Video ochutnávka z Blu-ray vydání 2012

vydáno 1. 3. 2010 | autor Daniel Felix Hrouzek | sekce Bleskovky | téma Filmy | 10846 komentářů

Tagy: 2012, Blu-ray, Facebook, film, Sony Pictures

Zítra vychází v regionu A (Amerika) na Blu-ray katastrofický blockbuster 2012 režiséra Rolanda Emmericha, u nás bude k dispozici o čtrnáct dnů později, samozřejmě s plnou českou jazykovou podporou. Vydání by mělo obsahovat obří porci bousových dokumentů, ze kterých nám studio Sony Pictures poskytlo čtyři velmi zajímavé ukázky.

Každé z videí spustíte kliknutím na šipku v jeho pravé spodní části. Kliknutím na název videa v obrazu se dostanete na stránku na Facebooku, kde najdete další zajímavá videa ze světa vysokého rozlišení a spoustu dalších informací. - logo

TIP: 2012 na Blu-ray si můžete už teď předobjednat například v e-shopu

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Vložil car insurance (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 12:09

Obrázek uživatele car insurance

I’m adding the color right now. I’ve almost got him finished; then I’ve still got the 4 of Tools (Owls). I’m working against that 7/31 deadline. That’s me – always down to the wire.


Vložil car insurance (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 12:09

Obrázek uživatele car insurance

I’m adding the color right now. I’ve almost got him finished; then I’ve still got the 4 of Tools (Owls). I’m working against that 7/31 deadline. That’s me – always down to the wire.


Vložil cheap full coverage auto insurance North Port FL (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 13:12

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Abundance Thinking Blog Carnival #4…This edition of the carnival focuses on the law of attraction -There are familiar faces and new bloggers feature in the carnival.One new contributor is Nancy Fuller from a very inspirational blog, at Info for Your Potential has an excellent post on …


Vložil cheap full coverage auto insurance North Port FL (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 13:12

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Abundance Thinking Blog Carnival #4…This edition of the carnival focuses on the law of attraction -There are familiar faces and new bloggers feature in the carnival.One new contributor is Nancy Fuller from a very inspirational blog, at Info for Your Potential has an excellent post on …


Vložil affordable car insurance Pleasantville NJ (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 13:18

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DÃ¥ ska jag äta mer kalorier! Och mindre tillsatt fett. Ska även testa att äta lite kolhydrater, men sÃ¥ mycket som du äter nu vet inte om jag vill äta. Fast nÃ¥t mÃ¥ste jag ju äta för att komma upp i kalorier, och det finns inte sÃ¥ mycket att välja pÃ¥… VÃ¥gar du lita pÃ¥ Ancel Keys?


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DÃ¥ ska jag äta mer kalorier! Och mindre tillsatt fett. Ska även testa att äta lite kolhydrater, men sÃ¥ mycket som du äter nu vet inte om jag vill äta. Fast nÃ¥t mÃ¥ste jag ju äta för att komma upp i kalorier, och det finns inte sÃ¥ mycket att välja pÃ¥… VÃ¥gar du lita pÃ¥ Ancel Keys?


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Vložil cheapest car insurance in Wallingford CT (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 17:32

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I have a question. How can you STAND IT?! How could you BEAR to read a book between Twilight and New Moon? How can you LIVE for just one day without reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn? You are a much stronger, better woman than I am.I am so in love with Edward and Alice that I can’t bear it. My heart isn’t big enough for the love I feel for these people. They’re not characters, sheila. They’re people. I know you hear me.BTW, it’s my brand new obsession. I know you can understand this.


Vložil cheapest car insurance in Wallingford CT (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 17:32

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I have a question. How can you STAND IT?! How could you BEAR to read a book between Twilight and New Moon? How can you LIVE for just one day without reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn? You are a much stronger, better woman than I am.I am so in love with Edward and Alice that I can’t bear it. My heart isn’t big enough for the love I feel for these people. They’re not characters, sheila. They’re people. I know you hear me.BTW, it’s my brand new obsession. I know you can understand this.


Vložil cheap auto insurance WY (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 18:19

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I guess I would have to say right now, Meg is my favorite, because I’ve read her story. But, I’m looking forward to reading all the sister’s stories, so it’s hard to say who my favorite will end up being….maybe Kit, but we will see. As for sister’s I have 3 sisters (and one brother). I’m the youngest of the bunch!


Vložil cheap auto insurance WY (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 18:19

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I guess I would have to say right now, Meg is my favorite, because I’ve read her story. But, I’m looking forward to reading all the sister’s stories, so it’s hard to say who my favorite will end up being….maybe Kit, but we will see. As for sister’s I have 3 sisters (and one brother). I’m the youngest of the bunch!


Vložil cheap non owners insurance Turlock CA (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 19:40

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baÅŸlayalı fazla olmadı kendimi berbat yanlız hissediyorum ilk baÅŸ astım sandım ama degilmiÅŸ acilen tadavi almam gerektigini söylüyolar hecniÅŸte yaÅŸadıgım hem ailem hemde kendimin berbat ÅŸeyler ve ÅŸimdi sevgilim terk etmesi beni öldürüyo ne yapa bilirim sadece ölmek istiyorum


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baÅŸlayalı fazla olmadı kendimi berbat yanlız hissediyorum ilk baÅŸ astım sandım ama degilmiÅŸ acilen tadavi almam gerektigini söylüyolar hecniÅŸte yaÅŸadıgım hem ailem hemde kendimin berbat ÅŸeyler ve ÅŸimdi sevgilim terk etmesi beni öldürüyo ne yapa bilirim sadece ölmek istiyorum


Vložil car insurance in Monterey Park CA (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 19:44

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Ex-Fireman Fitzpatrick shouts FIRE.From Fitzpatrick's Website Bio.Political Interest:Anti Poverty, Regeneration, Anti Racism, Fire.We didn't start the fireIt was always burningSince the world's been turningWe didn't start the fireNo we didn't light itBut we tried to fight it


Vložil car insurance in Monterey Park CA (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 19:44

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Ex-Fireman Fitzpatrick shouts FIRE.From Fitzpatrick's Website Bio.Political Interest:Anti Poverty, Regeneration, Anti Racism, Fire.We didn't start the fireIt was always burningSince the world's been turningWe didn't start the fireNo we didn't light itBut we tried to fight it


Vložil car insurance quotes Littleton CO (bez ověření), 22. Červen 2018 - 22:41

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scrive:hey there i came across your site searching across the web. I desired to say I like the seem of reasons for here. Maintain the idea up will save you for particular.


Vložil auto insurance rates Brighton MA (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 1:07

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I would like to inform you that there are some dead links in this post (i have also reported) and that on the Megadeth CD, you are missing the track 7 (À Tout le Monde) . Hope you fix it, thanks for your time !


Vložil auto insurance rates Brighton MA (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 1:07

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I would like to inform you that there are some dead links in this post (i have also reported) and that on the Megadeth CD, you are missing the track 7 (À Tout le Monde) . Hope you fix it, thanks for your time !


Vložil full coverage car insurance FL (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:10

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Hope none of those cute stockings are blocking your view, Sister Gracie. We have LOTS of geese here too. Mom has to stop for them often while driving and honk her horn to get them moving off the street. They sure do move slow!


Vložil full coverage car insurance FL (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:10

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Hope none of those cute stockings are blocking your view, Sister Gracie. We have LOTS of geese here too. Mom has to stop for them often while driving and honk her horn to get them moving off the street. They sure do move slow!


Vložil direct auto insurance Morgantown WV (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:35

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Ola,Gostaria de saber se com pouco tempo de gravidez ja da para ver alguma coisa por um exame transvaginal… pelo menos alguma alteraçao qe indique?Obrigada e aguardo tua resposta.


Vložil direct auto insurance Morgantown WV (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:35

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Ola,Gostaria de saber se com pouco tempo de gravidez ja da para ver alguma coisa por um exame transvaginal… pelo menos alguma alteraçao qe indique?Obrigada e aguardo tua resposta.


Vložil auto insurance quotes Angleton TX (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:43

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>Thérèse**Désolée pour la réponse tardive. Sur place, à Saint Etienne, je n’avais vraiment pas le temps de faire autre chose que hôtel-site de l’exposition. Merci quand même pour l’invitation. Nos chemins se croiseront peut être au Japon?


Vložil auto insurance quotes Angleton TX (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 2:43

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>Thérèse**Désolée pour la réponse tardive. Sur place, à Saint Etienne, je n’avais vraiment pas le temps de faire autre chose que hôtel-site de l’exposition. Merci quand même pour l’invitation. Nos chemins se croiseront peut être au Japon?


Vložil best auto insurance in Jupiter FL (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 3:17

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Love your advice at the end: “Work hard to work with good people.” True for all industries, not just the culinary arts & sciences. Good read!


Vložil best auto insurance in Jupiter FL (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 3:18

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Love your advice at the end: “Work hard to work with good people.” True for all industries, not just the culinary arts & sciences. Good read!


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Wyoming MI (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 3:55

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I experimented with taking a look at your web site with my new iphone 4 and the structure does not seem to be correct. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not working with your web page.


Vložil non owners car insurance quotes Wyoming MI (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 3:55

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I experimented with taking a look at your web site with my new iphone 4 and the structure does not seem to be correct. Might want to check it out on WAP as well as it seems most cellphone layouts are not working with your web page.


Vložil low income car insurance dmv League City TX (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 4:16

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I second the Kerry Gold butter recommendation. From what I’ve read the cows in Ireland have to feed on pasture. It’s their law. Not sure if this is true, but Kerry Gold is very golden in color! We get it at Trader Joes or Market Basket because it’s only $2.99 for 1/2 a pound there whereas other markets are selling it for $4.99 for the 1/2 pound. YIKES!!! 


Vložil low income car insurance dmv League City TX (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 4:17

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I second the Kerry Gold butter recommendation. From what I’ve read the cows in Ireland have to feed on pasture. It’s their law. Not sure if this is true, but Kerry Gold is very golden in color! We get it at Trader Joes or Market Basket because it’s only $2.99 for 1/2 a pound there whereas other markets are selling it for $4.99 for the 1/2 pound. YIKES!!! 


Vložil best car insurance in Springfield Gardens NY (bez ověření), 23. Červen 2018 - 4:52

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Greetings! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Lubbock Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the great job!


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Greetings! I’ve been following your blog for a while now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Lubbock Texas! Just wanted to tell you keep up the great job!


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“How dare you say that.”Most of them voted for parties knowing that those parties’ policies are to put people in cages. In a democracy, even a demi-democracy like Israel, that’s all that’s necessary for me to dare say that.


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Gorgeous photos and what a wonderful idea1! Love the dipping chocolate, my daughter dipped bananas today, but the chocolate was a bit gloppy… love the addition of the oil, I think that will really help for next time. We will give these a try too!


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