is never enough. Which is why we are always looking to earn more.


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Great job, Andrea. I like people who do for a living other things than going to their regular job day by day. These top ten easy business ideas can help some people think about other ways to improve their income too. Money is never enough. Which is why we are always looking to earn more.


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did they photoshop the cleavage into that pic where you wore a bikini bra? on a different note, your breasts were resting on errol's back. how does alaric feel about that when he saw the pic?


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J’ai vu beaucoup de version du projet 365, le plus souvent, pour ceux qui arrivent au bout, les photos au début sont vraiment sympa, réfléchie et bien traitée.Puis arrive un moment où l’on ressent au travers des images la perte d’intérêt et de motivation.Ils vont au bout, mais la qualité n’est plus là.Rare sont les projets 365 qui sont des perles avec de superbes images sur presque toute l’année.


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J’ai vu beaucoup de version du projet 365, le plus souvent, pour ceux qui arrivent au bout, les photos au début sont vraiment sympa, réfléchie et bien traitée.Puis arrive un moment où l’on ressent au travers des images la perte d’intérêt et de motivation.Ils vont au bout, mais la qualité n’est plus là.Rare sont les projets 365 qui sont des perles avec de superbes images sur presque toute l’année.


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ahahahahahahahahahah! Esta figura está demais!! Parabéns!!!E para quê mais palavras?Embora me dê náusea a violência infantal, neste caso é merecida. E não devia ser só a ele!!… ahahahahahjinhos


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Skulle man kunna ändra detta på något sätt så att det blir morotskaka? Är det bara att riva ner lite morötter?